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Greg Schiano (HC Rutgers Scarlet Knights)

I think we're the 1%....
While seemingly half of DIA is looking at Coordinators to be their new HC, we hire a HC to be our Coordinator. I passed this off as about as likely as the usual Saban,Gruden,Cowher,Tressel to xyz rumors.
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A few predictions:
1. In two years, Ash gets fired and comes back to tOSU.
2. In two years, Schiano takes the job as a Rutgers head coach.
3. Schiano, with his ties to NJ, recruits Gary and brings him to tOSU.

Next question please.
I'm fine with all those scenarios. But Gary probably won't be wearing S&G... And if I'm wrong, please remind me of it on every big play he has as a Buckeye. He will happily take that shaming
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...just saw a pic of his family when he took the pro job. just guessing by the pic that the oldest son is now close to college age, the other 3 appear younger (now elementary, middle school, high school). would it be too sappy to suggest they made a decision to settle the family in a good town? if so, i predict he isn't going anywhere soon.
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...just saw a pic of his family when he took the pro job. just guessing by the pic that the oldest son is now close to college age, the other 3 appear younger (now elementary, middle school, high school). would it be too sappy to suggest they made a decision to settle the family in a good town? if so, i predict he isn't going anywhere soon.
Its the life of a coach, and I'm sure all of them understand that moving is part of the job. So I would say it is very sappy. OSU can and mostly will be a stepping stone for him. Most coaches have families. And know that moving to another state is right around the corner.
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pretty sure someone has... its just a fancy title to justify the paycheck. Wouldn't read to much into it.
Just wondering if it's an attempt to keep him on board as long as possible, i.e. a succession plan. Really happy with the coaching tree ties to tOSU specifically that Urban is creating. I'd love to see him stay long enough to really understand the culture, land a Maryland or VTech type HC gig for a few years then be a candidate for Urbs successor. I'd love to have the difficult choice between excellent resumes of Herman and Schiano for a future HC position. High class problem.
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