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Gameplanning against LSU

Bill Lucas;1023746; said:
9 games eh? Well, every game for every team in a conference has "championship implications" so LSU isn't alone in this category.

Look, fact is y'all have a fine football team down there but other than a few games this year they seem to have underachieved. LSU could easily, easily, be a 7-5 team right now. Florida, Auburn and Alabama all had LSU on the ropes. Alabama is a team that you should have mowed down instead, like Auburn it took a miracle play or two for LSU to pull out the win. The loss to Kentucky is inexcusable and I'm not impressed with Arkansas other than McFadden and Felix Jones. Dick is a lousy QB who can throw about 3 patterns and it's questionable as to how well he can throw those on any given series.

So please, if you want to discuss football reasonably with us do so but don't think we're about to drink your kool-aid.

Here's a fact for you. Ponder on this one for a bit. BTW, this was posted by an LSU fan on Tigerforums.com so don't go thinking that it's a Buckeye feeding you propaganda.

"As far as their schedule, I'd posted this the other day:

Over the last 8 years (as far back as my source goes), the average Strength of schedule for Big Ten teams were far better than SEC teams. For instance, OSU had an average SOS of 14.375. The mighty SEC UF gator's SOS was 21.125. Bama's was 22.875, and Auburn's was 43. The same held true for other Big Ten schools, PSU, Michigan, Wiscy all had a better average SOS over the last 8 years. Here's the source too, look it up yourself:

To my fellow Buckeyes! :oh:

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Death Valley;1023747; said:
Did he win?
I think the point here is that Tressel has won 5 NC's so he knows how to get there and how to win. Something that Miles has yet to experience.
Now you might point out that 4 of those were at YSU but that is beside the point isn't it. When you win championship games it is always against a very good team that is the equal of yours talent wise.
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Best Buckeye;1023755; said:
I think the point here is that Tressel has won 5 NC's so he knows how to get there and how to win. Something that Miles has yet to experience.
Now you might point out that 4 of those were at YSU but that is beside the point isn't it. When you win championship games it is always against a very good team that is the equal of yours talent wise.

Yeah...What he said:biggrin::oh:
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Best Buckeye;1023755; said:
I think the point here is that Tressel has won 5 NC's so he knows how to get there and how to win. Something that Miles has yet to experience.
Now you might point out that 4 of those were at YSU but that is beside the point isn't it. When you win championship games it is always against a very good team that is the equal of yours talent wise.

Well getting there is not the same as winning it. Which is the only point that I was responding to. I have nothing but respect for Tressel as a coach and the program he runs. He also deserves credit for his wins at YSU, while it may be on a different level yes he has won championships.

I'm not going to try and argue who is the better coach. I really don't care to review what Miles did at Okie St. or what Tressel has done at YSU to say who is the better coach now. Just comparing the last three years Tressel has done an awesome job with wins and going to the NC game just last year. But Miles' record and resume at LSU thus far has been rather impressive.
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kartaron;1023711; said:
Maybe you're right, but I still think you're opponents were stupid to be so aggressive after you faked VT early in the season. Its not like they didnt know you would do it.

Hell, LSU forum posters predicted the VT fake.

edit- I think the VT fake came back on a penalty

I think you're mistaken. I was drunk, but I don't ever remember even attempting a 4th down conversion much less a fake FG. It was 27-0 before they even scored.
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Death Valley;1023765; said:
Well getting there is not the same as winning it. Which is the only point that I was responding to. I have nothing but Tressel as a coach and the program he runs. He also deserves credit for his wins at YSU, while it may be on a different level yes he has won championships.

I'm not going to try and argue who is the better coach. I really don't care to review what Miles did at Okie St. or what Tressel has done at YSU to say who is the better coach now. Just comparing the last three years Tressel has done an awesome job with wins and going to the NC game just last year. But Miles' record and resume at LSU thus far has been rather impressive.

Okie State...Div 1 YSU...Div 1-AA There is a difference...Tressel has been a winner at every level...as a coach and as a leader of men

Impressive til he gets to overtime:)
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jwinslow;1023868; said:
Running QBs who cannot pass well before facing OSU :p (Juice 06, VY 05). Perrilloux isn't stereotyped as merely a runner, is he? :susp:

As for some deceased ones: night games, barry alvarez, happy valley, john cooper.

When Perrilloux is in the game he usually runs. But he is a dual threat, he can run and throw but for some reason we mostly see him run. I'm thinking he is going to play a larger part in this game than in the past. Much like Leak/Tebow of last year.
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