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Gameplanning against LSU

This game is so hard to predict. Both defenses have ranged fro out of this world to horrid at different points in the season. The intangibles make if a tough call too. LSU is battle tested but Ohio State is pissed off.
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Shivvy77;1030814; said:
This game is so hard to predict. Both defenses have ranged fro out of this world to horrid at different points in the season. The intangibles make if a tough call too. LSU is battle tested but Ohio State is pissed off.

Its the Flynn factor that no one is taking into account and why I think LSU is going to win...
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Flynn doesn't impress me that much. LSU is a solid team all around, that is their strength. It is hard to find a weakness. Maybe we can have some success throwing deep against the LSU defensive secondary but I don't know.
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sluTiger;1030946; said:
This is backwards, Mauck was the backup to Rohan Davey. He was a red shirt freshman at the time. Davey started the SECCG but was hurt on a late hit by Tenn. Davey started and played the entire Sugar Bowl against Illinois.

Thanks for clarifying. Now that you mentioned it, I remember the late, out-of-bounds hit by the Vols on Davey.
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I'm saying that offensively Ohio State has to do the fundamentals better than LSU all night to win. Block, run, catch and pass. Nothing extremely glamorous, just go to work all night long. On defense I think its very important to win first down. Put LSU in 3rd and longs most of the night and make Flynn/Perriloux consistenly beat us. They will once in while but if we win the majority of those we'll be in good shape. We know Tressel will play the field position game so getting 3 and outs are crucial.
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Bestbuck36;1031241; said:
I'm saying that offensively Ohio State has to do the fundamentals better than LSU all night to win. Block, run, catch and pass. Nothing extremely glamorous, just go to work all night long. On defense I think its very important to win first down. Put LSU in 3rd and longs most of the night and make Flynn/Perriloux consistenly beat us. They will once in while but if we win the majority of those we'll be in good shape. We know Tressel will play the field position game so getting 3 and outs are crucial.

Very good analysis. Whoever excecutes the fundementals best and avoids the mental mistakes (our bug a boo all year) wins.

By the time January 7th arrives we will all be suffering from paralysis by analysis. :biggrin:
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