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Also for anyone considering composite or other fake decking, take a longer look at Ipe (Brazilian hardwood). It will last a lifetime too and looks incredible. Based on your location and contractors, it can be comparable to a mid to high end composite deck material in price.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CXsPdimVpA"]Mataverde Ipe Decking Outlasts Other Decking Species - YouTube[/ame]

It will last 40 years untreated and 100 years treated. East Teak is the go to vendor for Ipe sales on most forums

It was way out of our budget, $4k for the deck boards (no fasteners, railing, framing) to cover our 320 Sq ft, compared to $1.3k for good 2x6 cedar from Contract Lumber, our local lumber yard. However, budget is why we steered clear of composite and are building it ourselves.
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What I did on my mom's deck for the railing post is a combo of items. The outside 6x4's were already run up through. I added the additional 4x4's in the middle with the stringers for support and brought them up through to the same height as the 6x4's. I then added the 2 corner, by the house, and middle 4x4's by attaching them from the outside and also adding a bracing on the back side. These are roughly to the bottom of the outside framing board.

It is always fun when dealing with existing construction and what others did. I would have had higher posts personally. These post heights caused me to build my own railings, which while a little time consuming weer a lot cheaper in the end.


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Photos by the previous owner for the real estate listing:


I'm happy for now. This still isn't much space compared to where I grew up, but at least now when I have children there will be space for them to play wiffle ball, play catch, or kick a soccer ball around. Our problems with water running in toward the foundation seem to have been solved - not only is the re-graded area dry, but my sump pump isn't running anymore. The grass isn't ideal yet - but last night was our first opportunity to mow the new stuff. At least I can say that I won't kick up a huge dust cloud like I used to mowing certain parts where the old tree kept grass from growing or where the previous owners had aborted their gardening.
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We're in the midst of a pretty major deck/pergola construction project as well. We decided to hire out the foundation/framing/ledgers and the pergola and my brother and nephew are coming out from OH to help install the decking. We went with cedar for the pergola and composite decking (EverGrain). I'll post some pics when I get around to it.
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Nice, I want to do a deck at the house and go over some pavers they used. I also want to do the pergola, so I will be interested to see the pics.

That looks great Jib and I am not just talking about the grill cover....:biggrin:
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I need to replace my sump pump and need some advice:

1) Is it overkill to buy a battery backup? $360 installed for a 1/2 HP sump pump. $1295 for a two pump system with a battery backup, set of alerts when the power and/or pump dies (including alerts to security system or emails).

2) How difficult & time consuming is it to replace the sump pump myself? I'm not opposed to spending $360, especially since I'm rather overworked at the moment.

In addition to the deck tasks, we also get to dig up a trench by our tree where we have a blockage in our outflow pipe. The water was getting stuck and backflowing out of the gutter pipe near the foundation. Thankfully were outside on such an ugly day due to deck building so we knew it was happening.
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jwinslow;2352009; said:
I need to replace my sump pump and need some advice:

1) Is it overkill to buy a battery backup? $360 installed for a 1/2 HP sump pump. $1295 for a two pump system with a battery backup, set of alerts when the power and/or pump dies (including alerts to security system or emails).

2) How difficult & time consuming is it to replace the sump pump myself? I'm not opposed to spending $360, especially since I'm rather overworked at the moment.

In addition to the deck tasks, we also get to dig up a trench by our tree where we have a blockage in our outflow pipe. The water was getting stuck and backflowing out of the gutter pipe near the foundation. Thankfully were outside on such an ugly day due to deck building so we knew it was happening.

When we sold our house, like within a week, the sump went bad. Right before the inspection of all times. Anyhow, it was something that we gladly replaced (actually, the only thing on their list that we did). It took me longer to get to the store to buy one than it did for me to do the replacement. 20 mintue job, soup to nuts. One of the easiest things you'll likely ever have to do in a home.
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jwinslow;2352009; said:
I need to replace my sump pump and need some advice:

1) Is it overkill to buy a battery backup? $360 installed for a 1/2 HP sump pump. $1295 for a two pump system with a battery backup, set of alerts when the power and/or pump dies (including alerts to security system or emails).

2) How difficult & time consuming is it to replace the sump pump myself? I'm not opposed to spending $360, especially since I'm rather overworked at the moment.

$360 doesn't seem bad to me. We spent about $250 at Home Depot (for a 3/4 HP + misc crap) back in 2009 (there might have been more than the pump on there, but I don't think it would have been much more than that.) It wasn't a terribly difficult process, maybe 2-3 hours installing it, getting pipes to line up properly. I wouldn't have done it myself, but Mrs. Katt was comfortable with doing it, so I let her.)

We did not go for any backup, but we don't have any high value items in the basement, so it's not the end of the world if it goes again.
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