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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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I'm in Section B2 how is that view? its in the closed end of the horse shoe. So I'm pretty sure I'll have that damn pole in my way... Is the pole that disruptive? by the way I got my tickets yesterday...

can't wait! go bucks!
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smith288 said:
an embarrasingly lopsided OSU win is what I want. To the point where Tressel has to put in his subs to keep the score down... not gonna happen but its what I want.

I want to hear the announcers go on and on about how this game was supposed to be good but OSU dominated...

best damn post..i want texas to go back home cryin!!
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ScarletInMyVeins said:
I'm guessing the bars would be completely packed and it would be very hard to watch the games there. I'm thinking about leaving campus around 6:30pm and heading home where I have a 57'' to watch the game on. Anyone that wants to can come to my house and watch the game.

Thump.... I'll be there by 7am or so

57" TV? Now why aren't we having a "non ticket holders" BP watching party at SIMV's house?

The evil of not having tickets... to drive down to tailgate just because it is fun to do or just make your own party at home as I will also be tailgating for the Browns game Sunday morning :biggrin:
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Tied at the half, maybe even tied at the end of the 3rd, but then the Bucks pull some crazy plays or turnovers and break open a huge lead.

Of course, a double-overtime win would be ridiculous, but having the distinct possibility of losing on the very next play is something I can't handle. Not after the 2002 and 2003 season.

My blood pressure can't take that anymore. A blowout victory would silence a lot of critics and would propel us to #2, maybe #1.
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I sat in the last row of B deck for the scUM game...would have been...oh, probably 1998 or 2000. They sucked ass. Poles blocked the view, couldn't see the scoreboard at all, there wasn't enough room to sit down (probably because some of those asshole :wink2: students left their own seats to sit under the roof) and tOSU lost. Haven't sat in that section since.
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That is what I first said to my fiance and then she reminded me that she is "letting" me do whatever I want Saturday because of the Texas game, ie not going to a wedding with her. My Fiance is a huge Browns fan so the next day is mandatory.

All I know is I have Monday off from work cuz god knows I will need a day off to recover.
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daddyphatsacs said:
Close until the 4th quarter........but then we pull away with some amazing plays........like an AJ Hawk interception to the house.......or Teddy G taking a punt back for 6.

if either one of those situations happens, columbus will just absolutely go insane..i can hear the cheers and the screams now...the whole town will shake
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A nailbiter doesn't bode well for the Buckeyes since VY is a threat to score on every broken play. I would rather see a blowout.

Now, in terms of recent history, the blowout that becomes a nailbiter is the worst. Thank goodness Snyder is gone and we don't have to see anymore of this soft zone prevent coverage crap in the 4th.
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Piney said:
Hmmmm now the big debate. I don't have tickets and doubt I will get them or afford them even if I am down there. BUT my idiot friends up in Cleveland aren't doing anything big... mainly due because they are morons and I am the biggest Ohio State fan of them all. So do I say screw it and come down alone and tailgate with ya all and party right or just hit a bar up here and party? I am also assuming the TV would be used to watch the game for us unlucky souls that don't have tickets :)

What shall I do?

im drivin down by myself more than likely..all my friends keep backing out..im not missing this weekend for anything..ive kept this weekend open for a year now..

its just gona be such a great experience, i mean all the people down there, its just gona be nuts!!
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There is no way I'm missing this game! I don't think any amount of money could pry me away from my tickets. It would be an all out slaughtering if someone tried to take them from me!

I actually sold one of my ticket. My buddy is lucky I like him, 'cuz he's paying no more than face value!

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