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Greg Schiano (HC Rutgers Scarlet Knights)

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Dream scenario he stays past Urbs departure and into early years of Hermans.
Would be nice. Although, I think he would bolt for a head coaching job if Herman gets the head coaching job instead of him. I thought he was hanging on at Rutgers for Joe Pa to retire at State Penn and then abandoned that after the program went south. I don't know if he is still interested in that position and will be biding his time here until Franklin gets fired.
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Going from coordinator to HC isn't about the money. 1 mil a year to 3 really isn't that much. It's more about doing what you want to do and being happy in life. If he dreams of being a HC again, then he will. If in 2-3 years he's really happy with where he's at and what he's doing he could be around for decades. Winning a lot of games and leading kids to national titles with a fan base that wants you to stay and living in a place you enjoy and your family is happy can be quite rewarding when compared to the unknown and the potential for being unemployed in 2-3 years. This isn't an up and comer like Herman and ash who dreamed of being a HC. He was on, very successfully at Rutgers and could have spent his career there and been loved by many. He made the move, dreamed to dream he could make it in the league, and that didn't work out well. he may want to try the nfl again. He may want to try HC in college again, but we shall see.
Make no mistake, this job landed in his lap and is only a temporary stop on his way to becoming a full-time college coach once again.
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Would be nice. Although, I think he would bolt for a head coaching job if Herman gets the head coaching job instead of him. I thought he was hanging on at Rutgers for Joe Pa to retire at State Penn and then abandoned that after the program went south. I don't know if he is still interested in that position and will be biding his time here until Franklin gets fired.
Will the Ped St gig still be valued by then? The school will take a while to lose the creepy factor from the scandal. As much of a great recruiter that Franklin was supposed to be, i haven't seen him use his southern ties like I thought or get a home run recruit(though Barkley is damn good at RB). With the current landscape of CFB being that you're given 2-3yrs and then the natives will call for your head, he could find a number of better openings in a few years (I.e. fake USC, LSU, Tenn, Maryland, Auburn, etc)
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Will the Ped St gig still be valued by then? The school will take a while to lose the creepy factor from the scandal. As much of a great recruiter that Franklin was supposed to be, i haven't seen him use his southern ties like I thought or get a home run recruit(though Barkley is damn good at RB). With the current landscape of CFB being that you're given 2-3yrs and then the natives will call for your head, he could find a number of better openings in a few years (I.e. fake USC, LSU, Tenn, Maryland, Auburn, etc)
Given the current trend of Auburn, and the uncertainty at Texas, I could see Malzahn making a move. He would be a good fit for the lack of defense that is required to compete in the Big XII-2. So Auburn could be a big opening in the next year or two, for sure.
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Ash to Rutgers, Schiano to Ohio State. Why is it I'm seeing a bunch of African animals and hearing the song "Circle of Life"? Weird.

He is actually off to a bad start. I saw pictures of him wearing Ohio State gear at the practice facility - but he had a blue shirt on underneath. Urban is slipping.
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