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Home Repairs/HoneyDo List/Advice & Tips/etc.

Ok, the weather has been wreaking havoc with my garage door opening and closing. So much that the door started up and then started coming back down and met with the rear end of the car. Car ok, garage door now has two damaged panels. I have it back on the tracks, but will need to replace the two panels. Has anyone done anything like this before? Can you buy just two panels or do you have to do the whole garage door?
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Suggestions are welcome: I have an inflatable bed--double-decker type--that had been the single most comfortable bed I've ever owned.
When I moved, it somewhere sprang a leak. Nothing large enough to see and patch, just enough to slowly leak out over about an hour, so if you're laying on it, you wake up like Bruce Willis in Unbreakable when he's in the swimming pool and the tarp is swallowing him.

I'm not willing to lay out the $$$ to replace it, and maybe have that one spring a leak, too, but I'd like to try coating it with something to maybe fill the pinhole leak. I thought about ordering that stuff they advertise for sealing gutters (the one where they put a screen in the bottom of a rowboat and seal it), but I don't know about the fumes from the stuff once it's inside.

Any ideas of an effective sealer that could be sprayed/brushed on that wouldn't slowly poison me as I slept?
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Suggestions are welcome: I have an inflatable bed--double-decker type--that had been the single most comfortable bed I've ever owned.
When I moved, it somewhere sprang a leak. Nothing large enough to see and patch, just enough to slowly leak out over about an hour, so if you're laying on it, you wake up like Bruce Willis in Unbreakable when he's in the swimming pool and the tarp is swallowing him.

I'm not willing to lay out the $$$ to replace it, and maybe have that one spring a leak, too, but I'd like to try coating it with something to maybe fill the pinhole leak. I thought about ordering that stuff they advertise for sealing gutters (the one where they put a screen in the bottom of a rowboat and seal it), but I don't know about the fumes from the stuff once it's inside.

Any ideas of an effective sealer that could be sprayed/brushed on that wouldn't slowly poison me as I slept?
You could always mix a spray bottle of water with some Dawn and spray sections of the mattress, one area at a time, find where the air is leaking by the bubbles, and find a patch kit for it. I don't know a lot about plastics, but one thing i do know is that if you put the wrong kind of adhesive/chemical/solvent to it, it'll melt. Lol
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It came with a small patch kit--it just never occurred to me I'd need an electron microscope to find the hole. I thought of spraying water, but didn't know about the trick with adding dish soap. It might work. I may try that one. As for melting it, well, it's pretty much useless now anyway.

Thanks, Kyle.
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Ok, the weather has been wreaking havoc with my garage door opening and closing. So much that the door started up and then started coming back down and met with the rear end of the car. Car ok, garage door now has two damaged panels. I have it back on the tracks, but will need to replace the two panels. Has anyone done anything like this before? Can you buy just two panels or do you have to do the whole garage door?

Depends on the age and brand. Hopefully you can find the brand on it. Best case you can also find the model number or name. If it's a newer door there may be a packet of paperwork stuck to it. Contact a local distributor/retailer/installer for that brand. Be prepared for sticker shock at buying 2 sections. Might be cheaper to replace the door. Don't try to substitute a different brand (or model, most likely) of the same size because the section joints won't match up and it will look like a cobbled up mess. Good Luck!
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Kitchen rehab time! The wife is getting a nice bonus check and we have been waiting to redo the kitchen. We have looked at replacing, refacing, and doing new cupboard doors and decided that it was just as easy and as cost effective to replace the cabinets. Looking at doing granite counter tops as well. I just ripped out the island yesterday and started the removal of the existing tile floor, which I will redo. Good times, the smell of construction dust, a good manly sweat...oooooooohhhhhooooooo


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Ok, the weather has been wreaking havoc with my garage door opening and closing. So much that the door started up and then started coming back down and met with the rear end of the car. Car ok, garage door now has two damaged panels. I have it back on the tracks, but will need to replace the two panels. Has anyone done anything like this before? Can you buy just two panels or do you have to do the whole garage door?

Sorry for late replye Bri, you can but it just depends on the manufacturer. Find your serial tag and call it in - if they don't have any in stock, you're last bet is to try the old internet search to see if any suppliers have any left but most likely your first call will be the yes/no. Replacing the panels themselves is easy and something we do on the property insurance side quite often if we get a match.

Also, did a quick project that reaped a nice benefit - I'll try to add pics. We have a floor to ceiling flagstone fireplace, late 60's style (think Brady Bunch....) and gave it two layers of outdoor sealer and it turned out great, huge difference...grout has the nice wet look and the stone has a great gloss.
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Had the HVAC unit trip at 10:30 tonight; we have a reusable filter that's supposed to be green but instead was caked in grey....whoops....should probably find a way to remember to clean that more than once every uh...every time it's dirty enough to trip :)
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