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Gameplanning against LSU

sluTiger;1029738; said:
I certainly hope this is the evalutation of the OSU coaching staff. If so, 41 pts scored by Florida will seem very low once LSU is done.
I normally don't read those numbered list posts, especially if they are too damned long. Paradoxically, thanks for reposting this one.

I must admit I thought # 10 was classic homerism ..
10. Pelini (defensive coach) will give Ohio State 500+ yards of total offense. He doesn't know when and when not to blitz. Remember the forth down play in overtime against Arkansas. What was he thinking? Oh he wasn't thinking. And as the new head coach of Nebraska he will erase ALL the glory years that Tom Osborne and the cornhuskers had in the nineties, if there are any left.

Bo really does know Defense - all the yards will be hard fought.
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Best Buckeye;1030130; said:
What makes you think he is our #3, what with the reports that Robbie has moved to TE?
Robbie's still on the depth chart at QB. They haven't updated it since 11/25, though, so maybe he's #2. Let's trust the coaches on this one :wink2:.

Still, don't think he'll see any PT barring injury or blowout.
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Pheasant;1030144; said:
Robbie's still on the depth chart at QB. They haven't updated it since 11/25, though, so maybe he's #2. Let's trust the coaches on this one :wink2:.

Still, don't think he'll see any PT barring injury or blowout.
As long as he gets 0 or over 13 me and my vbet will be happy .:)
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It's going to be a heck of a game

I'd agree with a lot of what's been said in this thread. Tressel is a class act in every sense. IMO two things being HIGHLY overplayed are (1) Miles' supposed stupidity ---- not a fair assessment of someone who's dealt out 3 11-win seasons in the face of some substantial adversity in Baton Rouge, and (2) OSU's performance in last year's title game ---- irrelevant and won't happen again. I see this OSU team as very similar to your '02 team --- heady solid QB, great RB, Outstanding Defense, and very well disciplined. I'd think your game planning would involve very similar strategy to the '03 Fiesta Bowl vs Miami.

For our part, LSU is a different team than last year's UF squad. We're less gimmicky, slightly bigger, more physical but slower on the D-line. I think most of that probably helps OSU in matching up. However, in contrast to an earlier post, LSU is one of the best conditioned teams in the country, and Glenn Dorsey if healthy will be a handful. On offense Keiland Williams has been an under-used resource at RB. Similar situation to last year when he came into the Sugar Bowl and lit ND up. Unfortunately, he won't be 100% if he plays at all in Jan. Our other backs (maybe with the exception of Holiday) are solid but not Beanie Wells type game breakers. Hopefully we'll be healthy otherwise. Injuries were a huge problem this year. Other than that, LSU has done well in bowls with Miles at the helm --- should be a great game.
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I've always thought LSU to be a gimmicky type of offense? I see all these people saying they are what they are and that they are a north/south football team? Now I dunno what game I watched but to me LSU reminds me of Texas on offense but with a lesser talented QB (Vince Young is hard to immulate). Does LSU really go under center a whole lot?
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bukIpower;1030381; said:
I've always thought LSU to be a gimmicky type of offense? I see all these people saying they are what they are and that they are a north/south football team? Now I dunno what game I watched but to me LSU reminds me of Texas on offense but with a lesser talented QB (Vince Young is hard to immulate). Does LSU really go under center a whole lot?
Ya it is a more "traditional" offense, but they have some funky formations. Nothing like Florida though :wink2:.
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BuckeyeCrazy107;1030521; said:
Ya it is a more "traditional" offense, but they have some funky formations. Nothing like Florida though :wink2:.

I think you may be fairly surprised on the 7th if you think it's nothing like Florida. For one comparison, while not exactly one that is "dead on". The two QB system should we choose to utilize it is Flynn/Perrilloux which has been proven effective in a few games this season. I think we will see a mix of the two.

But we do spread the field and although we don't have a Percy Harvin we have some creative packages for our playmakers.
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LSU plays a simpler version of the spread offense. I would say our offense can best be described as a mixture of a traditional Michigan power I with a lot of proset shotgun. Our QBs run a lot from shotgun with 4 widouts. Basically we are much more vanilla than most spreads, if Hester lines up in the I, you are about to get smashed in the mouth. LSU runs some trick plays but we do not have a gimmick offense like Florida. I would say we are about 55% pass 45% run.
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sluTiger;1030652; said:
LSU plays a simpler version of the spread offense. I would say our offense can best be described as a mixture of a traditional Michigan power I with a lot of proset shotgun. Our QBs run a lot from shotgun with 4 widouts. Basically we are much more vanilla than most spreads, if Hester lines up in the I, you are about to get smashed in the mouth. LSU runs some trick plays but we do not have a gimmick offense like Florida. I would say we are about 55% pass 45% run.

Man, I can't believe you just posted that and didn't laugh at my Todd Collins/Matt Flynn- Leroy Hoard/Jacob Hester comments on the other thread.

It wasnt' a knock. (And, yeah... I didn't even know about Todd Collins and the Redskins at the time... what the hell was that?)
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