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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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BuckeyeNation27 said:

so fucking tired of the espin bullshit. yes im sure the "cloud of controversy" is going to have an effect on this game. :roll1:

don't let it bother you so much, one out of 4 said that you will lose and he had to come up with an offield issue to justify it, if anything i would say that you should be happy with those predictions

also i like that the 2nd guy said that hawk would be able to spy VY, god i hope that is JT's game plan because there is not one player in the country that can "spy" vince. He is stoppable but not by one player, even when that player is the best linebacker in the nation
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High Lonesome said:
also i like that the 2nd guy said that hawk would be able to spy VY, god i hope that is JT's game plan because there is not one player in the country that can "spy" vince. He is stoppable but not by one player, even when that player is the best linebacker in the nation
HL, I agree with you on that. It needs to be a team thing, with everybody staying in their gaps/lanes in order to contain VY. I don't think most of our defensive sets will include a 'spy', but we may toss it in once in a while just to give him another different look.
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Aj Hawk is better than DJ plain and simple. No doubt in my mind that AJ can stop VY but Vince will have his plays. We just have to make sure he don't make the big plays. I know its prolly easier said than done, but we have the speed at Linebacker to DEFINATLY stick it to VY.

Yeah you're right lonesome we should be happy with 3 of 4 say'n OSU should win. Well atleast I am.
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I think a spy is the wrong word. But since we do play alot of zone coverages that alone will be able to contain VY's long runs. My question for the Texas fans is how has VY done against Oklahoma and what have they done? Ohio State does have alot of the same qualities as the OU zone blitz schemes. Just Ohio State has been less aggressive compared to what I have seen Oklahoma doing, but in the same way Ohio State waits until the red zone for their agressive play calling.
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well ou has done amazingly agianst texas(as has been very well documented on this board as well as many other places) the only problem with using that example is that texas goes into that game with a conservative game plan every year and pays for it. Vince's freshman year he made the ou defenders look stupid but he also had some costly turnovers. if texas goes to the shoe with the same conservative crap that they have taken to the rrs the last 4 years then don't worry about spys, you wont need them, texas will beat themselves.
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High Lonesome said:
regardless i would have to see aj stop vince singlehandedly to believe it. as of now, i have never seen one player stop vince

I will bet you a C-note that if it came down to Hawk and Young being alone one-on-one out on the flats, Young is going down. I have yet to see anyone shake Hawk in the open with a move...ever.
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High Lonesome said:
aj may turn out to be a better linebacker but last year dj was the best in the nation. regardless i would have to see aj stop vince singlehandedly to believe it. as of now, i have never seen one player stop vince

That's for sure, Johnson was a stud last year.

As far as Hawk being a spy, I thnink that's more or less to get to the spot VY is running to and force him into the arms of other defenders. I'm not sure one guy alone can stop him. Thats what a good team speed defense should accomplish.
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Piney said:
...My question for the Texas fans is how has VY done against Oklahoma and what have they done?...

Young vs. Oklahoma (2003)
Passing: 11-21-2, 135 yards, 0 TD
Rushing: 15-127 (8.5 ypc), 1 TD

Young had one run of 59 yards, and a TD run of 27 yards. Take those away and he was 13-41 (3.1 ypc). He also had one of his INTs returned for a TD.

Young vs. Oklahoma (2004)
Passing: 8-23-0, 86 yards, 0 TD
Rushing: 16-54 (3.4 ypc), 0 TD

Young had one run of 23 yards, so take that jaunt away and he was 15-31 (2 ypc).

You can see that Young can be contained for the most part, but has the ability to break one or two big ones. Our defense will have to limit those big runs. If they do, then we win, plain and simple. If Young breaks a few big ones, it'll make for an exciting evening.
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as i stated earlier, much of that has to do with the gameplan as much as the defense that they were playing agianst. i don't think that vy ran one bootleg or roll out that entire game. if we take our rrs gameplan into the shoe, this game will not even be close. i have confidence that mac has learned after 5 years though
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High Lonesome said:
as i stated earlier, much of that has to do with the gameplan as much as the defense that they were playing agianst. i don't think that vy ran one bootleg or roll out that entire game. if we take our rrs gameplan into the shoe, this game will not even be close. i have confidence that mac has learned after 5 years though

I would counter with... If he hasn't learned in 5 yrs, what makes you think he will now?

I would think that looking exclusively at the RRS would be a mistake. How has he done in high profile OOC games, I think his bowl plights are relatively well documented, but I don't know about regular season Big Time OOC games.
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gregorylee said:
I would counter with... If he hasn't learned in 5 yrs, what makes you think he will now?

I would think that looking exclusively at the RRS would be a mistake. How has he done in high profile OOC games, I think his bowl plights are relatively well documented, but I don't know about regular season Big Time OOC games.

His first year was 1998. Here's his record in "high profile" (against BCS conference) OOC games, and the records of those teams for that year in parenthesis:

1998: Lost 49-31 at UCLA (10-2)
1999: Lost to NC State (6-6) 23-20 in BCA Classic; beat Stanford (8-4) 69-17 at Texas
2000: Lost 27-24 at Stanford (5-6)
2001: Beat North Carolina (8-5) 44-14 at Texas
2002: Beat North Carolina (3-9) 52-21 at NC
2003: Lost to Arkansas (9-4) 38-28 at Texas
2004: Beat Arkansas (5-6) 22-20 at Arkansas

He's 4-4 in games against teams from the Pac-10, ACC, and SEC conferences. Only UCLA was the cream of the crop of their conferences the year they played Texas. Stanford did win the Pac-10 in 1999, but their 8-4 indicates they weren't a top-flight team. Three of their four OOC losses were to teams with a .500 or less record for the season, and two of their four OOC wins came against teams with losing records for the season.
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well, Mac got drilled 38-28 in Austin by Arkansas in '03... then in '04, the Horns were on the ropes in Fayetteville, and the referee was about to step in and stop the fight, when a desperation haymaker landed and Matt Jones coughed up the ball, resulting in a 2 point Texas win...
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