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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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ScarletInMyVeins said:
If you bring up those shirts one more time I'm gonna blow my head off! You were supposed to send me the money 3 months ago and you forgot... now you are worried about 'em? I don't have the shirts anymore!!! I wiped my ass with those shirts and flushed them down the toilet :wink:

I'll have 'em for ya homo :biggrin:
so you'll have them then? :p

Didn't I hear that they would be showing the game in the Schott? I'd rather watch it on a TV in the parking lot than in there, but if you can't find one I think I heard that somewhere.
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Hawk booking it down the field for a pick-6 would be amazing.

Or Carpenter at TE blowing up a corner blitz opening up a hole for Smith* to make a huge play out of nothing.

*No knock on JZ...in my imagination I see Smith breaking out of the pocket for huge gains...
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I bought a block of 6 expecting that it would just be me, my bro, and my dad. Then we picked up 3 others who wanted to go (2 of them Domer fans). Now the Domer fans have droped out and I found 2 more of my brothers friends who wanted in. The first question I asked was if they were Buckeyes :biggrin:
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I just scored 2 tickets yesterday, from a secretary here, at face value. I know that I could resell them and easily make $1000. But when I told my 11 year-old son yesterday that I was taking him to the game, well his reaction was worth far more than what I could profit by reselling them. The experience of the game is priceless and personally, to experience this game with my son will provide him, as well as me, with a memory that will last a lifetime. In my book, you can't put a price tag on that.
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the football fan in me wants a very close nailbiter, but the buckeyes fan in me wants to see the buckeyes stomp a mudhole in them and walk it dry. i would love to see the buckeyes just kick them in the teeth and win by 21 so that eveyone that says texas wins, or says that texas wins big, looks like a complete ass.
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Keys to Victory?

I'm sure it has been discussed in the game post, but what do you all think is the key to victory? Here's what I think:

1) Obviously - Contain Vince Young. Keep outside contain and conceal him into the pocket. Make him try to beat us on the pass. Big game for the D-Line.

2) No doubt in my mind that they are going to focus on containing Ginn. This is perfect. Look for a big game from Holmes and Gonzales, due to lack of emphasis on their importance. Holmes is still our best receiver, Teddy just happens to be our best athlete!

3) Justin Zwick and Troy Smith delivering the ball. Justin staying composed when the pocket collapes, and Troy being able to scramble. Also, big game from our O-Line!

4) Always last but never least: Special Teams! Field position football is an incredible advantage in any game. Trepasso is going to need time to get big punts off. Good snaps from Norman will help (T-County represent!). Houston is going to have to make field goals, and eliminate the return game. I'm looking for a big returns from Santonio and Teddy on both PR and KR. Let's get the wall set on the PR, and take one to the house! I'd love to see Santonio come around the corner as a lead blocker, as Teddy follows his escort behind the wall!

What do you all think?
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Fuck Texas. Ohio State will blow through Texas like the non-factor that they always end up being. Young is completely over rated and over hyped. Brown has proven again and again he cannot win the big games. This game will come down to coaching. Simple as that. Texas will lose more than their self respect in the shoe this saturday, they will lose the very soul of that team to injury. I predict tOSU 34 - 13 with Vince Young carried out on a stretcher in the 3rd quarter after being sacked for the 4th time in the game. I bet a guy at work 20 on tOSU giving 17 points and will collect that bet on monday. I cannot believe anyone on this board is doubting that this game will be a complete mismatch. The dominance of this defense will be remembered for many years as we march towards the BCS championship game and thoroughly dominate another orange team, Tennessee. Love my Bucks.
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Alright guys here is the plan to get the Bucks a blowout:

Soon after I enter the stadium and take my seat, I am going to use Intimidating Shout. I will continue to use it until the game ends, and possibly longer.

I would suggest that everyone else uses their Intimidating Shout as well.

If you can cast Divine Intervention I would do that as well.

If all else fails fall back to Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt,

I would use Lightning bolt on Vince Young primarily.

I will spread my manna all over the Bucks, and it should turn into quite a blowout.

Can anyone crunch the numbers and give me an idea what the chances of this happening are?

Allright Chumps.... Let's do this!!!!!!

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buckNUTS should re-name that board, I know...

Mr Drooly's Retard Ranch

If it were an actual, real place to visit, the walls in all the buildings would all be padded and the floors would be bear concrete. Most of those idiots would all be in straight-jackets, running full speed, slamming their heads off the walls. They would just go #1 & 2 in their pants.

The rest would be carrying torches & pitchforks looking for someone new to lynch.

That place is only good for info, and that's normally half-assed.
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