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I actually like the cabinets quite a bit. I am not a stranger to putting together IKEA furniture from their cute little picture books. I found some videos on line on putting them together for a full kitchen. I understand there was a book we could have got on putting the whole cabinet together and in what order but the sales person never said anything about it. The one thing I haven't done besides the leg covers is there is an end panel on each visible end that I have to attach. No instructions on that and the videos gloss over that.
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Few questions here

My soaker hose for the sprinkler system seems to have sprung a leak in the middle of the hose. it might be an actual tear in the hose - should I be able to duck tape the hole shut?

Anyone ever removed rust stains from concrete - any recommendations on methods?

Thanks in advance
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Few questions here

My soaker hose for the sprinkler system seems to have sprung a leak in the middle of the hose. it might be an actual tear in the hose - should I be able to duck tape the hole shut?

Anyone ever removed rust stains from concrete - any recommendations on methods?

Thanks in advance

How big is the spot? If not huge, I've always used squeezed fresh lemons (sounds weird) if it's a small spot and let the citric acid do it's work. Most fancy rust cleaners in stores have that as the #1 or 2 ingredient anyways (for the rust spots)
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How big is the spot? If not huge, I've always used squeezed fresh lemons (sounds weird) if it's a small spot and let the citric acid do it's work. Most fancy rust cleaners in stores have that as the #1 or 2 ingredient anyways (for the rust spots)
Most of the sidewalk :).... screwed the pooch big time putting down some grass greener ... fail on my part
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Looking to get the grass looking a little better.....

Anyone do their own fertilizing and have a specific brand they had great success with? Is aerating it going to make a big difference or not much? I'm in Northeast Ohio, the ground is pretty porous already (at least, I think so....)
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Looking to get the grass looking a little better.....

Anyone do their own fertilizing and have a specific brand they had great success with? Is aerating it going to make a big difference or not much? I'm in Northeast Ohio, the ground is pretty porous already (at least, I think so....)
Aeration is huge every few years (or more often) It allows the ground to breathe.

As for fertilizer, I have good success with Scott's or Lesco.
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Anyone ever call 811 or use the 811 ticket creation website? Wow, they really make it easy and this from someone who deals with geospatial data all the time....:roll1:

On the website, why would I create a login and request a password for something I am going to use umm probably once. So, I chose to call. Really you cant just take my address and know figure out everything you need to in your system? Its called geocoding and then utilizing geoprocessing.....
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Just paid the first payment towards our home addition. Gonna be an interesting next several months while we live through a reno with a one year old a pregnant wife.

We are adding onto the bedroom on the 1st floor, adding 2 walk-in closets and master bath. Making it a huge master suite. Adding a mudroom and separate entry point into the basement. Adding another bedroom on the second level and completely revamping the upstairs bath, making it kid friendly and about double the size.

Fingers crossed no surprise expenses!!!
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