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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Buck Nasty said:
Fuck, you said he turned down 500. I thought that meant the bidding started at 500. I say Do Over.

Differnt thread :wink2: ... that guy actually was one of the bailouts (earlier)... he hadnt' asked his wife yet... if you know what I mean.
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Let me just bounce right back to the topic of the thread.

I want us to clinically shut them down and win by at least 17. I want it very clearly to be that we dominated them and then I want to do the same to Iowa in a few weeks. I don't think we get into #1 without a USC loss otherwise.

Also, if we win big then we may move above USC in the computer ratings anyway. I want to win that NC game and we gotta get there first.

I also want to make a point about Big 10 football.

Don't get me wrong, I'll take the 1 point win with 1 second on the clock, :biggrin: but I really want to see the state emergency crews coming in to close down Olentangy River Road for a few days, so that the whoopass can be cleaned up off the roads that has been flowing out of Ohio Stadium!
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
so you'll have them then? :p

Didn't I hear that they would be showing the game in the Schott? I'd rather watch it on a TV in the parking lot than in there, but if you can't find one I think I heard that somewhere.

Exactly! Rather keep that TV we will be using for the afternoon games going for the night game to keep the post game tailgating spots secure.

Of course I am still praying that I find a ticket on the parking lot ground so I can go to the game. I can keep hopes alive can't I?
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