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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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daddyphatsacs said:
Kick off. With the crowd as excited as they will be, come out and stuff them 3 and out (hopefully), and give Teddy a chance to start the tempo off right.

I was talking to my buddy and was saying how awesome it would be if we kicked off.......stuffed them 3 and out, sacking Young once.......then have Teddy Ginn return a punt back to the house, right out of the gate. A man can dream can't he? :biggrin:

You got the right idea. Stuff them and get the BIG MO on our side.
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Kickoff and a quick 3 and out...very demoralizing.
They could take option 2 and kick to Ginn and he returns for a TD

They could take option 3 and short kick it and we get it on the 35 or 40 and throw a quick TD to Holmes

No matter what Texas loses :tongue2:

:oh: :io:
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