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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Well guys as I get ready to head home from work this will be my last post before the long awaited OSU - Texas game. I hope some of you can stop by the tailgate. Make sure you are all good and loud. Not just on 3rd and 4th down. We are all an important part of the Buckeyes chances for victory. This is gonna be a great one. If this game doesn't get your blood flowing.... please see a doctor immediately.

On that note I'd like to put out a small request for everyone to say a little prayer for all the guys on the field. Pray that they all get through this game without injury. I have seen quite few guys, in games, already this year go out on stretchers with their helmets taped to a body board. (The latest during the Okla. State - Florida Atlantic game last night) I hope that all of those guys are back on the field as soon as possible. It doesn't take much end, something as great as playing for the Buckeyes, Longhorns or any of the other great teams, forever. Lets pray we don't have to see anymore of those injuries this or any season.


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Golferdow01 said:
I'd like to see Herd duke it out with Bayless :biggrin:

So would I, but good luck. ESPN seems to only put the true idiots (Woody Paige, Jay Mariotti, Skip Bayless, Mark May) on tv, while leaving those who actually know something about college football (Cowherd, Casilias (sp?)) on the radio.
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Request for Buckeye fans tomorrow

If I could just ask one thing of you Buckeye fans tomorrow, please do not do the "Horns down" hand sign tomorrow. It's disrespectful. Don't lower yourselves to the likes of worthless oklahoma and texas a&m fAggies. Stick to a number 1 (middle finger if you like :wink2: ) or anything else. Thanks and good luck tomorrow and the rest of the season. Win or lose, you guys have a great team.
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Speaking of Bayless, he called in during the Jim Rome radio show. He said that students at tOSU were CHEERING for him and chanting his name cause Woody thought OSU was gonna lose while Bayless thinks we will win...Bayless still mocked us with his "Luckeyes" shit but was saying how we had some great tradition and loved the 'Shoe. Stupid students read up on the media...BAYLESS IS NOT ON OUR SIDE!!! I seriously wanted to puke
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OK, I've been lurking long enough...

I don't get how any freshman in his first real game at the 'Shoe is going to get any benefit. If Meltons last game was 'like high school' he is not prepared. No freshman can be prepared for what this atmosphere is going to produce. A few good cracks from Carp and Hawk will educate him.
Melton is 6-3 276 pounds and runs a 4.6...AJ Hawk and Co are bad-ass LBs but I tend to think that a full speed colision would not be to their advantage. :biggrin:
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Hollywood Horn said:
OK, I've been lurking long enough...

Melton is 6-3 276 pounds and runs a 4.6...AJ Hawk and Co are bad-ass LBs but I tend to think that a full speed colision would not be to their advantage. :biggrin:

All that lurking and that's the best you could come up with? Bobby Carpenter is 6-3 255 pounds and runs a 4.5. Take that. :biggrin:

Thank God these pissing matches are almost over.
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I was actually going to put a post up saying that everyone going to the game should do the "horns down" hand sign. It's harmless and funny if you ask me. I definitely don't find it disrepectful...as if that hand sign is an upstanding and immediate representation of your university. I respect your school, but it's a freakin' hand sign. Heck, I've been doing it for years & especially of late when anyone mentions the 'Horns. Good clean fun, c'mon now.
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Hollywood Horn said:
OK, I've been lurking long enough...

Melton is 6-3 276 pounds and runs a 4.6...AJ Hawk and Co are bad-ass LBs but I tend to think that a full speed colision would not be to their advantage. :biggrin:

Size means shit. Jack Tatum used to destroy TEs 50 pounds heavier than him. I've seen Salley nuke RBs 20 pounds heavier than him. Hawk is around 250 now and Carpenter is pushing 270. Besides, Melton won't be anywhere near full speed when Hawk and Carpenter plant his ass.
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Well, In 20 minutes I'll be heading to Columbus from Cincinnati. My friend's 21st birthday is tonight...and well, she couldn't have picked a better day to be born. Bags are packed, ticket's sealed away, and the party will begin in 2 hours. Un-freakin-believeable. With that, I'll see you guys on Sunday. Hopefully I won't get arrested.

Oh yeah,

:osu:GO BUCKS!:osu:
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