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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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xrayrandy said:
He practices against players just as good in practice and does an excellent job throwing into tight coverage.
excellent! so 3 funmbles and 2 picks minimum in this game! this is gonna rock!! :p

i wouldn't throw into tight coverage against us if i were you. aj hawk has made some absolutely incredible picks. if he wasn't one of the best lb's ive ever seen id demand he see time at te. carp has great hands, and ay and salley will both make you pay for throwing foolish balls.
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i wouldn't throw into tight coverage against us if i were you.
I thank God every night that XRay isn't our quarterback. Unless "you" was intended towards Vince on the off chance he was cruising the boards :biggrin: . But this "our talent is so much better than yours" thing is getting old. You've got a great defense, so do we. Vince will probably make some bad throws but I guarantee he'll also make some good ones.
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Hey cfabuckeye,

Please post on all the Buckeye webboards, I don't want to sign up for them all or someone will think I want you guys to win or something. I've posted on all the UT ones I know about. It's at 91 and counting.
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Chalumpa said:
I thank God every night that XRay isn't our quarterback. Unless "you" was intended towards Vince on the off chance he was cruising the boards :biggrin: . But this "our talent is so much better than yours" thing is getting old. You've got a great defense, so do we. Vince will probably make some bad throws but I guarantee he'll also make some good ones.
ive seen vy play and was secretly hoping xray was going to take his place for the game :wink:. can't fault a guy for dreaming right? couldn't agree more with the talent comment. the matchups in this game will be amazing. the matchups within matchups alone come with more drama and basis for arguements than most games.
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the matchups in this game will be amazing. the matchups within matchups alone come with more drama and basis for arguements than most games.
I couldn't agree more. I can't wait to see how our O-line stacks up against your D-line/LB's and I can't wait to see all aspects of how our defense stacks up against your offense. Although I'm not looking forward to how we fair against your kickoff/punt return units. God I hope we figure that out before the season starts.
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Chalumpa said:
I couldn't agree more. I can't wait to see how our O-line stacks up against your D-line/LB's and I can't wait to see all aspects of how our defense stacks up against your offense. Although I'm not looking forward to how we fair against your kickoff/punt return units. God I hope we figure that out before the season starts.
I have not heard good things about our special teams. This part of the game REALLY SCARES ME. I believe that we can more than hold our own on defense and that our offense will be able to hold onto the ball and have a couple of sustained drives, but ST had better get their shit together or we are going to lose. The only good report that I have heard is that our Kick offs are going deeper than last year and consistantly ending up deep or in the endzone. Our freshman punter(kid from Cinco Ranch) has apparently been inconsistant but shown flashes of greatness. I wouldn't be suprised if he shanked one in the osu game. At the same time I wouldn't be suprised if he consistantly boomed 50 yarders. Other than that we sound very shakey.
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jwinslow said:
1) There's a reason nobody is taught to throw sidearm passes...
2) From what I've seen, Vince throws a lot of passes where the WR is well-covered. You better hope he understands that he's not playing against many of the paltry big12 defenses on the 10th. Youboty, Everett and our LBers will eat passes like that alive.
Vince's throws have been on the money in spring and practice. I know you can just shoot back w/ "Yea, its practice." But, its a lot better than last fall camp. He hasn' made poor decisions and the receivers are running fluid routes and catching the balls. Keep in mind, they are lining up against our defense, pressure comeing from our stellar defensive line and solid defensive backs.

Also, we have been working on spreading the offense out more, throwin the FB in the slot, etc. I think tOSU is in for a suprise if you guys work on stuffing the run and stacking the box in the off-season while neglecting to prepare for a spread offense and balanced pass attack.

This game can't get here enough.
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martinss01 said:
excellent! so 3 funmbles and 2 picks minimum in this game! this is gonna rock!! :p

i wouldn't throw into tight coverage against us if i were you. aj hawk has made some absolutely incredible picks. if he wasn't one of the best lb's ive ever seen id demand he see time at te. carp has great hands, and ay and salley will both make you pay for throwing foolish balls.
You're missing the point. He has the confidence in his passing ability and placement and more importantly on his receivers to make the grab. Its not like he's FORCING the ball, but rather making accurate money throws to a guy who isn't 5 strides wide open.
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I can promise you brilliant gameday coaches like Tressel and co will be well-prepared for any look you throw at us.

If VY is able to have success against your defense, why won't we have the same with the best WR on the 10th - holmes, and the most dangerous - Ginn...?
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Whatever, dude. It'll be hard for Young to throw when he's flat on his ass...
Interview with Greg Davis

Q: Can you give an example of some of the little things that you didn't see last year that you are seeing this year?

A: Without getting extremely technical, our defense today - we were in the zone-read and our defense had a blitz designed to stop it. He saw the tip of the design and instead of handing the ball off or pulling the pull, he raised up and threw the ball to Limas (Sweed). From a run play that was called in the huddle, he indicated to Limas what he wanted and raised up and threw the ball, and succeeded. He would not have done that last year. You can't underestimate confidence and when a guy has played and knows what to

jwinslow said:
I can promise you brilliant gameday coaches like Tressel and co will be well-prepared for any look you throw at us.

If VY is able to have success against your defense, why won't we have the same with the best WR on the 10th - holmes, and the most dangerous - Ginn...?
Those guys are dangerous. No doubt.

BTW, Winslow, good point.
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hookemhorns2004 said:
Vince's throws have been on the money in spring and practice. I know you can just shoot back w/ "Yea, its practice." But, its a lot better than last fall camp. He hasn' made poor decisions and the receivers are running fluid routes and catching the balls. Keep in mind, they are lining up against our defense, pressure comeing from our stellar defensive line and solid defensive backs.

Also, we have been working on spreading the offense out more, throwin the FB in the slot, etc. I think tOSU is in for a suprise if you guys work on stuffing the run and stacking the box in the off-season while neglecting to prepare for a spread offense and balanced pass attack.

This game can't get here enough.
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hookemhorns2004 said:
Vince's throws have been on the money in spring and practice. I know you can just shoot back w/ "Yea, its practice." But, its a lot better than last fall camp. He hasn' made poor decisions and the receivers are running fluid routes and catching the balls. Keep in mind, they are lining up against our defense, pressure comeing from our stellar defensive line and solid defensive backs.

Also, we have been working on spreading the offense out more, throwin the FB in the slot, etc. I think tOSU is in for a suprise if you guys work on stuffing the run and stacking the box in the off-season while neglecting to prepare for a spread offense and balanced pass attack.

This game can't get here enough.
Yeah, it's practice.:)
I'm sure his comfort level on the UT practice field will be comparable to his comfort level in front of 100,000 Buckeye fans 1200 miles from home.

Please don't put the fullback in the slot. How on earth will we cover that :confused: ?
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jwinslow said:
Thanks for the update. Not surprising that your lines are excelling. Very surprising that Young is struggling like that. I expected there to be some growing pains, but his videos made me a little worried.

As for your shifty runner, considering how rarely freshman studs at RB see the field, I would bet that Mack would not play him against us, at least not very much. Ramonce sounds like the guy as of your report.

Maurice Wells, Florida's all-time leading rusher, is apparently doing so well that he is pushing Pittman for the starting position. Wells was recruited by Conley (arguably the best recruiter in the business; not doing it anymore), who called him the best RB prospect he'd ever seen (and he's been recruiting the best for a long time).

Other than that, we have not heard anything out of our camps, as Tressel has an extremely tight lid on those closed practices... which is exactly how I like it (despite wanting to take pics & watch as a fan).
Latest I hear, Selvin will be the starter RB but will not field punts.

FindlayBucks said:
Yeah, it's practice.:)
I'm sure his comfort level on the UT practice field will be comparable to his comfort level in front of 100,000 Buckeye fans 1200 miles from home.

Please don't put the fullback in the slot. How on earth will we cover that :confused: ?
I agree, he will be just as comfortable. He always rises to the occasion, as you pointed out

(Don't worry, I know you were being sarcastic).
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