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Home Repairs/HoneyDo List/Advice & Tips/etc.

Taos did you use any base (sand, pea gravel) and a black plastic for a weed barrier with these?
No weed barrier in my case. I don't get a lot of rain/grass growth. Just a minimal amount of sand for leveling. My soil is a mix of clay and sand. Once you get a consistent level, laying pavers goes really quick. I'll finish with some Poli-sand. That's the beauty of using these. Lowe's has them.
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Anyone have any recommendations for buying a patio table and chairs? I think we're looking around the 1k mark or so. Any advice for what to buy and where (within an hour of columbus) is appreciated.

We've tried Menards (junk), Costco (made well but not our taste) and browsed the online inventory at Pier 1, Arhaus, World Market and a few other big names. I haven't really looked at Lowes or Home Depot yet (I wasn't sure if they would be well made).

I found one very interesting unit at Amazon but am wary of buying something with 1 review (and not being able to sit in it):
7 Piece Patio Furniture Dining Set
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Anyone have any recommendations for buying a patio table and chairs? I think we're looking around the 1k mark or so. Any advice for what to buy and where (within an hour of columbus) is appreciated.

We've tried Menards (junk), Costco (made well but not our taste) and browsed the online inventory at Pier 1, Arhaus, World Market and a few other big names. I haven't really looked at Lowes or Home Depot yet (I wasn't sure if they would be well made).

I found one very interesting unit at Amazon but am wary of buying something with 1 review (and not being able to sit in it):
7 Piece Patio Furniture Dining Set

I have some fantastic recommendations. What are you going to be using them for?
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I'm upgrading the home office, and my wife wanted me to make a desk that is more or less the length of the wall in the room. I just bought a house so don't have much experience doing anything more than telling the landlord to fix it. Is it really as simple as finding legs, buying enough wood at Lowe's and screwing them together/leveling? I figure I'll need to sand it down and do some sort of stain/seal so we don't get splinters while we're working on it, but can't think of anything else that I would need to worry about. Am I missing anything or already making it too complicated? Thanks.
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You just described a table. Does she want a table or a desk, with drawers, pulls, etc?

Do you need something the full length of the room for workspace? Will it get cluttered with junk? Will it clutter up the room with no open space on either side (both for functional reasons and for aesthetics)?
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Anyone have any recommendations for buying a patio table and chairs? I think we're looking around the 1k mark or so. Any advice for what to buy and where (within an hour of columbus) is appreciated.

We've tried Menards (junk), Costco (made well but not our taste) and browsed the online inventory at Pier 1, Arhaus, World Market and a few other big names. I haven't really looked at Lowes or Home Depot yet (I wasn't sure if they would be well made).

I found one very interesting unit at Amazon but am wary of buying something with 1 review (and not being able to sit in it):
7 Piece Patio Furniture Dining Set
You might check the Anderson's
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Well I think it will work given the layout of the room. It's an extra bedroom in the condo and is fairly square. The door is in one side and the only wall with windows is on the oppose site. The desk would stretch across the wall with windows. I know I need space because I spread out when I'm working in my documents (my office desk is enormous and a mess). Since it's all tucked into the wall, the rest of the room can be used as a guest bedroom of sorts; we planned on putting a convertible couch and a coffee table in the rest of the room. More importantly, does it really matter when she's made that decision?

I also was planning on cheating and buying a three short shelves and using them as legs, one on each side and one in the middle. I'd also drill a few hole to run cables through. I'm not sure how I would add in drawers, but I guess I can get there when I get there.
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Well I think it will work given the layout of the room. It's an extra bedroom in the condo and is fairly square. The door is in one side and the only wall with windows is on the oppose site. The desk would stretch across the wall with windows. I know I need space because I spread out when I'm working in my documents (my office desk is enormous and a mess). Since it's all tucked into the wall, the rest of the room can be used as a guest bedroom of sorts; we planned on putting a convertible couch and a coffee table in the rest of the room. More importantly, does it really matter when she's made that decision?

I also was planning on cheating and buying a three short shelves and using them as legs, one on each side and one in the middle. I'd also drill a few hole to run cables through. I'm not sure how I would add in drawers, but I guess I can get there when I get there.
If it's going to double as a guest bedroom, are there going to be lamps on that side of the room for the desk and general lighting? Are those going to be awkwardly placed in front of the desk? As for her making the decision, I'm curious if she's ever seen a desk that fills the entire wall space before. It sounds like a nice concept but whether it is practical and visually appealing is another.

I'd also try and get a rough estimate of how much the materials are going to cost (make sure to factor in the fasteners, pulls and other little things that get missed), get an idea of the time involved and then decide if it beats buying something used or a budget item.

Is the desk going to be higher than the window sill? Will there be monitors, lamps and other things blocking the window?

It's not that it can't work. You just want to avoid getting too busy (like this, except obscuring a window)


I actually like this concept if you skip the desktop junk. Something like that would preserve the window view nicely.
. I know I need space because I spread out when I'm working in my documents (my office desk is enormous and a mess).
As is mine at times and I've found it stays a bit cleaner when the space has to be managed. It was a disaster when I had a desk next to a table for maximum workspace.
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