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Greatest Dead Rock Stars

Who was the biggest loss?

  • Bob Marley

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • Kurt Cobain

    Votes: 6 7.2%
  • Jimi Hendrix

    Votes: 24 28.9%
  • John Lennon

    Votes: 12 14.5%
  • Tupac

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • Elvis

    Votes: 7 8.4%
  • Jerry Garcia

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Janis Joplin

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • Ronnie Van Zant

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Freddie Mercury

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Marvin Gaye

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jim Morrison

    Votes: 7 8.4%
  • Stevie Ray Vaughn

    Votes: 7 8.4%
  • Notorious B.I.G.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Big Papa;726155; said:
I agree with Thump here. Lennon's death had such a huge social impact and people still mark the anniversary each December. I remember hearing as a kid on the radio when he died. It was just such a crazy scenario how Chapman was like a crazed, stocker fan that gunned him down. Another person that could have and should have been put on this list was Dimebag Darrell Abbott. Elvis, Hendrix and Cobain were also all huge and certainly had social impacts as well, just think Lennon's was the biggest because he was a Beatle.


That's exactly what I said earlier in the thread! If Pantera didn't have Dimebag, there wouldn't have been a band....
Upvote 0
Folanator;726087; said:
I did not put Cash or Ol' Blue Eyes on the list because they lived full lives. I kept it to people that checkout out earlier than they should have.

I am going to disagree with you here. Cash died when he was re-inventing his style. When my 13 year old sister is listening to Cash, and I am 33, then he's not done.

The American Recordings albums were done near his death, he was recording stuff that kids could relate to, that let people understand what he did when he was young, why so many of us, even those of us who didn't like country musing, loved him.

in 1994 He Released American Recordings.
In 2000 He released American 3 Solitary Man
In 2002 He released American 4 When the Man comes around.

All of these albums had covers of songs that the youth could relate to.

I understand where your going, but most of the Cash fans I know will agree, He died before his time, he was planning another tour, working another album and had reworked his style.

RIP Johnny.

Second I would go with Elvis, cuz people are psycho over him, and then Hendix/Janis/Marley, all had huge impacts on my life.
Upvote 0
OCBucksFan said:
Second I would go with Elvis, cuz people are psycho over him, and then Hendix/Janis/Marley, all had huge impacts on my life.

CCI said:
Don't forget about the female rocker of the 60's that smoked her way to the top. Janis Joplin-take another little piece of my heart now, baby!

Aside from coming to popularity during the folk/rock explosion of the late-60s, why do people continue putting Janis Joplin on the same mantel as Hendrix, Marley, etc.? Her entire recording career lasted a grand total of five years, three studio albums, and what amounts to really three huge hits out of fewer than 30 original studio songs. She didn't live to finish the fourth album, Pearl, and two of her biggest hits weren't even released until a year after her death: Me & Bobby McGee and Mercedes Benz. For fucks sake, she didn't even write those!

Joplin was nothing more than a heroin junkie and an alcoholic with a unique style and voice. By that criteria, Layne Staley has more right to be on this list than Joplin.

/end rant
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;726919; said:
We have a winner.

Put "dimebag" in a room with Flea from RHCP and you'll see who has the "carry a band on their back" type of chops. And, it won't be dimebag.

Flea?? You must be kidding. Doesn't all he do is play bass and run around on stage naked?? You can not seriously compare a Bass player with one of the best guitarists of that genre.
Upvote 0
BIATCHabutuka;726909; said:
runaway choice and the best album by far of anyone mentioned here.


I'm on record several times as having said the very same thing...still have the orginal album as well as the CD...and listen to it usually a couple of times a week.
Upvote 0
wadc45;727327; said:
I'm on record several times as having said the very same thing...still have the orginal album as well as the CD...and listen to it usually a couple of times a week.

1969 Fender Stratocaster, original pick-ups, maple neck, strung upside down for a left-handed motherfucking genius, Jimi Hendrix. - Ford Fairlane (Dice Clay)
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