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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Steers and queers.

Advantage Texas.

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martinss01 said:
if this really were "smith's team to loose" he would be spending atleast 50% of his time with the starting o prepairing for the upcoming season. from what i have heard he is seeing significantly less time than that with the starters. this doesn't mean he should hang it up and look to transfer, but smith's future on o is currently not in his hands.
Iit seemed pretty likely coming out of the spring that it was still Smith's team... from rumblings from those who saw practice to the quotation by the QB coach.

If you're referring to the mcnair camp incident, Carpenter and Tressel have indicated that it wasn't the huge deal that the media and every buckeye board made it out to be.

Tressel said from the beginning that Smith would practice with the second team until his suspension was up. That was not a result of missing class.

If Zwick/Boeckman light it up, that would qualify as "someone proving otherwise", and I could very well see them maintaining the starting job. But until that happens, I think there is a lot more hype over Troy's misdeeds than what actually exists between him and the team/coaches. He's opened the door, but someone has to prove that they can perform at Troy's level. Zwick showed he can be solid and play thru injury, but I don't think that performance was enough to unseat Troy.
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I don't think this game will be that close either. Texas is polished and ready to go. Ohio State doesn't even know who their QB will be.

Didn't Zwick lead the Alamo Bowl thrashing of Okie State? I would think the staff would have enough confidence in him to give him the start against Texas.
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Well, you can have ABC-HD but that doesn't mean every show and game will be in HD all the time. Sports in general get screwed in the HD department because they need to have all the HD equipment at the location in order for the game to be in high definition.
College sports get screwed the most...only recently were games in HD, and of those, only bowl games/championship games.

ABC is the WORST when it comes to HD broadcasts as they only start broadcasting in HD after 8:00 PM, even if they HAVE the equipment on location (i.e. a game will be running from 6:00 to 9:00 and the HD switches on exactly at 8:00). And although ESPN-HD exists, SportsCenter is the only show always in high def. Some games will be in HD, but most of the time they aren't. CBS-HD is the best of all the broadcast networks. And TNT and Discovery Channel are the best in terms of cable networks, IMO.
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Didn't Zwick lead the Alamo Bowl thrashing of Okie State? I would think the staff would have enough confidence in him to give him the start against Texas.

And Smith led the relative thrashing of Michigan - something polished Texas was unable to do.

This will be a shoot out between two good teams. Trying to make the case that a team who won consistently down the stretch on the backs of talent outside of the quarterback position will somehow struggle with that same talent and another year of experience is weak.

Of course, if we had Vince Young we might also try to argue that QB was the only position on the field. It isn't. And trying to sell that to fans of a team that won an NC behind Craig Krenzel doesn't fly.

BTW, how many yards are you expecting out of Cedric Benson?
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That way all of us who definitely want to vote will know to click on this thread... SIMV and I definitely want his recorder at home to be grabbing HD stuff, not regular.
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jwinslow said:
Texas fans, what position did Quan play to warrant this quote by Brown?
"Quan Cosby will improve every day because he's a 22-year old that's never played receiver," head coach Mack Brown said, "and he hasn't played football for four years."
Actually he played QB, S and returned kicks and was all state at all three postion for two years. He is the only player in Texas history to make all state at three positions the same year. Like a lot of freshman QBs turn WRs, he is struggling a little picking up the position. He was also a little heavy coming in over the summer and is playing his way into shape.

He did rush for 3500 yards and 49 TDs as a Jr and Sr, which is probably why the previous poster said he was a RB. If you want to see his full bio you can go to this link http://hornfans.com/recruiting/rpongett/2001/01commits.shtml and scroll down. It also has some fifth year seniors highschool bios.

I have no idea how much he will be able to contribute in the our game, since it is so early in the season.
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