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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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High Lonesome said:
...bj simons put up better numbers in that offense and sonnie combie put up very similar numbers, neither of them were seriously considered for the heisman because voters realized that it was not kingsberry but the system...

I think you're just mad because Kingsbury was the only one of the three to beat Texas...

High Lonesome said:
...the other question would be, "what is a legit heisman candidate?" is it someone who finishes in the top 10 in voting. I would say that really only the top 5 are legit contenders ...

Unless Kingsbury finished in the top five...
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High Lonesome said:
well since then, bj simons put up better numbers in that offense and sonnie combie put up very similar numbers, neither of them were seriously considered for the heisman because voters realized that it was not kingsberry but the system. If you notice, i said nothing of the other teams you mentioned because i do respect what you did. I was just pointing out that while KK was hyped in the preseason he turned out to be a product of a system.

the other question would be, "what is a legit heisman candidate?" is it someone who finishes in the top 10 in voting. I would say that really only the top 5 are legit contenders the rest of them are just really rediculously good players

as a point of clarification: imho a legit candidate controlls his own destiny when it comes to the heisman. the others must rely on others to have down years

I agree with the overall theme of your post though HL. Kingsbury realistically had no shot of winning the Heisman trophy. Sure he put up good numbers but his team finished 9-5 overall. I know the Heisman is an individual award but the recnt winners of the award all played on a team that was in contention for the National Championship.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
If Tech had something resembling a defense in 2002, there's no doubt Kingsbury would've been in the top 5, easily. He still was a bonafide candidate and we shut him down.
ok agree to disagree... I don't know what else to say

"if we would'a had some sort of a defense we'd of taken state I just know it. There ain't no doubt in my mind"
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There is a reason tech has not, and probably will not anytime soon, have a top flight defense as long as they run the PS2 offense that Leach loves so much. The defense just doesn't have enough smash-mouth or run-specific offense to practice against during the year. It doesn't help that most of the athletes are on the offensive side of the ball but even when they have standout players, they are still a liability because correct preparation is very diffficult to simulate within their team dynamic.
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campies said:
There is a reason tech has not, and probably will not anytime soon, have a top flight defense as long as they run the PS2 offense that Leach loves so much. The defense just doesn't have enough smash-mouth or run-specific offense to practice against during the year. It doesn't help that most of the athletes are on the offensive side of the ball but even when they have standout players, they are still a liability because correct preparation is very diffficult to simulate within their team dynamic.
campies i tend to agree with you. historicly if you look at run and shoot/ crazy passing offenses their counter parts on defense are not very effective. However, that being said, leach did bring in some good recruits on the defensive side of the ball. I will be curious to see how they do throughout the next couple of years as they gain more respect as a program.

also they could afford to build a new stadium
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To resurrect a point made a couple pages ago, I think the Hawk vs Young matchup could be between the nation's best open field tackler and the nation's best open field runner. In-Vince-ible force vs. immovAble obJect. Yeah, sorry, that was pretty corny.

I'm pretty sure we'll see a few case studies on the 10th.
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EngineerHorn said:
To resurrect a point made a couple pages ago, I think the Hawk vs Young matchup could be between the nation's best open field tackler and the nation's best open field runner. In-Vince-ible force vs. immovAble obJect. Yeah, sorry, that was pretty corny.

I'm pretty sure we'll see a few case studies on the 10th.
Only if the nation's best open field runner played for Texas, but he doesn't....he plays for Ohio State as well.
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