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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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I paid $700 for my two tickets from an OSU student, so y'all should find out who he is and we'll all kick his ass for selling it to me.... a dirty longhorn...haha. I have two i'm actually trying to sell. I'm asking $450 just to re-coup what i spent.
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UGABuck said:
I used to say this in '02 when fans from other teams would ask what to expect:

Expect our players to be much faster than you think

Expect to get hit directly under the chin or directly in your earhole early in the game

Expect our Safeties to hit you like Linebackers

Expect to lose track of the snapcount, audible or play at least twice

Expect to move the ball on occasion but not score

Expect to see a long field goal from us

Expect to see your Heisman trophy candidate QB leave with a bruise or five

Expect your running game to disappear

Expect your WRs and RBs to get fucking hammered everytime they run out of bounds because we never stop pursuit

Expect to lose

i need to make that into a tshirt..nice post man!
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Piney said:
Feel free to stop at the BP Tailgate at the Fawcett Center (you can look at that thread to get a better idea) http://www.buckeyeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14396

I know a person that would love those tickets.... ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I only have the $8 VCash to my name but I would hate for those tickets not to get used :)
dont sell yourself short with that 57 cents big guy
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Well, we had 2 withdrawals... they were both before the noon cutoff, (One wasn't a member here... obviously we had other interested parties, but we made everyone follow the same rules as far as blind bidding,) So the final was $400.

Edit, yes a buckeye fan bought them...
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UGABuck said:
I used to say this in '02 when fans from other teams would ask what to expect:

Expect our players to be much faster than you think

Expect to get hit directly under the chin or directly in your earhole early in the game

Expect our Safeties to hit you like Linebackers

Expect to lose track of the snapcount, audible or play at least twice

Expect to move the ball on occasion but not score

Expect to see a long field goal from us

Expect to see your Heisman trophy candidate QB leave with a bruise or five

Expect your running game to disappear

Expect your WRs and RBs to get fucking hammered everytime they run out of bounds because we never stop pursuit

Expect to lose

I didnt know big slow ohio boys could do that. That only happens in FL, Texas, and Cali.
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It was City, and I had Mac and Cheese and Fries on the side. :biggrin:

I would think that there really isn't alot of trickery in the punting, and that it is mostly feild position dictated, unless there is a new returner or he is someone who has been shaken or shows a propencity to bobble kicks or whatever.
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