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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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5) Caller asked why OSU tends to punt "down the middle" so much, and not go for the coffin corner. JT responded that no punt returner in the country has experienced fielding a punt in the 'Shoe, where the ball goes 'up and up and up' but never clears the upper deck crowd. Staff wants to see how opposing returners handle fielding punts in the 'Shoe to decide whether to go for a coffin kick or make them try to field another one.

That is interesting stuff. Had never considered that particular advantage for OSU before. Or perhaps there is none and he is trying to convince Mack to punt down the middle to Teddie.

Haw, after demotion for off-field problem this summer, didn't give the effort the staff wanted to see to work his way back up the depth chart.

I recall that same rap as a true Frosh. Hopefully he can put it behind him.
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A few things for Texas to expect this weekend

I used to say this in '02 when fans from other teams would ask what to expect:

Expect our players to be much faster than you think

Expect to get hit directly under the chin or directly in your earhole early in the game

Expect our Safeties to hit you like Linebackers

Expect to lose track of the snapcount, audible or play at least twice

Expect to move the ball on occasion but not score

Expect to see a long field goal from us

Expect to see your Heisman trophy candidate QB leave with a bruise or five

Expect your running game to disappear

Expect your WRs and RBs to get fucking hammered everytime they run out of bounds because we never stop pursuit

Expect to lose
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Hornfan2004 said:
Hate to do this ,but really dont want to get stuck with these extra tickets. section 7AA, row 8....two OSU student tickets ....let me know if you know someone who needs em

Feel free to stop at the BP Tailgate at the Fawcett Center (you can look at that thread to get a better idea) http://www.buckeyeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14396

I know a person that would love those tickets.... ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I only have the $8 VCash to my name but I would hate for those tickets not to get used :)
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Oh8ch said:
That is interesting stuff. Had never considered that particular advantage for OSU before. Or perhaps there is none and he is trying to convince Mack to punt down the middle to Teddie.

I recall that same rap as a true Frosh. Hopefully he can put it behind him.

Now do you really think Tress would try and trick someone into kicking to Teddy. Not Tress. :)

Man It sounded like in all the interviews that he had really matured and had all that behind him. I really hope so.
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