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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Bucknut319 said:
Wrapping up Young. Sure tackling will be the key.

I don't think our guys will have much trouble tackling. They seem to be able to tackle anyone. Here is a list of guys they have shut down in the past couple of years.

McGhaee, Morency, Woods, Breaston, Edwards, Sproles, Roberson, T.A., Hart, and the list goes on.
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osugrad21 said:

Tru that, grad. You always defer on a won toss, (Unless you really really really want to receive it that bad). Some people may not realize that the team that does not make the choice at the beginning of the game gets the choice during the second half. We learned this the hard way my freshman year of high school! Two kicks in a row! Video games don't portray that too well!
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