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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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I know that you guys all say that the crowd will be a huge factor, but I wonder how much the noise level and what we can do to other teams is affected by the students not being on campus yet/block O not being there. I am also not aware of how many tickets they let Texas fans get their hands on.
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40 Acres said:
Do you guys mind if we show up? If it's as one-sided as many of you think, we could just stay in Austin, but I'd like to go ahead and play anyway.

1st of all you wont be playing so stay wherever you like smart ass.

2nd your team is the one being favored coming into our place so don't even try to play the no respect card.

3rd doesn't matter who shows and who doesn't..we won't lose a night game at home.
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40 Acres said:
I haven't seen many posters give more than a passing nod at Texas, usually couched with a comment like above. Take the other stance for a second: tell me why Ohio State loses this game.

Big time turnover or kicking game problems.

Reasons why we won't lose? Mack Brown vs Jim Tressel at home at night with teams of pretty equal talent.
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the thing with Texas' very good defensive line is we get rid of the ball fast into our playmakers hands to let them bust the big one. We don't do very many 5 step drops and have our Qb's survey the field. Its more along the lines of "set hut... throw the ball"... IMO this could offset the pass rush by Texas. Now yeah if we try to run the ball that might not work that well (who knows we might run for 200 if the cards fall right). The only thing that worries me is the Texas offensive line and their backs. VY doesn't particularly scare me because its most the time our linebackers v. VY and I think the three of our linebackers can get the job done.

The thing that I see though thats a huge advantage for OSU is Texas' recievers are no where close to Miami's talent this past saturday. Which in all honesty means we can bring salley or Whitner near the line to help on run support. Now their running backs have said to be fast, but to this day I can't remember of one balanced running back beating OSU. The last I can remember was Chris Perry nearly 2 years ago. All teams that have beat OSU in the past two years have done it THROUGH the air. Northwestern/Wisconsin/Iowa/Purdue/Wisconsin/Michigan not on the ground.
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bukIpower said:
VY doesn't particularly scare me because its most the time our linebackers v. VY and I think the three of our linebackers can get the job done.

Maybe you're right, but this same comment has been made by several teams over the last few years. We understand your linebackers are good, but I don't think you understand what you're getting with Young. He is not your average mobile quarterback. Your team hasn't seen an athlete like him at quarterback, period. And don't throw your "4.4 at 260 pounds!" stuff at me. With Young, you need unreal lateral quickness, not straightline speed. No offense to your linebackers, but they cannot match up with Young in that department, nor even come very close, frankly.
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40 Acres said:
Maybe you're right, but this same comment has been made by several teams over the last few years. We understand your linebackers are good, but I don't think you understand what you're getting with Young. He is not your average mobile quarterback. Your team hasn't seen an athlete like him at quarterback, period. And don't throw your "4.4 at 260 pounds!" stuff at me. With Young, you need unreal lateral quickness, not straightline speed. No offense to your linebackers, but they cannot match up with Young in that department, nor even come very close, frankly.

Wonder how OU always seems to keep him in check?
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Remember how El Roberson and Sproeles were supposed to give Bucks fits? Yeah I know this is two years later but with our present LB core I don't see Young running wild.Tressel has gained my confidence in preparing our guys for the big games. I mean this guy won four nat. champs. at the division 1-aa so he is no stranger to the big games and being prepared for them. Tressel outcoaches Brown and Bucks win by 10+!!!:)
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cincibuck said:
It's not like Texas hasn't played before large, hostile audiances before..
Yeah, I know they have had some tough games at Arkansas :pimp:...whats funny is that a Texas fan actually cited this a while back

Phaeton said:
I know that you guys all say that the crowd will be a huge factor, but I wonder how much the noise level and what we can do to other teams is affected by the students not being on campus yet/block O not being there. I am also not aware of how many tickets they let Texas fans get their hands on.
It'll be loud, I wouldn't worry about that...most of the students around campus will be there, there will be quite a bit going on. I'm sure there will be a large contingent of Texas fans at the game, but there will be a helluva lot more drunken Buckeyes
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