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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Found these guys at The Buckeye Corner in Polaris. Kinda low class, IMO seeing as its a t-shirt for OU fans (its obviously crimson, not scarlet, sorry). So yeah, dunno about "Tuck Fexas" yet, but since they're now at Buckeye Corner, expect to see OSU fans wearing these guys.
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So anywhere from $250 to $300 for not so great seats. Does anyone think this will change? I'd guess demand won't remain constant, and therefore ticket prices should change accordingly. What are the chances of buying some right before kickoff?

For example, for the UT-OU game, ticket prices for decent seats have been about $200 recently. But sometimes, if you're looking in the right places, you can get a ticket for half that just minutes before kickoff. But since scalping is technically illegal in Ohio (I think), that might complicate things. Any advice?
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EngineerHorn said:
Any advice?
Its possible to probably scalp right before kickoff...I have done it for "The Game." However, the past few years, I have enjoyed staying outside of the stadium, watching it on TV, drinking cold beverages(in plastic cups of course), and listening to the roar of the crowd.

The entire atmosphere is amazing...I know the SEC gets major props for gameday atmosphere, but I have yet to find a scene to match Columbus, Ohio on a fall saturday.
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I've read a lot of interesting reports about the RRS, which would be even more unique due to the split of fanbases. A few on Hornfans seem to think RRS has the best atmosphere, OSU/UM has the best game.

Texas fans, a site has down a survey from (former and current) players on coaching ratings

Mack Brown's ratings were high except for one area (score out of 5):
6. Coach would embarrass players publicly that didn’t perform

Can you give us some insight into this?

edit: never mind, looks like every coach got a low rating in this area...
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Part of Mack's perceived reputation is that he coddles his players. This is true, at least when it comes to shielding them from the media. There was an incident after the UT-OU game 3 years ago where a reporter came up and asked Chris Simms about his performance in the loss. Mack made his way to the front and answered the question for Chris in a very, very defensive way. He took a lot of heat for that the next few weeks.

So yeah, Mack is the last coach in the country I'd expect to embarrass his players publicly. His is very protective, overly protective in my opinion. To the point where it prevents some players from developing the mental toughness needed to succeed (as was, some think, the case for Chris Simms).

Anyone see the comments on Les Miles? 60% of his players called him "corrupt," which confirms his reputation. I just keep wondering if LSU knows what they're getting themselves into with him.
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CFBNews.com had 4 writers pick 3 big games early in the season, Miami-FSU, Tenn-Florida, and our primetime gem vs. Texas.

Pete Fiutak - Texas at Ohio State: Early Line: Texas -1.5 ...
How do beat a fast quarterback? Fast, talented linebackers. Ohio State has the best linebacking corps in the country and a smart, speedy secondary that won't let Vince Young rip off too many big runs. What won't be talked about much is the Texas defense that'll keep the Buckeye offense under wraps. Expect a classic, but primetime hyped games never turn out that way.
Way-too-early pick: Ohio State 20 ... Texas 13

Richard Cirminiello - Sept. 10, Texas at Ohio State: Early Line: Texas -1.5 ... Holy crap. Do whatever it takes to clear the primetime schedule for this first-ever clash between these two mighty programs. Heisman fortunes will be at stake, and the winner instantly gets installed as the biggest threat to USC’s quest for a three-peat. With a national TV audience and more than 101,000 stoked fans in attendance, the impact of home-field advantage should not be understated. Beyond the intangibles, however, Ohio State with their sensational linebackers has one of the only defenses in America that can lasso Vince Young. And without a true feature back to lean on, A.J. Hawk will be able to spy the quarterback until the lights go off. Unlike Pasadena, neither Cedric Benson nor the wobbly Michigan D will be in the House, and the crowd will be anything but neutral. Young will get loose on occasion, but Ted Ginn will be everywhere, and the Buckeye defense will be the show-stopper on this night.
Way-too-early pick: Ohio State 24 Texas 19

Matthew Zemek - Texas at Ohio State: Early Line: Texas -1.5 ... I think Ohio State is the third-best team in the Big Ten, behind Iowa (first) and Michigan (second). I have this view because the Buckeye program has not evaded the clouds of controversy, specifically with respect to a star player who carries all of the team's hopes on his back. Troy Smith has to have his mind right, and his game sharp, for the Bucks to beat Texas and have a breakout season, and while that may indeed happen, I can't say I'm confident that will happen. Let it be said once more, and with emphasis, that this is not a commentary on anything that's happened to Smith off the field; the rights and wrongs of the matter represent another discussion for another day. Regardless of the justness (or lack thereof) of Ohio State Football's off-field problems, what cannot be denied is that it is a distraction, and that Smith's accordingly reduced lack of on-field reps leading into the Texas game will leave him in a comparatively poorer position. Texas is likely to be a happier, sharper and more confident team heading into this contest.
Way-too-early pick: Texas over Ohio State 20-14

And John Harris's tongue-in-cheek version - Texas at Ohio State: Early Line: Texas -1.5 ... These two greats match up in Columbus, and all of the pressure will be on Longhorn QB James Street to run the option, making all the proper decisions against the Jack Tatum led Ohio State defense. Randy Gradishar and his linebacking corps will have their hands full taking on Earl Campbell, Ricky Williams and Cedric Benson in Darrell Royal’s wishbone offense. For the Buckeyes offense, it’s going to revolve around the matchup with Orlando Pace at tackle against Kenneth Sims, who moves to DE to face off against the Buckeye behemoth. Archie Griffin has the quicks to exploit the Texas defense if Pace and his OL brethren can ‘own the corner’. Keep an eye on the Joey Galloway-Jerry Gray tête-à-tête in the passing game, as well. The team that can find some success in the passing game will win this football game.
Way-too-early pick:
Buckeyes – 27 vs. Texas – 23.
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