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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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thats what I was thinking then, boeckmen comes in and does the bombing down the field.

Thats Tressel ball, unknown answers to keep everyone thinking

Sorry to all buckeye fans, from my anti-zwick comments he had a good game

I JUST WANT HIM TO LOOK AROUND THE FIELD AND TO BE ABLE TO PICK THE BEST OPTION BECAUSE, HE CAN GET IT DONE:) if he's able to do that, it's back to the stanley jackson/gernaine pick again.

Any of the 3 qb's could start but, which one does. This is a debate between us fans and we just have different picks.

Zwick did get the win with a good game
smith smacked scum last year
boeckmen looked good against a tired team , but showed the vision

anyone of those 3 , JUST BEAT TEXAS
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Talent on both squads is really good and pretty even but JT could outcoach Mack in a coma. The atmosphere will be tough and JT will have the kids pumped to face Texas. This is the first round of the NC playoffs and JT does very well in playoffs.
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HabaneroBuck said:
So, assuming the talent is pretty much a wash across the board, I think Texas is in for a long day simply because the game is in Columbus, Coach Tressel is on our sideline, and Greg Davis and Mack are on their sideline.

Ohio State by double digits.

I agree 100%. I put some data together to support this in the Texas game preview, you ought to check out the numbers when its up...they are staggering.

I also think the comment by him that beating up a defenless patsie team while struggeling in an area as critical as the kicking game was..the "perfect opener" just speaks volumes as to why he is such a terrible coach when faced by a team with equal talent.

There is absolutely no way in hell we lose this game.
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i think the crowd will be a HUGE factor in this game. Young is a great athlete but he has never playing in a place like the shoe, with 104+ screaming crazy fans and the fastest defence that he will see all year, i think he gets rattled early and the game ends with a score closer than the game really was.

TOSU 27- Texas 10
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Zurp said:
Not to split hairs, but I thought Zwick had 17 completions? If I'm wrong, I've been wrong in a lot of posts. But let's assume I'm right. 4 receivers x 5 catches = 20 completions. Add 1 for each of the other 2 receivers = 22. Your stats must include Boeckman's completions.

But I agree that Zwick wasn't necessarily locking in on a target. I've often been afraid of him doing that - going back to last year. And there were times yesterday where he'd fade back, looking at Holmes, stand in the pocket, always looking at Holmes, then throw to Holmes. Maybe you're right, in that he saw something before the play and knew he'd be open. I don't believe, though, that Zwick would stare at Holmes, and throw to Holmes if he isn't open. But I guess we'll just have to see......

To his credit, a lot of these times may have been a pre-snap read. Most pre-snap reads where the QB will lock are going to be quick hitters- hitches or curls. JZ has already proved he can do it, and so has Troy Smith. Each of them bring different qualities to the team, I just hope Tress and Company names one and sticks with him. Whoever obtains the #1 shouldn't be looking over his shoulder- that causes (as we pointed out earlier) high errant throws, misreads, and happy feet. Like LV said, these are kids, not professionals. I'm sure even the pros have nerves before the game. They're (college kids) going to want to try hard for themselves, their families, their high schools and communities, and most certainly the university. Trying to impress the QB coach every week is just unnecessary.
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MrIncredible said:
I'm sure even the pros have nerves before the game.
i can't remember who exactly it was, Jim Kelley or Dan Marino, but i remember watching NFL Film Presents one time, and the theme of the show was superstitions... anyway, the QB that they were talking to said that he never played in ONE game without throwing up... he even said that one time, the guys made him barf in the first huddle, because he hadn't in the locker room, and even THEY got superstitious concerning the pregame barf...

a nice little anecdote, yes... but it proves a point... even Pros get so nervous before the game that they throw up...
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After scrimmaging Lafayette, the Horn fans are acting like they will roll over us! I think they're whistling in the dark! They want to believe,' This is our year". but have been disappointed so often by Mack and his boys. :osu:
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It's not like Texas hasn't played before large, hostile audiances before..

I think it's a nail biter right down to the final few minutes... you have two good defenses and two teams that can explode on you from any spot on the field.
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blufftonbuck said:
Talent on both squads is really good and pretty even but JT could outcoach Mack in a coma. The atmosphere will be tough and JT will have the kids pumped to face Texas. This is the first round of the NC playoffs and JT does very well in playoffs.

Well, of course if Mack's in a coma, JT could outcoach him. :biggrin:
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Steve19 said:
Here is what I expect:

Facing the best defense the best defense that he will see in his college career, Young and his offense will be bottled up all day. They will be quite frustrated when they are unable to convert third downs and get less than 350 yards total offense.

I think we will spread the offense and that the running game will surprise Texas. I agree that Ginn will get more touches but I think that the offense will explode. Texas' secondary did not look very impressive against LaLa, they will be shattered by the Buckeye receiving corps.

Realistically, I think Ohio State leaves the game ranked second in the nation and that this game is less close than most people think it will be.

Do you guys mind if we show up? If it's as one-sided as many of you think, we could just stay in Austin, but I'd like to go ahead and play anyway.
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