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Home Repairs/HoneyDo List/Advice & Tips/etc.

buckeyebri;2352120; said:
I recently redid our flooring with bamboo. I haven't got the trim all done yet and my wife noticed this pile of debris on the floor in the corner. It is a brick house and on a slab. Thoughts?

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Zippercat;2352146; said:
Got pets or kids?

My thoughts...after I installed the laminate up in the bedrooms, the amount of hair that clumps in the corners is disturbing
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I am working on a theory that Lava Rocks migrate....

We have lava rock beds from the previous owner of the house. I hate them and my wife tends to like them. I am seemingly always finding rocks in the yard, the driveway, and just on the edge of the brick trim that separates the yard and the bed, attempting to get in the yard.

like I said working on this theory.....
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Well I think we may be moving in the Spring. This house has been great, but we're looking for something more permanent. We'll be here about 2.5-3 years in the Spring. Hopefully can make some $ on this thing
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Tore down my old, rotted fence and built a new one this weekend with the help of a buddy. I was able to salvage the posts and brackets so it was a fairly easy project, although my buddy had the tough task of rebuilding the doors. Managed to get it nearly completed after about 4 hours on Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday. Just have some finishing trim to put on tonight and the hardware on the doors. Gonna pay a rugby player to paint the fence using a latex stain that should match the original color. Attached a couple pictures of the from late last evening.

IMG_0638.JPG IMG_0639.JPG

Next project is the one I am dreading: the previous owner, in an attempt to quickly flip the house, put new vinyl siding on the house which he then painted. At the time we purchased the house, everything looked fine. Over time, the siding has warped with the changes in temperature and is now falling off the house in certain spots. Sadly it looks like we have no choice but to replace 100% of the siding on the house and garage. My question is this...has anyone chosen to use Hardie Plank over vinyl siding? I am trying to weigh the cost/benefit and would love to hear any input.
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Tore down my old, rotted fence and built a new one this weekend with the help of a buddy. I was able to salvage the posts and brackets so it was a fairly easy project, although my buddy had the tough task of rebuilding the doors. Managed to get it nearly completed after about 4 hours on Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday. Just have some finishing trim to put on tonight and the hardware on the doors. Gonna pay a rugby player to paint the fence using a latex stain that should match the original color. Attached a couple pictures of the from late last evening.

View attachment 8234 View attachment 8235

Next project is the one I am dreading: the previous owner, in an attempt to quickly flip the house, put new vinyl siding on the house which he then painted. At the time we purchased the house, everything looked fine. Over time, the siding has warped with the changes in temperature and is now falling off the house in certain spots. Sadly it looks like we have no choice but to replace 100% of the siding on the house and garage. My question is this...has anyone chosen to use Hardie Plank over vinyl siding? I am trying to weigh the cost/benefit and would love to hear any input.
We are currently building and using it. After selling a Tudor, I don't ever want another house without it. Make sure you do the trim as well. No rot ever again. It's genius.
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Got bored over the weekend. Had a few gallons of various colors of paint laying around from other projects, so I decided to paint my kitchen. Didn't like any of the straight colors, so I decided to lighten up a yellowish orange I had used in the extra bath and KILZ white primer. Got the perfect color out of it. Ran out of paint with about 15% left. Now I can't seem to match the color again. ARRGHH!!!
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Got bored over the weekend. Had a few gallons of various colors of paint laying around from other projects, so I decided to paint my kitchen. Didn't like any of the straight colors, so I decided to lighten up a yellowish orange I had used in the extra bath and KILZ white primer. Got the perfect color out of it. Ran out of paint with about 15% left. Now I can't seem to match the color again. ARRGHH!!!
You should be able to take some of the paint to Home Depot or the like and they can match it. About the size of a quarter is enough...
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You should be able to take some of the paint to Home Depot or the like and they can match it. About the size of a quarter is enough...
Yeah, I know, but I was trying to be frugal and use up paint that I already have (and will most likely never use again) rather than spend more cash. I have it really close now, and should have enough to just do a second coat all around so that the color remains constant.
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