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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Since we put Brown's "high profile" OOC record under the microscope, it would be only fair that we do the same to Tressel since his arrival at Ohio State in 2001:

2001: Lost 13-6 at UCLA (7-4)
2002: Beat Texas Tech (9-5) 45-21 at The Shoe
2002: Beat Washington State (10-3) 25-7 at The Shoe
2003: Beat Washington (6-6) 28-9 at The Shoe
2003: Beat NC State (8-5) 44-38 at The Shoe
2004: Beat NC State (5-6) 22-14 at NC State

Tressel is 5-1 against teams from the Pac-10, Big-12, and ACC conferences. Washington State won the Pac-10 in 2002. Also keep in mind that OSU beat four teams (TT, WSU, UW, NCSU) who had legitimate Heisman candidate QBs.
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Even with the gazillion-to-one chance that Texas and Ohio State lose their openers, that wouldn't much change the magnitude of the first-ever meeting between two of college football's all-time premier programs.
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lvbuckeye said:
well, Mac got drilled 38-28 in Austin by Arkansas in '03... then in '04, the Horns were on the ropes in Fayetteville, and the referee was about to step in and stop the fight, when a desperation haymaker landed and Matt Jones coughed up the ball, resulting in a 2 point Texas win...
I suppose that Matt Jones bounce pass which lead to a TD didnt have any impact at all.

Do you know how much Texas is hated by Arkansas? Know how Texas feels about Arkansas? If you did you would understand why that played out like it did.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Since we put Brown's "high profile" OOC record under the microscope, it would be only fair that we do the same to Tressel since his arrival at Ohio State in 2001:

2001: Lost 13-6 at UCLA (7-4)
2002: Beat Texas Tech (9-5) 45-21 at The Shoe
2002: Beat Washington State (10-3) 25-7 at The Shoe
2003: Beat Washington (6-6) 28-9 at The Shoe
2003: Beat NC State (8-5) 44-38 at The Shoe
2004: Beat NC State (5-6) 22-14 at NC State

Tressel is 5-1 against teams from the Pac-10, Big-12, and ACC conferences. Washington State won the Pac-10 in 2002. Also keep in mind that OSU beat four teams (TT, WSU, UW, NCSU) who had legitimate Heisman candidate QBs.
no qb from tech will ever be considered a legit heisman candidate
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He was the big12's best QB coming into that year and hyped as preaseason All-Big12 QB.

And if you don't respect us shutting down those lesser candidates, Roberson/Sproles are much better, and Dorsey/McGahee was quite a challenge.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Sorry to hear you were asleep for the entire 2002 season... :roll1:
If so he would have also missed us shutting down 3rd place Larry Johnson, 4th place McGahee, 5th place Dorsey, 7th place Gesser, and 9th place Kingsbury.
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Gesser finished 7th & Kingsbury finished 9th in voting for the 2002 Heisman Trophy. I would say that's pretty legit.


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=notch_header>


</TD><TD class=notch_header width=1 rowSpan=3>
</TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=sidebar><TD vAlign=top>
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="99%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sidebar vAlign=top>1st 2nd 3rd Total
Carson Palmer 242 224 154 1328
Brad Banks 199 173 152 1095
Larry Johnson 108 130 142 726
Willis McGahee 101 118 121 660
Ken Dorsey 122 89 99 643
Byron Leftwich 22 26 34 152
Jason Gesser 5 22 15 74
Chris Brown 5 11 11 48
Kliff Kingsbury 6 2 11 33
Quentin Griffin 1 8 9 28

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well since then, bj simons put up better numbers in that offense and sonnie combie put up very similar numbers, neither of them were seriously considered for the heisman because voters realized that it was not kingsberry but the system. If you notice, i said nothing of the other teams you mentioned because i do respect what you did. I was just pointing out that while KK was hyped in the preseason he turned out to be a product of a system.

the other question would be, "what is a legit heisman candidate?" is it someone who finishes in the top 10 in voting. I would say that really only the top 5 are legit contenders the rest of them are just really rediculously good players

as a point of clarification: imho a legit candidate controlls his own destiny when it comes to the heisman. the others must rely on others to have down years
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