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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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ScarletInMyVeins said:
I'll have nametags for everyone too. It's always kinda awkward meeting someone that you've only talked to online so hopefully that'll take some of that awkwardness away.

You gotta get Jwins to take some pics of people down there. I would love to see some pics posted on here. I can just imagine some guy with a "Hi my name is Tibor name tag walking around".
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(I'm assuming the two votes in the Coaches' poll come from a hopeful Mack Brown and a playful Bob Stoops.)

It has been well documented that Mack Brown is actually not one of these people, he voted for USC, Gary Barnett did vote for the horns. I have no clue who stoops voted for, nor do i care.

overall not a bad article, maybe even a great article considering the source
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I was planning on stopping by, but my fiance coaches a vball team that has a game that probably won't be over till 2. We will have to come down from Cleveland, so we won't even get to cbus until around 5. We'll be lucky to get to spend some time tailgating right next to the shoe. I'm just not going to have time to make it all the way over to the RV lot. I hope you all have a great time.
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That's pretty funny. Woulda made more sense if it came from a sooner site though.

Aggie fans have a long and storied history of talking shit about players who completely own them. See also: Chrissy (Chris Simms), C-bong (Cedric Benson), Wicky (Ricky Williams). A note on Ricky, I think he has the most yards against one team, the Aggies, than anyone else in the history of college football.
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is the problem MNF???

does anyone know how many HD trucks/teams ABC has? i think the problem is the Monday Night Football broadcasts. they are supposed to be in new england on thursday for the raiders v pats and in atlanta in monday for the eagles v. falcons...

if they only have one truck/team, i'm thinking boston on thursday night, columbus on saturday night and atlanta on monday night might not be feasible. i don't know how long it takes to set up/tear down these rigs and then travel between cities...

food for thought. not very tastey food, but food for thought nonetheless...

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blowout or nailbiter? what do you prefer

What would you rather watch this weekend against texas?? A complete ass whoopin or 60 minutes of hard nosed college football??

Personally, i love nailbiter games..But for this weekend, lets just wrap it up by halftime..

Whats everyone else think?
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
SIMV, you gonna have my shirts?

If you bring up those shirts one more time I'm gonna blow my head off! You were supposed to send me the money 3 months ago and you forgot... now you are worried about 'em? I don't have the shirts anymore!!! I wiped my ass with those shirts and flushed them down the toilet :wink:

I'll have 'em for ya homo :biggrin:
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