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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Stadium OHIO!

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FKAGobucks877 said:
Not to call you out or anything, but what the hell do you expect? It's a Texas fan site, for crying out loud....anything you say that is in any way negative will earn retaliation. And if the above is an example of your "objective posting", then it's no wonder.

No, that was a response to my objective posting pretty much being brushed aside with nonsense. Fight fire with fire. The fact that they didn't ban me speaks to the fact that I'm not trolling over there.
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
First of all, you have no idea if I'm overrating or underrating him, since I haven't rated him.

Second, the point was that your delusional fuckstick fans think he is better than Mike Vick. The Mike Vick that was drafted #1 in the NFL draft. If me not saying he is better than Mike Vick means I'm underrating him, then yes I am. I also don't think the 2005 Texas Longhorns aren't better than the 85 Bears. Want to call me on that one too?

And perhaps someday Vick will actually live up to the hype over him since he was drafted.
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I think the fact that Miami kicked us the ball and we went straight down the field on them and scored a TD really set the tone for the rest of the game. That said, I'd defer -- it's better to have the ball first in the 2nd half, particularly when you've got a great D like we have.
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
A guy I know played for UT Chattanooga and was the captain during a game where the dumbass opponent chose to kick instead of defer. :lol:

When I was in college, some idiot from the opposing team did that in one of our flag football games. You should have seen the look on his face when I told the ref before the beginning of the 2nd half that we'll take the ball.
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I work right in the middle of downtown Columbus, and let me tell you that the Texas fans have arrived.

They are driving up and down the roads (High St., Broad St., etc.), hanging out the windows yelling "TEXAS!" over and over again with their burnt orange flags and everything.

I hope all Texas fans aren't this juvenile...
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
I really hope you see the irony in that post.

I think Vick's stats speak for themselves. As well as the results.

2004, 56% completion rate, 14 TD's with 12 picks. Avg for top ten QB's 2004 was 66% completion, 29 TD's and 12 picks.

But he's a playmaker with his legs..

46 sacks, the 12 picks above along with 16 fumbles.

Combine his rushing and passing yards and he's still only 15th amongh QB's last year.
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