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Gameplanning against LSU

haha the matt flynn factor... wow... I mean Matt to me troubles me because of his mobility but you make him sound like a top 3 player in the nation with the "matt flynn factor".

From What the players of OSU have been saying is they've been planning to come after Matt which has been where he struggles so we'll just have to see how much of a "factor" he is.
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I am not just being a biased fan here but #50, #1, and #33 + LSU's O-Line= Matt Flynn sacked. LSU's offensive line is not top notch and they will definitely have their hands full not only protecting Matt Flynn, but also opening up gaps for Hester.
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bukIpower;1031487; said:
haha the matt flynn factor... wow... I mean Matt to me troubles me because of his mobility but you make him sound like a top 3 player in the nation with the "matt flynn factor".

From What the players of OSU have been saying is they've been planning to come after Matt which has been where he struggles so we'll just have to see how much of a "factor" he is.

The Matt Flynn Factor, like the Bourne Identity, kinda inside LSU joking... Our QB looks like a tall version Matt Deamon, it is scary...

All honestly, Flynn will make a better coach than a player. To date his most impressive win was deconstruction of a very good Miami defense in the Peach bowl. It was really impressive and I am confident his reads of OSU defense will be extermly good with a month to prepair.

Flynn played a very poor game against SC then came back an handled Florida. With a month to prepare, he will be reading OSU defense pretty good. Flynn was dejected after the Ark game because he basically felt he blew it in the 1st half of that game and the last INT. I think he is looking for redemption and to salitify is legacy as LSUs qb. He wants to do something that JR could not do at LSU; win a national championship.
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BuckeyeCrazy107;1031512; said:
I am not just being a biased fan here but #50, #1, and #33 + LSU's O-Line= Matt Flynn sacked. LSU's offensive line is not top notch and they will definitely have their hands full not only protecting Matt Flynn, but also opening up gaps for Hester.

our O-line is shakey at times but when push comes to shove, they get the job done. We're near the top in rushing.

Let's just put it this way, this is the best defense, on paper, we've faced all year and y'all are facing the best team you've played all year, on paper at least. the system works, on paper.
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Tigerkid05;1031864; said:
Let's just put it this way, this is the best defense, on paper, we've faced all year and y'all are facing the best team you've played all year, on paper at least. the system works, on paper.

You work for Dunder-Mifflin or something?
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I certainly hope the Tiger coaching staff and players are believing the "SEC speed" myth. I heard the local newsguy (NO - Gannett) quoted on Bucknuts Radio spouting the same tired refrain about how the Buckeyes will have trouble coping with LSU's speed.

Make no mistake, LSU is an excellent team, but they are not any faster than Ohio State. Buckeyes are one of the fastest teams in the nation.
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MaxBuck;1031939; said:
I certainly hope the Tiger coaching staff and players are believing the "SEC speed" myth. I heard the local newsguy (NO - Gannett) quoted on Bucknuts Radio spouting the same tired refrain about how the Buckeyes will have trouble coping with LSU's speed.

Make no mistake, LSU is an excellent team, but they are not any faster than Ohio State. Buckeyes are one of the fastest teams in the nation.

We don't drink the SEC speed Kool-Aid :biggrin:
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MaxBuck;1031939; said:
I certainly hope the Tiger coaching staff and players are believing the "SEC speed" myth. I heard the local newsguy (NO - Gannett) quoted on Bucknuts Radio spouting the same tired refrain about how the Buckeyes will have trouble coping with LSU's speed.

Make no mistake, LSU is an excellent team, but they are not any faster than Ohio State. Buckeyes are one of the fastest teams in the nation.

Miles was asked in a press conference how big of an advantage would LSU's speed be. His answer: "Not much, we're not racing them"
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Brian Hartline gave an interesting rebuttal to the "cult of the SEC speed" being espoused by most of the media. While B. Hartline is obviously being supportive of his team, the truth remains that being fast and playing fast are not the same thing. Ohio State did not give up any huge, down-the-field plays to Florida's offense last year. Rather, it was just that OSU couldn't finish a deensive stand and Florida kept gutting them out. Then, OSU would get the ball, Troy Smith would get sacked for a loss of 8 yards and the Buckeye deense would go right back onto the field. The quote from Austin Murphy's CNNSI artice was: We gave up long drives, and our offense couldn't do a darn thing," says Hartline, who caught 46 balls passes season, his first as a starter, for 619 yards and five TDs. With the exception of five sacks -- Hartline concedes the Gators defensive ends were damn quick -- "They didn't have big plays on us, and they took advantage of their opportunities."Hartline is better qualified than most to compare the conferences: He's been over the issue a hundred times with his younger brother, Mike, the backup quarterback at Kentucky, one of the two teams to beat LSU this season. (Yes, B-Hart will be picking the brains of Wildcats players for a little extra help)."The biggest thing I noticed watching Kentucky and Tennessee," says Brian, is that they play a lot of man[-to-man]" -- a high-risk, high-reward philosophy more conducive to big plays. "In the Big Ten, you see a ton of zone, they'll give up the short play" -- forcing teams to sustain long drives.In Brian's opinion, "there's no huge" speed gap between the conferences in which he and his bro compete. The SEC has more spread offenses, more teams hustling to the line, going no-huddle."Do I think it's a faster paced game down in the SEC? Yeah," he says. "It's just a different kind of football." That doesn't mean SEC has faster players up and down its roster."We're fast, they're fast," he concludes. "Clock speed has nothing to do with the outcome of the game."
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Ok my take on the speed issue:

the ones for every major ccnfernce football team has equal physical speed at skill positions. I think the offensive and defensive schemes utilize the "speed" differently in the SEC than most traditional Big 10 schools. It seems that Big 10 schools find players to match their system where SEC schools change the systems to match their players. Take LSU, we have designed certain plays just for Trindon Holliday that takes advantage of his speed. They have certain plays for Hester that show his power. It is just scheme more than anything else.
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ILL certainly caters to their speed.
MSU runs a diverse offense, and design innovative ways to get Ringer, Thomas & Davis the ball.
PSU does this with DWill, problem is their blocking stinks.
OSU obviously caters their plays to their offensive personnel (compare this year with last). OSU developed packages for Ginn during bowl prep, never had a chance to use it.
Purdue does about as well as possible at featuring their playmakers, with the limited overall talent they bring to the table.
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jwinslow;1032111; said:
ILL certainly caters to their speed.
MSU runs a diverse offense, and design innovative ways to get Ringer, Thomas & Davis the ball.
PSU does this with DWill, problem is their blocking stinks.
OSU obviously caters their plays to their offensive personnel (compare this year with last). OSU developed packages for Ginn during bowl prep, never had a chance to use it.
Purdue does about as well as possible at featuring their playmakers, with the limited overall talent they bring to the table.

Ok maybe I am not using the best lanague and not trying to knock the Big-10. I just think it is a difference in philosophy.
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sluTiger;1032102; said:
It seems that Big 10 schools find players to match their system where SEC schools change the systems to match their players.
Apparently you failed to watch the Buckeyes offense when Troy Smith was quarterback so you could contrast it with the offense under Boeckman.

Ohio State's coaches are smart enough to know they need to engineer changes in the scheme to match the available talent. Again, most of the "differences" seem to me to be illusory. Brian Hartline has probably the best insight into this, given that his brother plays for Kentucky - though his bro hasn't played much.
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MaxBuck;1032253; said:
Apparently you failed to watch the Buckeyes offense when Troy Smith was quarterback so you could contrast it with the offense under Boeckman.

Ohio State's coaches are smart enough to know they need to engineer changes in the scheme to match the available talent. Again, most of the "differences" seem to me to be illusory. Brian Hartline has probably the best insight into this, given that his brother plays for Kentucky - though his bro hasn't played much.

I basically saw a run first offense with Troy Smith and I see a run first offense this year. Is that correct?
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