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Gameplanning against LSU

Bill Lucas;1023746; said:
9 games eh? Well, every game for every team in a conference has "championship implications" so LSU isn't alone in this category.

Look, fact is y'all have a fine football team down there but other than a few games this year they seem to have underachieved. LSU could easily, easily, be a 7-5 team right now. Florida, Auburn and Alabama all had LSU on the ropes. Alabama is a team that you should have mowed down instead, like Auburn it took a miracle play or two for LSU to pull out the win. The loss to Kentucky is inexcusable and I'm not impressed with Arkansas other than McFadden and Felix Jones. Dick is a lousy QB who can throw about 3 patterns and it's questionable as to how well he can throw those on any given series.

So please, if you want to discuss football reasonably with us do so but don't think we're about to drink your kool-aid.

Here's a fact for you. Ponder on this one for a bit. BTW, this was posted by an LSU fan on Tigerforums.com so don't go thinking that it's a Buckeye feeding you propaganda.

"As far as their schedule, I'd posted this the other day:

Over the last 8 years (as far back as my source goes), the average Strength of schedule for Big Ten teams were far better than SEC teams. For instance, OSU had an average SOS of 14.375. The mighty SEC UF gator's SOS was 21.125. Bama's was 22.875, and Auburn's was 43. The same held true for other Big Ten schools, PSU, Michigan, Wiscy all had a better average SOS over the last 8 years. Here's the source too, look it up yourself:

To my fellow Buckeyes! :oh:

Obviously your the one drinking the kool-aid.
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Keys to success and food for thought in beating LSU

Keys to success and food for thought in beating LSU
1. Special teams- After Ohio State scores, they should kick the ball off as deep as possible. If Holiday #8 runs it the length of the field for a touchdown, so be it. Shame on Ohio State and their "un-special teams". Get better on your special teams; you will have the next 364 days in order to do so. Ohio State cannot afford to give LSU the ball near mid-field. I have seen teams give LSU the ball on the 50 yard line after a squib kick off, as not to kick it deep. Play scared, get beat, PERIOD! Forget the squib kick! Field position is very important and still misunderstood by most coaches today. Remember, special teams are special.

2. If Ohio State wins the opening coin flip, kick the ball deep to LSU and show them defense. Three plays and a punt. Again, field position.

3. Flynn #15- is faster than he appears to be. Spy him and spy him often, especially on third down and long situations, as he is more apt to run than pass.

4. Dorsey #72- is "overweighted". I mean overrated. The first five LSU games were cake walks. Yes, VirginiaTech is over-rated. Although, they have gotten better as of late. Dorsey has been shut down in many games this season. Dorsey is playing the injury card in order to maintain his blue chip status for the upcoming NFL draft. Watch the replay of the LSU/Tennessee SEC Championship game; Dorsey was doing calisthenics (jumping jacks) on the sideline. He has a knee and lower back injury? Give me a break!!!

5. Doucet #9- He gets all the credit as a receiver. The one to watch, Byrd #2, he is the real player in the clutch.

6. Steltz #16- He is not the fastest in the LSU secondary. But, he has the most heart on the defensive side on the ball. He will hit you hard if given the chance (Ronnie Lott caliber player in the hitting category).

7. Hester #18- North South type runner. You must tackle him. NO arm tackles. Watch for Scott #34 as he is of pro running back quality and stature, and is a diamond in the ruff. And of course the LSU coaching staff doesn't see this.

8. Perrilloux #11 - It would be a bonus for Ohio State if LSU plays him in the Big Game. The game is too big for him and he would choke. He is fragile and cannot take a lick. And if he plays, he likes to run the ball to the left side of the line.

9. Notable players- #74 Helms, # 7 Highsmith, #82 Dickson. These players receive very little credit.

10. Pelini (defensive coach) will give Ohio State 500+ yards of total offense. He doesn't know when and when not to blitz. Remember the forth down play in overtime against Arkansas. What was he thinking? Oh he wasn't thinking. And as the new head coach of Nebraska he will erase ALL the glory years that Tom Osborne and the cornhuskers had in the nineties, if there are any left.

11. Less Miles will self destruct in 8 seconds with his "damn strong football team". What a pompous ass!! He can't coach a team that only needs the resume button on the cruise control to be pushed, as set by Nick Sabin.

12. Michigan did NOT want Less Miles as their head coach. Less Miles as head coach at Michigan was a sure win for Ohio State every year.

13. Less Miles does not respect any opposing football teams.

14. "THE BALL"- Protect it and protect it well.

15. "THE GAME"- Play 4 quarters of football and bust LSU in the chops!!

16. Remember this is Nick Sabin's football team. Lee Corso could coach this LSU team to a BCS Championship game.

17. LSU cannot stop teams that have QBs that can run the football. Ohio states QB must scramble successfully in key situations.

18. Ohio State must run the football and run it often.

19. See # 18

20. LSU is not in the best of physical shape. Ohio State can wear them down.

21. Learn from and follow the above mentioned and The Ohio State Buckeyes will take home the crystal egg.
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1. Special teams- After Ohio State scores, they should kick the ball off as deep as possible.
Pettrey has a great leg, and can register touchbacks pretty often. He missed much of the season with injury. Our punter often handled kickoffs during that period.
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Did you catch his ignorant use of timeouts at the end of the Arkansas game (regulation). If Nutt had actually had any Miles left enough time on the clock for Arkansas to win in regulation. Even the announcers thought he was nutts.
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dirt;1028962; said:
Keys to success and food for thought in beating LSU
1. Special teams- After Ohio State scores, they should kick the ball off as deep as possible. If Holiday #8 runs it the length of the field for a touchdown, so be it. Shame on Ohio State and their "un-special teams". Get better on your special teams; you will have the next 364 days in order to do so. Ohio State cannot afford to give LSU the ball near mid-field. I have seen teams give LSU the ball on the 50 yard line after a squib kick off, as not to kick it deep. Play scared, get beat, PERIOD! Forget the squib kick! Field position is very important and still misunderstood by most coaches today. Remember, special teams are special.

2. If Ohio State wins the opening coin flip, kick the ball deep to LSU and show them defense. Three plays and a punt. Again, field position.

3. Flynn #15- is faster than he appears to be. Spy him and spy him often, especially on third down and long situations, as he is more apt to run than pass.

4. Dorsey #72- is "overweighted". I mean overrated. The first five LSU games were cake walks. Yes, VirginiaTech is over-rated. Although, they have gotten better as of late. Dorsey has been shut down in many games this season. Dorsey is playing the injury card in order to maintain his blue chip status for the upcoming NFL draft. Watch the replay of the LSU/Tennessee SEC Championship game; Dorsey was doing calisthenics (jumping jacks) on the sideline. He has a knee and lower back injury? Give me a break!!!

5. Doucet #9- He gets all the credit as a receiver. The one to watch, Byrd #2, he is the real player in the clutch.

6. Steltz #16- He is not the fastest in the LSU secondary. But, he has the most heart on the defensive side on the ball. He will hit you hard if given the chance (Ronnie Lott caliber player in the hitting category).

7. Hester #18- North South type runner. You must tackle him. NO arm tackles. Watch for Scott #34 as he is of pro running back quality and stature, and is a diamond in the ruff. And of course the LSU coaching staff doesn't see this.

8. Perrilloux #11 - It would be a bonus for Ohio State if LSU plays him in the Big Game. The game is too big for him and he would choke. He is fragile and cannot take a lick. And if he plays, he likes to run the ball to the left side of the line.

9. Notable players- #74 Helms, # 7 Highsmith, #82 Dickson. These players receive very little credit.

10. Pelini (defensive coach) will give Ohio State 500+ yards of total offense. He doesn't know when and when not to blitz. Remember the forth down play in overtime against Arkansas. What was he thinking? Oh he wasn't thinking. And as the new head coach of Nebraska he will erase ALL the glory years that Tom Osborne and the cornhuskers had in the nineties, if there are any left.

11. Less Miles will self destruct in 8 seconds with his "damn strong football team". What a pompous ass!! He can't coach a team that only needs the resume button on the cruise control to be pushed, as set by Nick Sabin.

12. Michigan did NOT want Less Miles as their head coach. Less Miles as head coach at Michigan was a sure win for Ohio State every year.

13. Less Miles does not respect any opposing football teams.

14. "THE BALL"- Protect it and protect it well.

15. "THE GAME"- Play 4 quarters of football and bust LSU in the chops!!

16. Remember this is Nick Sabin's football team. Lee Corso could coach this LSU team to a BCS Championship game.

17. LSU cannot stop teams that have QBs that can run the football. Ohio states QB must scramble successfully in key situations.

18. Ohio State must run the football and run it often.

19. See # 18

20. LSU is not in the best of physical shape. Ohio State can wear them down.

21. Learn from and follow the above mentioned and The Ohio State Buckeyes will take home the crystal egg.
I certainly hope this is the evalutation of the OSU coaching staff. If so, 41 pts scored by Florida will seem very low once LSU is done.
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sluTiger;1029738; said:
I certainly hope this is the evalutation of the OSU coaching staff. If so, 41 pts scored by Florida will seem very low once LSU is done.
If that's the evaluation of tOSU's coaching staff they would have lost every game this season, and they are probably really, really high.

My favorite:
9. Notable players- #74 Helms, # 7 Highsmith, #82 Dickson. These players receive very little credit.

I think this guy used to be a lawyer.
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BuckeyeCrazy107;1030090; said:
I'm not sure if this has been discussed, but what do you guys think about our coaching staff creating a package for Henton? It would confuse the hell out of LSU, but I personally think Tressel is too conservative.
An offensive package for our #3 QB? More likely to see Ray Small taking snaps.
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