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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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I see that Ross lost four and Zwick was next with 3. 3 is the number Vince lost last year.

jwinslow said:
Very surprising that Young is struggling like that.
I did not mean to imply that Vince was struggling, to the contrary, he looks and is performing very well. His accuracy is much better and I expect that will lead to a significantly improved completion percentage. The only concern is that he sometimes sidearms a medium length pass and it winds up in the grass.
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Great work rj!!

So far 43 sigs. Keep them coming. This game must be seen in HD!

Request that this thread with links be posted on other Buckeye fan sites, probably should be posted on Texas boards as well. I'll copy it to BN if you'd like. Let me know.
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Yeah, Zwick wasn't a very good ballhandler last year. He didn't seem to have a very good sense for the rush, and if I recall correctly, didn't have a very good sense for the center-quarterback exchange either. :-/
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xrayrandy said:
I see that Ross lost four and Zwick was next with 3. 3 is the number Vince lost last year.

I did not mean to imply that Vince was struggling, to the contrary, he looks and is performing very well. His accuracy is much better and I expect that will lead to a significantly improved completion percentage. The only concern is that he sometimes sidearms a medium length pass and it winds up in the grass.
I see that Ross lost four and Zwick was next with 3. 3 is the number Vince lost last year.

That's it? Only 4 fumbles for Ross and 3 for Zwick? I could have sworn that they had at least 10 a piece.
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I don't mind Vince's sidearms on short throws as much as some people. First, it puts the ball in a place where the WR might have to dive for it but at least the defender has no chance to get to it. There were numerous completions like that last year, partcularly to Tony Jeffrey. As long as the WR adjusts to the ball, there is no way to defend that play, and I think Vince knows that when he throws it. Second, if you notice, a lot of those incompletions were on plays where the WR was well-covered and the play was not going anywhere anyways.

My only problem is Vince occasionally sails passes of 10-15 yards because of his arm strength. He has definitely improved in that area since his freshman year, however.
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jwinslow said:
You and your blasted similar named people (I meant Selvin).
He does look like he's lost a step, but since we are playing 1s against 1s and our rush defense looks like it will be much better than last year, it is hard to tell if the running backs are that bad, or the defense is just that good. We also don't run Vince much in practice, so the D can focus on the RBs more than our opponents will have to.
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Here's a crime. I can catch nearly every Navy game in season in HD. It never ceases to amaze me how great it looks. I've only caught a couple OSU games in HD over the last few seasons, one being a rainy loss to Wisconsin. :mad2:

I'm off to sign the petition, despite recognizing the futility of doing so.
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Hey Oh8ch,

Time Warner can not charge you for ABC HD as long as you are paying for the analog channel. They can charge you for the box needed to get to the HD channel. If you already subscribe to the digital channels and have a box you should be able to switch to the HD box (same price in Cincinnati) and pick up the local hd channels at no additional price.
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borna'horn said:
I don't mind Vince's sidearms on short throws as much as some people. First, it puts the ball in a place where the WR might have to dive for it but at least the defender has no chance to get to it. There were numerous completions like that last year, partcularly to Tony Jeffrey. As long as the WR adjusts to the ball, there is no way to defend that play, and I think Vince knows that when he throws it. Second, if you notice, a lot of those incompletions were on plays where the WR was well-covered and the play was not going anywhere anyways.
1) There's a reason nobody is taught to throw sidearm passes...
2) From what I've seen, Vince throws a lot of passes where the WR is well-covered. You better hope he understands that he's not playing against many of the paltry big12 defenses on the 10th. Youboty, Everett and our LBers will eat passes like that alive.
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