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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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bucknut4life said:
What would you rather watch this weekend against texas?? A complete ass whoopin or 60 minutes of hard nosed college football??

Personally, i love nailbiter games..But for this weekend, lets just wrap it up by halftime..

Whats everyone else think?

I think we'd all like to see a blowout but it's not going to happen.
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8 p.m. kickoff, biggest game of college football this year, National Championship contention on the line? The 'Shoe as loud as it has ever been? 105,000 piss drunk fans in attendance? Hell yeah I want a nailbiter!

(Of course, I want a nailbiter with a comfortable 7-point Buckeye lead! :eek: )
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All of our rivals think vince is dumb, the only other similaritys are that he is black and had something to do with football. I still have yet to figure out why they think he is dumb but oh well. I think that the Uncle Rico references to his throwing motion are much more humorous.
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Although lacking in eloquence, the site makes some valid points. Don't get me wrong, Vince Young is a playmaker...just not a true quarterback. Troy Smith doesn't have near the legs of VY, but I like his versatility better.

While I feel that Young is on a different level than Troy, I think they both have a little more hype than they deserve right now. Each of them have showed flashes of brilliance and have leadership qualities, but are riding on the wings of hype and a few high-profile games against VERY average defenses (and the same one in the case of Meatchicken).

Again, Young is a dangerous player when the ball is in his hands. The second he let's it go, opposing defenses lose all fear. Until he can step up and deliver in a big game with his arm, he's not a legitimate heisman contender or the superstar that many longhorns would have you believe.

On the same note...We, as Buckeye fans, have bought into Troy Smith in much the same way. He played a great game, but no one expected HALF of that performance before kickoff and he hasn't had a chance to show us anything else since. Remember, he was very average in his starts prior to Meatchicken (The team that good mobile QB's play to become legends).

...it all comes down to logic and objectivity.
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Now thats funny
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Hmmmm now the big debate. I don't have tickets and doubt I will get them or afford them even if I am down there. BUT my idiot friends up in Cleveland aren't doing anything big... mainly due because they are morons and I am the biggest Ohio State fan of them all. So do I say screw it and come down alone and tailgate with ya all and party right or just hit a bar up here and party? I am also assuming the TV would be used to watch the game for us unlucky souls that don't have tickets :)

What shall I do?
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I know several folks that sold their tickets to ticket brokers... I'd guess the Texas fans are buying the ticks from the brokers...

The kind of money one can get for good seats is nuts... some of the prices folks are getting will fund vacations (as in $1k per ticket type money/$2.25k per season)... plain nuts...
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an embarrasingly lopsided OSU win is what I want. To the point where Tressel has to put in his subs to keep the score down... not gonna happen but its what I want.

I want to hear the announcers go on and on about how this game was supposed to be good but OSU dominated...
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Piney said:
Hmmmm now the big debate. I don't have tickets and doubt I will get them or afford them even if I am down there. BUT my idiot friends up in Cleveland aren't doing anything big... mainly due because they are morons and I am the biggest Ohio State fan of them all. So do I say screw it and come down alone and tailgate with ya all and party right or just hit a bar up here and party? I am also assuming the TV would be used to watch the game for us unlucky souls that don't have tickets :)

What shall I do?

I'm guessing the bars would be completely packed and it would be very hard to watch the games there. I'm thinking about leaving campus around 6:30pm and heading home where I have a 57'' to watch the game on. Anyone that wants to can come to my house and watch the game.

Thump.... I'll be there by 7am or so
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