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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Just wondering...

did the TV station in Austin send someone up to Columbus for this week? I think 2 or 3 stations in Columbus did, its kind of interesting to have our reporters go down there since the game is up here :)
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Thanks, see you Saturday

I am signing off of BP until Monday due my travel schedule, and come Monday, I will post one more time in response to the game's outcome. I want to thank all of the moderators and posters for running a great forum. I have enjoyed your hospitality and information, and I wish that I could wish you the best of luck on Saturday, but in that respect, I sincerely hope that this game is as close as Vegas is setting the line. I am excited to see Hawk and Ginn, and the rest of your boys live, and I cannot wait to get goosebumps hearing the crowd in the Shoe at night (this game is at night, right? in the Shoe, right? :wink2: ).

I will be in the Shoe, and beforehand I will be tailgating in the RV lot. I cannot wait to see this game, but I am looking forward to the pregame festivities and the dotting of the "i" and so forth almost as much.

I came to this site simply looking for information on the RV lot and Scooter was kind enough to provide said info to me fully and quickly, and now I have posted 100 plus times. Go figure. Here's to being good sports, and good sports fans!

And any other Saturday besides this Saturday for the rest of the year, its :gobucks3: :gobucks4:


for me. Thanks.
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I'm not gonna back down. I rememeber when I played in the 29 palms base championships in the Marines. There was a team from the tankers unit that was a WR(I played safety) that ran his mouth. They should have beaten us. We kicked their @$$ and won the base championship. Everybody on our team played their best game of the season. Those that say words cannot motivate have never played a sport.

I'm getting tired of the Texas hype. They beat a shitty Michigan defense which makes every mobile QB look great and now they are gonna be Natl champs. Give me a flippin a break. Michigan is not a top 10 team nor were they at the end of last season. Winning the RB is always a great win but the only reason Texas is getting this much love is because they beat Michigan...why? We kicked the shit out of Michigan and returned more starters. I guess the 60-3 win over LaLa was the clincher...:roll2: .

If i'm wrong I'll be back here here to admit it but we are gonna beat Texas. I think the score will be similar to last years Michigan game.
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I wouldn't put too much stock into what these kids are all saying. A good portion of it is good natured ribbing and friendly trash talk. Neither of these teams are acting as if they're the Hurricanes of 2002, and this is hardly as bitter as Ohio State/Michigan or Texas/Arkansas.

Most of these kids know each other -- Vince Young and Troy Smith have been talking to each other on the phone this week, they've known each other since high school QB camps. Schlegel and Youboty are both from Texas and likely played HS ball against a third of the Texas roster.

Boys will be boys ... it's all in good fun. I don't know that trash talk has much bearing in a game like this anyway. If you need an opponent to talk smack to make you play harder in a game like this, you've got issues.
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Thump said:
What ever happend to Beano Cook? I know he's senile as hell but I get a kick out of him.

I think someone like Bob Davie or Lou Holtz should get the seat next to Rece.
I wouldn't mind seeing Davie step in, but that would take him away from doing games, and I think that he is a very good game announcer. I don't think Spielman is pretty enough to take the golden boy's place. Eddie George maybe? Although I don't believe they'll go with another tOSU guy, regardless of how good the past guys have been.
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2002UNC said:
I'm not gonna back down. I rememeber when I played in the 29 palms base championships in the Marines. There was a team from the tankers unit that was a WR(I played safety) that ran his mouth. They should have beaten us. We kicked their @$$ and won the base championship. Everybody on our team played their best game of the season. Those that say words cannot motivate have never played a sport.

I'm getting tired of the Texas hype. They beat a shitty Michigan defense which makes every mobile QB look great and now they are gonna be Natl champs. Give me a flippin a break. Michigan is not a top 10 team nor were they at the end of last season. Winning the RB is always a great win but the only reason Texas is getting this much love is because they beat Michigan...why? We kicked the shit out of Michigan and returned more starters. I guess the 60-3 win over LaLa was the clincher...:roll2: .

If i'm wrong I'll be back here here to admit it but we are gonna beat Texas. I think the score will be similar to last years Michigan game.

All that may be true, but remember, you're a fan, not a player in this game. Tone down the rhetoric is all. This:

2002UNC said:
Texas fans I know why your going to lose this game. You've been hyped all year and beat down a team that Miami of Ohio would have beaten by 35+ points. YOUR NOT AS GOOD AS YOU THINK YOU ARE!!!

That's not a "reason" Texas is going to lose, it's your opinion. It's a fine opinion to have, but your approach to expressing it is over the top since the UT reps on this thread aren't flaming. Of course, this still IS an OSU board, so I'll cut you a break. :biggrin:
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Are we going to have televisions with antennas so we can watch Charlie Weis dismantle Carr's shoddy defense? If not, I may leave for a few hours to watch that. I usually pull for UM to win games for the sake of the big ten and keeping up their ranking until we beat them... but I'm pulling for the domers in this one.
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Best... news... ever! I was kind of curious why it was only may at the desk...

Man I thought this week was good already, now people can put up signs taunting Alberts and ESPN won't mind at all :)
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I want to go back to when someone earlier was saying how cool it would be if someone like Spielman were to replace Trev. Spielman would be a guy with enough balls to put May in his place and do it in a knowledgeable fashion. My vote for a replacement is Chris! :)
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