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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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2002UNC said:
Texas hasn't played a game yet. Thats right you heard me correctly. LaLa is not as good as their scout team. This game at home didn't help them at all. It may have hurt them by giving them a false sense confidence. Their numbers in this game are skewed and are not impressive considering Miami of Ohio would have beaten this same team by 35+ points.

Texas was horrible on special teams, fumbled the ball 4 times, and had 1 interception against sisters of the poor. If they think OSU is not gonna be hitting they need to watch a rerun of our game. If Texas doesn't hold on to the ball better they will have 6-7 fumbles against us.

Texas will have delay of game, false start, and illegal motion penalties all day. The crowd noise will cause them to not be able to make audibles and will cause their offense to be out of rythm.

I watched the Texas game and one of their "stud WR's" Sweed was dropping passes. Their WR's are a joke. Miami of Ohio has much better WR's than Texas does. We are going to stack against the run. Youbooty and co. will be matched up against their WR's and probably have 2-3 interceptions if they try to pass.

All in all I see a sloppy game from Texas. They haven't really played a game yet. The crowd noise and better competition will cause stupid penalties by Texas. We will be hitting alot harder than LaLa and will force alot of fumbles. I see OSU winning this game by about the same margin we beat Michigan.

Texas this year reminds me of KSU of 2003. The only problem for Texas is that we are better on offense than we were in 2003 and we have just as good of a defense if not better.

Boy, I guess OSU should fire Tressel if he loses this game, huh?
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xrayrandy said:
Actually that isn't correct. Mangold was a starter and hasn't been drafted, but he might be.

Randy, Mili already pointed out that Mangold didn't start, but he did play in that game.

But if you had said "Sims was a starter and hasn't been drafted yet", your point would have been accurate. And if anyone checks the game tape/DVD to verify this, don't believe the ABC graphic showing their version of the so-called starting lineup. Believe the #77 jersey with SIMS on it that lines up at left tackle. :biggrin:
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40 Acres said:
I'm not talking about noise. Obviously 30,000 or so additional people will be louder. I'm talking about the environment. For Texas, there's just no comparison between playing in Fayetteville and Columbus. Arkansas is a much tougher environment for us.

I understand the point you are trying to make about bitter rivalries, but maybe we should wait until after Texas plays for the first time in the 'Shoe and see how the players compare the two places :).
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40 Acres said:
You're overrating your speed and defense. The Texas defense is just as fast, if not moreso, and just as good. Texas' defensive line is much better than Ohio State's. Your linebackers are better. I'll take our secondary over yours.

You think that I am overrating the team speed we have on defense while I think you are underrating it. I guess we are at an impasse and will have to agree to disagree.

I would agree that Texas D-line is better than OSU's, OSU's linebackers are much better than Texas', but I don't know about the secondaries.
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buckiprof said:
You think that I am overrating the team speed we have on defense while I think you are underrating it. I guess we are at an impasse and will have to agree to disagree.

I would agree that Texas D-line is better than OSU's, OSU's linebackers are much better than Texas', but I don't know about the secondaries.

Texas' linebackers are not chopped liver. Aaron Harris is an All American candidate at MLB. Bobino, Kelson, and Killebrew are extremely fast...not the biggest guys in the world, but our LBs can match yours in the speed department.
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xrayrandy said:
Thanks, I knew I had read that one of the starters was still around in several posts. I apologize for not getting it right.

Not being aware of every one of our starters for each game in the last four years is simply inexcusable. Your lack of knowledge of tOSU football is appalling. :biggrin:
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steveO said:
Hmmm, interesting comments. Ignorant, but interesting.

Vince Young put on a show in Pasadena last January and will likely do the same in your house Saturday night.

You cannot stop him.

Texas is always everybodies biggest game of the year. Now its your's.


Horn's roll 35-14.

You are right on one thing SteveO, there have been some ignorant comments posted here and yours may be at the top of that list. Putting on a show against a weak scUM defense seems to have you quite excited, rightfully so, but there is a big difference between scUM's defensive personnel and ours and there is an even bigger difference between our defensive coaches and scUM's.

For the record, Texas is not our biggest game of the year. Yawn.
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I think it will be pretty close...but I can't figure out how Texas is gonna score on this defense. If there was ever a defense designed from top to bottom to stop Texas' offense, this is the one.

Oh yeah...and they have to face it on the road.
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steveO said:
Hmmm, interesting comments. Ignorant, but interesting.

Vince Young put on a show in Pasadena last January and will likely do the same in your house Saturday night.

You cannot stop him.

Texas is always everybodies biggest game of the year. Now its your's.


Horn's roll 35-14.

This reads like a Tibor post.
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40 Acres said:
Texas' linebackers are not chopped liver. Aaron Harris is an All American candidate at MLB. Bobino, Kelson, and Killebrew are extremely fast...not the biggest guys in the world, but our LBs can match yours in the speed department.

And OSU's defensive line is not chopped liver either yet you stated that Texas' D-line was much better than OSU's. If you think that your D-line is much better than ours, then it follows that our linebackers are much better than yours.
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