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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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kippy1040 said:
DirecTV has a package for ESPNgameplan for $99.00. The offfer is up on 09/02.

Here in Southeast Wisconsin, Time Warner is offering the same package for an early bird special of $99.00. If you happen to order the package after 9/03, then i think that price bumps up to $129.

I currently have the HD package and catching games in HD are absolutely incredible... As stated before though, ABC is extremely reluctant to broadcast their games in HD which makes watching buckeye football in HD more of a pipedream than a reality.

The only games which will be consistently shown on HD are the Thursday and Saturday night games on ESPN and ESPN2. This means that buckeye fans will be able to watch Oklahoma State/Florida Atlantic and Pittsburg/Ohio games in HD during Texas week, but will be stuck watching the buckeye/tejas game in shitty arse SD just because ABC is too cheap to have their best games broadcasted in HD.

As of right now, the only buckeye games which will offically be shown in HD is the Saturday night game @PSU so you can see why many buckeye fans with HD are pissed at ABC for refusing to show their games in HD.

kippy1040 said:
But doubt if OhioState / Texas is in that package since it will be
telecast on ABC

The way that ESPN Gameplan works is that it will show ALL ABC weekly games ONLY if that game is NOT available in your regional area... For example, ESPN gameplan will not show the OSU vs Miami (OH) game in ohio(because it is on the local ABC affiliate) but Gameplan will show that game in other areas where ABC is showing a different regional game.

Also, if anybody has any other questions regarding college football games in HD, click the following link which i have found to be the most thorough and update online resource for listing football games in HD. Hope this helps...

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If that's supposed to be Vince carrying a loaf of bread, shouldn't you have found a picture that represents a player carrying the ball "like a loaf of bread"? He's carrying that loaf quite securely. Or maybe my eyes are bad and that's not supposed to be bread.
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More Texas Practice Reports from Thursday and Friday.

They put on pads on Friday, so they started hitting a little more but not much. The defense is coming together. Okam is still running first team at nose tackle ahead of Dibbles, and looks great, as does Wright. The starting DEs are also looking good. The first team lines going against each other is pretty much a stalemate so far as they are equally matched. A couple true freshman Miller (DT) and Lewis (DE) continue to be impressive and should add depth on the DL.

At linebacker they had Killebrew at WLB and they rotated Bobino and Kelson at SLB. Bobino was lightly regarded coming out of high school because he is only about 5-9 1/2, but he has had little trouble beating out 4 star guys. He plays with a lot of energy and is a very good tackler. He was also practicing returning kickoffs, so as you can imagine he is pretty fast for a LB. Kelson is a converted safety who is a big run stopper, who gives us a base nickel look when he is in. Kill (as he is called) is a very talented linebacker who struggled with consistency in the past, but looks better now. It looks like these three will be our OLB rotation, with Bobino working both sides.

At DB Aaron Ross and Tarel Brown, both JRs, are still in hot competition for Brown's old corner spot. They both look excellent in press coverage, and have made numerous breakups and a few pics. I think Brown looks better, but some other think Ross. I actually think they have both surpassed Cedric Griffin who is supposed to be our lockdown corner. Cedric always has tight coverage, but is often not close enough to break up a perfectly located pass. Huff (SS) and Michael Griffin (FS) have both looked good, controlling their areas in zone coverage and man. Michael has been beaten deep a couple times for TDs, but is generally OK in coverage. Just as a bit of backgraound we play four CBs in the defensive backfield, a neccessity brought on by having to face Tech every year. The backup safeties Bobby Tatum and Marcus Griffin, both Sophs, have not looked as sharp, but should be OK backups. Marcus had an INT Thursday, but also got beat badly on a couple medium crossing patterns. Tatum has been a little more consistent.

The OL is already in early season form, since they arrived in great condition and have a full years experience working together. Their adjustments to stunts and chosing double teams is virtually automatic. While the center Sendlein didn't start last year he played about 50% of the time, including the most critical parts of games like the 4th quarter of the Rose Bowl, so he isn't really new. With three backups back from last year, the backup line is also solid and playing well as a unit. Don't be surprised to see the entire line substituted at times.

RB is still a big question mark for us. Selvin Young would sometimes look like a fullback speedwise. He seems to have lost a step from gaining so much weight the past two years. He is effective running and receiving, but I don't know how productive he will be against a good defense. They keep trying to use Ramonce in plays that aren't in our base offense in order to get him outside more and our defense generally shuts them down. He looks OK when he gets a regular handoff and has made a couple big plays up the middle. The biggest surprise has been the true Freshman Wilkerson. He is like a jittterbug weaving his way through the line of schimmage, usually untouched. He is only 175, so he won't be a feature back, but may be a change of pace guy who might play. Another true Freshman Henry Melton is a 270 pounder playing tailback who is a big bruiser and much quicker than you would expect. He has had a couple big runs, but I don't know if the coaches will us him at RB this year, or move him someplace else. The other Freshman back Charles finally got the OK from the clearinghouse, but had not done anything yet.

Vince has looked very sharp passing. His passes are on target about 80% of the time during 7 on 7 and 11 on 11 drills. He still side or 3/4 arms most of the short and medium routs, but the short passes are accurate and get there quickly. He uses a better motion on is longer passes, 30+ yards out, and they are very accurate and well thrown. The team is still working on a lot of 20+ yard routes in an attempt to stretch the field more. The primary backup Nordgren has been sharp at times and shaky at times. He doesn't have as strong an arm as Vince, but he has a better delivery. He has also been intercepted about 3 times as much a Vince.

At wide receiver you probably heard that Shipley went down with a hamstring injury. He walked of the field without limpng too badly, so I expect he will be back at practice in a week or so. A lot of the other receivers are looking very good. On a couple plays Sweed (who wears #4) gave me flashbacks of Roy Williams. He is running good routes, getting open and making catches. His backups at SE Hardy and Gatewood have also been playing exceptionally well. At flanker Billy Pittman continues to get behind CBs pretty much at will, and Jones and Carter have looked solid. We certainly have good quality depth at WR now, The questions will be if any of the guys emerge as real stars.

They ran kickoff drills on Thursday. McGee who is are kickoff guy and was playing hurt the last 4 or 5 games of last season is healthy and his distance has improved. He was kicking with good hang time to within +/- 2 yards of the goal line. Gerland (FR) kicks it 3-5 yards deep but with less hang time. Our coaches tend to favor hang time, so I expect they will go with McGee. They were also running a series of drills to sort out which players perform better in kick coverage situations. The kick coverage team will no doubt continue to get special attention.

They also ran similar drills with the Punt unit on Friday with the starting DBs getting the most action at gunner. Younger guys like Quan Cosby and Wilkerson are getting serious looks at returner, along with Ramonce and Selvin. Shipley looked real good at PR catching everything even the real short kicks, but with his injury situation, you probably won't see him there.

You probably also heard that our practices are closed now, so I won't have another report until after our Fan Appreciation Day next Saturday.
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Thanks for the update. Not surprising that your lines are excelling. Very surprising that Young is struggling like that. I expected there to be some growing pains, but his videos made me a little worried.

As for your shifty runner, considering how rarely freshman studs at RB see the field, I would bet that Mack would not play him against us, at least not very much. Ramonce sounds like the guy as of your report.

Maurice Wells, Florida's all-time leading rusher, is apparently doing so well that he is pushing Pittman for the starting position. Wells was recruited by Conley (arguably the best recruiter in the business; not doing it anymore), who called him the best RB prospect he'd ever seen (and he's been recruiting the best for a long time).

Other than that, we have not heard anything out of our camps, as Tressel has an extremely tight lid on those closed practices... which is exactly how I like it (despite wanting to take pics & watch as a fan).
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jwinslow said:
Iit seemed pretty likely coming out of the spring that it was still Smith's team... from rumblings from those who saw practice to the quotation by the QB coach.
we're saying smith is "the guy" when A. he is getting the least amount of reps with the first teamers and B. is missing the first game of the season. outside of missing more than the first game, is there anyway he could have left the door for boeckman and zwick more open than it currently is? i think its hard to say its smith's job to loose when he doesn't have the opportunity to loose it. its not like he has the chance to play badly against miami. for him to keep his job boeckman and zwick have to play below their ability on paper. granted our disagreement here is more semantics than anything else. i guess i just see smith's situation a little less of a "lock" than everyone else seems to.

If you're referring to the mcnair camp incident, Carpenter and Tressel have indicated that it wasn't the huge deal that the media and every buckeye board made it out to be.
not even a little. that was absolute and complete bs. apparently the ncaa needed to take a break from telling the native american's what offended them and ts was available.

If Zwick/Boeckman light it up, that would qualify as "someone proving otherwise", and I could very well see them maintaining the starting job. He's opened the door, but someone has to prove that they can perform at Troy's level. Zwick showed he can be solid and play thru injury, but I don't think that performance was enough to unseat Troy.
the "proving otherwise" isn't someone beating him out in practice or hoping he gets hurt. the "proving otherwise" involves almost a month with the first team and a game to do so. and there isn't just one guy with that shot, there are 2. like i said, i just see this race a little more wide open than most. and likely will until after the miami game. god i hate qb controversys.
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Chalumpa said:
If that's supposed to be Vince carrying a loaf of bread, shouldn't you have found a picture that represents a player carrying the ball "like a loaf of bread"? He's carrying that loaf quite securely. Or maybe my eyes are bad and that's not supposed to be bread.
i had a problem trying to find a picture of him just carrying the ball. i found one from the rosebowl of him holding it straight out.....but he was taunting. i figured that was unfair. if you have one of him holding it like a loaf of bread and you want to share, please let me know :biggrin:
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martinss01 said:
the "proving otherwise" isn't someone beating him out in practice or hoping he gets hurt. the "proving otherwise" involves almost a month with the first team and a game to do so. and there isn't just one guy with that shot, there are 2. like i said, i just see this race a little more wide open than most. and likely will until after the miami game. god i hate qb controversys.
Agreed. We're all on the same team here, even if we differ in our viewpoints of where Smith stands on the team.
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All you gotta do is watch that incredible 3rd TD by VY vs. scUM. He twirled around out of that sack. But when he did he held the ball far away from his body... all i would have taken was for the lineman out of his view to stick his arm up, and he would have twirled the palmed football right into the lineman's arm... probably resulting in a fumble.

He definitely seems to take risks with the ball. Maybe he's gotten better once he leaves the pocket, but he seems to take risks inside the pocket.
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He definitely seems to take risks with the ball. Maybe he's gotten better once he leaves the pocket, but he seems to take risks inside the pocket.
He does put the ball in precarious spots often while in the pocket but it doesn't worry me too much because he's got incredible presence on the field. He more than any quarterback I can remember watching (other than maybe Randall Cunningham) absolutely knows when pressure is coming. He tucks it away when it's dangerous but for the most part knows absolutely what he's doing with the ball.
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We only lost 7 fumbles last year with Vince holding the ball that way, so it will be interesting to see if defenses find a way to take advantage of his ball handling. Of course, some of our younger RBs could have problems too.

I am curious, In checking your stats I found that you lost 14 fumbles as a team last year. Was there a main culprite?
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