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Gameplanning against LSU

jwinslow;1023563; said:
So... a timely fake and a good halftime adjustment. Sounds like a typical day at the office for a good coach, but certainly not top-3 ever material.No one is making outlandish statements about that game. They were outmatched, nothing more was needed.

lets just say this, you don't go 33-6, win an SEC championship, and blow out your bowl opponents all with dumb luck
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Tigerkid05;1023585; said:
I don't consider Youngstown state game as big games

He didn't win 4 NC's in 6 tries by accident.

A championship at any level, is a championship. He had 1-AA players when he was beating other 1-AA teams and iirc he was a decided underdog in most of those games vs Marshall.
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Tigerkid05;1023625; said:
That's fine by me. Tell all of OSU nation that they've already beaten Miles in the Alamo Bowl and there's no need to worry about the NC game. Spread the word! :biggrin:
No need to tell the Buckeye nation anything about that game , we know already. And we aren't going to worry about the NC game. We are going to enjoy it. :biggrin:
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kartaron;1023515; said:
Especially when he doesnt need to be... that blind toss by the place holder in the VT game could have easily been picked off given VTs abilities at special teams and LSU was already dominating the game. Its just flash for the sake of flash.

That was the South Carolina game. And it put us up 14.
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