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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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BuckeyeBill73 said:
This doesn't relate to this year's game, but I was amazed to see that Texas already has 17 commits in the 2006 class, all from in-state and all committed by the first week of April. Two months into the year, and they only had to hand-pick a few more recruits to fill out the class.

Looks like Mack has it down to a science. He just has to hope that those guys continue to develop.

I just wanted to point out the team's philosophy on recruiting. But this thread isn't the place to discuss the pros and cons of very early signees.
yeah he's got it going right now, it helps that we will have so many ships to give next year. we are trying to sign a top qb and some other impact guys but the core of the class has already committed... to quote a crapy 80's one hit wonder(from austin no less)
"The future's so bright, I've gotta wear shades!"

MililaniBuckeye said:
Well, we might as well just not play the game, seeing as nobody can tackle Vince Young, and he scores on every play. Oh wait, wasn't there a game last year where Texas didn't even find the end zone? No, that can't be, since no one can even tackle Vince Young. :roll1:

You know, if you were to read the 70 fucking pages in this thread, nearly everyone deals with Vince fucking Young. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm about tired of hearing about Vince Young.

I agree, you should just forfeit now and save us the trip.:wink2:

also, give the kid a chance, he came in peace and complemented the board, did you really expect him to go back and read 70 pages?
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Okay, at Mililani's request, no more Vince-only posts. Believe it or not, I'm a bit tired of reading about him as well. And Hawk.:biggrin:

But better be careful of restricting our topics Mili, we only have a little over 100 days left to beat the same subjects to death over and over and over and....

So, let us now turn our attention to other playmakers. Like Carpenter and Schlegel. And the backup who, for 117 of the 119 other D1 programs, would probably be a starter. Deandrea? Did I get that right?

Also, what type of back (from a little scat back, say Tech's Taurean Henderson, to a bruiser like Eric Shelton and everything in between) has had the most success running against the Buckeyes? I looked at several box scores, and y'all seemed to shut down Darren Sproles in the '04 Fiesta. Hart really didn't do much last year. Obviously, "success" here is relative, because I know no one has really run wild on the OSU D recently.
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Your Right.

Okay... I recant all that I said.. "IS MY HEAD STILL ATTACHED... GEEZ"

In the posts I read all I heard was about How HAWK, was gods son... and Ginn Jr.. Is the fastest man on the planet... and the Longhorns don't have Benson & Johnson anymore... I was merely attempting to allow some Buckeye fans to see some clips, of Youngs talents.

Nothing in my Post said that Vince was gonna run all over the field and couldn't be tackled.

I think I started the post with..."so if this has been said sorry"

Please Forgive me... My ignorance..
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EH, actually D'Andrea had beat out Schlegel for the starting position until he got hurt. Obviously we're stacked at LB. The key to this game I think will be the Ohio State DL against the Texas OL. The Texas OL will have to enable you-know-who to roam around by limiting our pass rush. They will also have to provide enough run blocking to give Texas at least a semblance of a running game. If Texas' OL plays well against the Ohio State DL, Texas has a very good chance at winning. Conversely, if the Ohio State DL controls the Texas OL, the Longhorns will be hurting big time.

Torch7: My rant wasn't directed at you personally...I just got fed up with yet another "check out Vince Young" post.
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It's not a world beating line but it is pretty good... they held of scUM's pass rush pretty well. Tehy lose one guy off of teh two deep and will have no trouble replacing their one graduate.

And don't take Mili's "rant" to hard, he can be a little high strung sometimes. Welcome to BP, and enjoy your stay here.

Now that you have an account here, please check out our highlight videos to get a good idea of some of the offense you'll be facing soon.

Here is the 04 Buckeye Highlight Reel. It is full speed and only 13 mb so it should d/l pretty quickly. You can't get a gauge for defensive speed, but our offense is featured in that clip.

The best defensive clip is in the MSU clips... watch the Hawk INT, one of the more athletic INTs I've ever seen by a LB.
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thanx BuckeyeFROMscUM.

I will check them out... Pretty sweet graphics you created.

I am not worried about the rant... really I have rhino skin... I was just playing along with my comments.

I fear the Ohio State game, because I don't know much about OHIO State, except for what one of the local talk radio sports show guys talks about (He is a huge buckeyes fan)

I personally think that This will be the toughest game on our schedule, and this will be a coming out party for whoever steps up in this one.

The Above Link to highlights isn't working.
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Torch7 said:
Hey Buckeyes,

I first wanted to say, great site, great community... You all do a good job on this board.

second.. I read the posts up until about page twenty and my eyes started to burn so I jumped to the last 3 pages of posts... so if this has been said sorry.

I haven't seen HAWK, play except a limited amount of highlights... But it seems to me that some of the Buckeye fans think Hawk, will put Vince Young (the king of the Texas Two-Step) in Check. I personally will have to see it to believe it. If Hawk, can do it...(I don't know if he can or not) he will be the first I know of to get it done. On every level I have seen Vince make people look, foolish, and the Rose Bowl, cannot be debunked as a horrible defense, who is unable to tackle. Vince seems always to run just fast enough to be a step ahead of the competition.

I remember hearing the same thing about Teddy Lehman gonna knock Vince into next week. And we all know that Teddy Lehman runs a legit 4.3.

In 2003 his Red-shirt Freshman year.


</PRE>Stick Around watch some film.

Freshman Year
This Year

So Here is too a great matchup, looking forward to it... and HOOKEM HORNS...
Teddy Lehman runs a legit 4.3 my ass. Roy Williams maybe ran a legit 4.3, and he had damn near world class speed in the 100 meters. I get so tired of hearing people talk about 40 times, it's a fucking joke. 4.3 what? 4.30, 4.39- without the hundreths you are talking about a hand timed 40, probably on a track. My junior year in high school I ran a hand timed 4.38 in the parking lot.
If A.J. Hawk has to run 40 yards to catch Vince Young, he ain't gonna catch him. 10 yards is another matter, and A.J. will catch him, and he will put him on the grass, and he might put him in the locker room.
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FindlayBucks said:
Teddy Lehman runs a legit 4.3 my ass. Roy Williams maybe ran a legit 4.3, and he had damn near world class speed in the 100 meters. I get so tired of hearing people talk about 40 times, it's a fucking joke. 4.3 what? 4.30, 4.39- without the hundreths you are talking about a hand timed 40, probably on a track. My junior year in high school I ran a hand timed 4.38 in the parking lot.
If A.J. Hawk has to run 40 yards to catch Vince Young, he ain't gonna catch him. 10 yards is another matter, and A.J. will catch him, and he will put him on the grass, and he might put him in the locker room.
:banger: YES!
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Torch7 said:
Hey Buckeyes, I haven't seen HAWK, play except a limited amount of highlights... But it seems to me that some of the Buckeye fans think Hawk, will put Vince Young (the king of the Texas Two-Step) in Check. I personally will have to see it to believe it. If Hawk, can do it...(I don't know if he can or not) he will be the first I know of to get it done. On every level I have seen Vince make people look, foolish, and the Rose Bowl, cannot be debunked as a horrible defense, who is unable to tackle. Vince seems always to run just fast enough to be a step ahead of the competition.

I remember hearing the same thing about Teddy Lehman gonna knock Vince into next week. And we all know that Teddy Lehman runs a legit 4.3.
Hawk is fast, but despite that, I would fully believe, in fact assume, that Young has a better 40 time than Hawk has. Two points though: 1) While Hawk is our best defensive player, Young will have a lot more to contend with than just Hawk, and 2) Being a dominating linebacker of course isn't just about being fast, even though that helps, a lot. It's about being tough as hell, having great instincts, and knowing your defense and your opponent's offense like the back of your hand. Hawk is unsurpassed in these areas. These guys won't be running a head-to-head wind sprint, they'll be facing each other and Young will have to get past Hawk if he's going to do anything remotely resembling what he did against Michigan. Can he do it? Maybe, but I personally would not bet on it.
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Those Lions are Lying then.

On his first run, Lehman posted a 4.3-second dash, before a sporadic audience of coaches. A few minutes later, he blazed another 4.3, thus triggering an avalanche of coaches hustling to verify Lehman's speed at closer range. By the time he registered a fourth straight 4.3, he had become the talk of the town. "No one had ever realized who I was until then," he says, while displaying a wry smile.


His actual forty times in the NFL Combine is 4.48; The Lehman comment was full of "satire". I guess I should of thought that Lightning Lehman comments don't carry over, outside of the big 12... that's how horn fans usually rile up sooners, by talking about how fast Lehman is.

Bottom line 40 times mean squat to me (as Well)... there is a such thing as game speed... when you adrenaline hits; and you get a little more pep in your step.

I didn't mention the forty time first... (It was a response to an earlier post) I have always said the #10 has game speed, I have watched him play since High-School; and could care less about his forty time.. I didn't mention the OHio State Linebacker, putting a stop to Texas #10 first (It was a response to an earlier post)

[#10 did go up against #11 & #2 day in and day out in practice] Just an observation.

I respect Ohio State, like I said before they will probably be the toughest game on our schedule, but until we hit the FIELD this is just conversation... no need to take it as anything more than that... Conversation.

I know next time to quote the comments prior to mines so I don't look like a dumb HICK who doesn't know football.
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