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Home Repairs/HoneyDo List/Advice & Tips/etc.

I changed ours for the first time since we bought the house, over a year ago. The old filter was pretty nasty.

The reason I ask about the "good ones", is due to some people saying they can make your fan work extra hard.
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I changed ours for the first time since we bought the house, over a year ago. The old filter was pretty nasty.

The reason I ask about the "good ones", is due to some people saying they can make your fan work extra hard.
I have never heard this, but I have a good friend who owns an HVAC company and I can ask when I see him. The reason to change them monthly like I do is to keep the fan from having to work as hard.
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I have never heard this, but I have a good friend who owns an HVAC company and I can ask when I see him. The reason to change them monthly like I do is to keep the fan from having to work as hard.

I do mine every other month. My wife keeps a master calender for kids activities and such. She also keeps all of my honey-do stuff on it so she can remind me when it's time.
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I bought a washable filter...which from what I learned this winter, buy disposable for winter. Too difficult to wash the washable filter in the winter without a hose and high pressure.

Wash it once a month. Seems to work well.
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So, moved in the new house last week. Still a few things need to be done since the builder couldn't get the driveway poured.

Anyhow, this is on my Daddy-Do list.

1/2 of the basement in 1.75 inch field turf. It's rolled out but I have to glue it down. Next up is ordering the netting for the walls and do lighting.

The honey-do list is boxes and boxes.


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My wife bought me a new router. Now I find that I need a router table to go with it. Does anyone have any recomendations? I was thinking about this one from Porter Cable.


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slowly but surely the kitchen rehab continues. I have started on the new tile floor as you can see. I also have installed the island cabinets that we purchased this weekend at IKEA. I still need to put the baseboard pieces on over the legs. We are going to order the new granite counter top tonight for the island. I wanted to get the island cabinets in so I could be assured of my tile spacing as I turn and go around the island. I will have to redo one of the bamboo floor pieces for a better fit it looks like. I had trimmed it out to the old cabinets as we were going to keep those and reface them. Rehab (1).JPG
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