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Gameplanning against LSU

sluTiger;1032271; said:
I basically saw a run first offense with Troy Smith and I see a run first offense this year. Is that correct?
No. It was the pass to open up the run against scUM that won the game for us. It was the same philosophy against Florida that lost the game for us. Pittman showed up. Unfortunately TS didn't take off when required. After the half, we needed to give up on the run.
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sluTiger;1032271; said:
I basically saw a run first offense with Troy Smith and I see a run first offense this year. Is that correct?

The people who could best answer this are probably laughing too hard to type.

As with any leader, Tressel's style can be broken down to three levels:
  • Principals
  • Strategies
    • Change season to season - circumstances may dictate a strategic shift in season, but only in emergencies
  • Tactics
    • Change game-to-game
'grad21 could give you chapter-and-verse on tactics, probably better than anyone on any message board you'll find. Most people who know x's and o's like he does avoid message boards like they owe us money.

Strategies are what the other posters are talking about. Tactics are chosen that fit within an overall strategy. Ohio State played a great deal of 5-wide, empty back-field, spread offense last year. It was an intrinsic part of our offense. This year, we've either done it seldom or not at all. The choice of the formation is a tactic, but having it as part of our personality was part of the strategy last year. This year, our personality was, "Shut up and hand over the lunch money, beeyotch". We were an i-formation team that threw the ball deep much more frequently than we did last year, believe it or not.

Principals are what you are talking about. When you see run-first; you are not seeing a run-first strategy, you are seeing Tressel-ball, which is a principal. The principals of Tressel-ball never, ever change.

  1. Have a stout defense
  2. ...especially against the run
  3. Given 1&2...
    • If you have a lead...
    • ...and you have a good handle on what the other team is doing on offense...
    • ...and you're sure the defense can dominate it...
    • THEN call plays that give the minimum chance to turn the ball over
    • ...and don't call a play that will result in the clock stopping unless there is a very good chance of getting a first down
    • ...and don't snap the ball with more than 10 seconds left on the play-clock
    • ...and for the love of Woody don't show any plays that you might want to use against scUM (or in the bowl game). Keep it vanilla if you can.
    • ...punt and play defense
    • Go for a score when you have won the battle for field position
  4. If the other team is moving the ball, refer to principal 1. And forget the vanilla crap. Move the rock. Going for big plays vs. burning clock is a situational, tactical thing; moving the rock is not.
There is much, much more to Tressel-ball, but I'm cutting it short because the main point I'm making is this: Tressel-ball means different things to different personnel. OSU put a great deal of pressure on opposing teams with the offense last year. We threw the ball 10 times on first down in the first half against Texas last year. In the 2nd half, after it was clear that our defense was in control, we didn't throw on 1st down at all. Tactics? Yes! But tactics that were 100% consistent with established principal.

This year the defense was even more dominating and the offense was a different animal. As a result, the tactics were different, the strategy was different, but the principals were the same. The principals are always the same.
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sluTiger;1032271; said:
I basically saw a run first offense with Troy Smith and I see a run first offense this year. Is that correct?
Clearly you did not watch much OSU football last year. No idea what game you watched, PSU (in the monsoon)? You certainly didn't watch the title game, where the pass-first offense was OSU's downfall, while a Pittman's lack of touches limited his otherwise productive day. You didn't watch the enormous Michigan game, where OSU kept UM's stout LB corps on the sidelines with 5-wide, or scored on a playaction to Ginn (lined up at TE).

There is very little similarity to last year, really. The offense feeds off of the RB, not the QB. However, this year's passing attack is much more aggressive downfield. Injuries slowed this a bit after sept, but hopefully will be back up to speed by jan.
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The 2 major adjustments from last years game to this one.

1. Control the line of scrimmage on offense can't let the DEs run around the edge all game. Control Dorsey with a double team or he will eat us alive.

2. Defensively we can't drop into a deep zone and let them pick us apart underneath. We have defensive speed and 3 lock down corners, use them in man defense.
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We have defensive speed and 3 lock down corners, use them in man defense.
A dramatic difference from last year... #2 CB Smith was a former walkon. Best safety, Russell, injured (enter "SEC Speed" O'Neal, who lacks some instincts). Other safety an average athlete & player. Then add in nagging injuries to two of those dbs.

This year OSU has 2 strong CBs & a pretty solid set of backup CBs, as well as two ballhawks at safety who cover the run and pass fairly well (P.A. is their achilles heel).
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