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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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A: Without getting extremely technical, our defense today - we were in the zone-read and our defense had a blitz designed to stop it. He saw the tip of the design and instead of handing the ball off or pulling the pull, he raised up and threw the ball to Limas (Sweed). From a run play that was called in the huddle, he indicated to Limas what he wanted and raised up and threw the ball, and succeeded. He would not have done that last year. You can't underestimate confidence and when a guy has played and knows what to

If he is doing this kind of stuff against opponents then I will be very happy. However, When you play against a certain defense every day it is much easier to pick up little cues and tips. I hope this is an example of him actually reading the defense rather than knowing the texas sceme.
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High Lonesome said:
If he is doing this kind of stuff against opponents then I will be very happy. However, When you play against a certain defense every day it is much easier to pick up little cues and tips. I hope this is an example of him actually reading the defense rather than knowing the texas sceme.

A very good--and objective--point.
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Adding fuel to the fire :cool:


Overall Defense ranked 24th
Rushing Defense ranked 15th
Passing Defense ranked 59th

Ohio St.

Overall Defense ranked 30th
Rushing Defense ranked 34th
Passing defense ranked 40th

tOSU passing D was ranked higher because they played shittier passing offenses…

Passing QBs Ohio St. faced…

Chad Henne
Drew Tate (they had the one of the worst rushing offenses #117 in college football)
John Stocco
Bryan Cupito

They faced three backups in Dowdell for MSU, Kirsch for Purdue, and Robinson for PSU.

Passing QBs Texas faced….

Heisman Winner Jason White (3 WRs get drafted in the first 3 rounds)
Reggie McNeal
Brad Smith
Matt Jones
Sonny Cumbie (Tech’s system offense has led the nation in passing three years in a row, and two years in total offense)
Chad Henne

Ohio St. DC is Jim Heacock. Who has been coaching the DL for the last 10 years.

Texas DC is Gene Chizik. He won the Frank Broyles Award for top assistant coach in the country, leading Aubrun to the best defense in the country while playing in the SEC (11.4 PPG).

Edge = Texas


High Lonesome said:
If he is doing this kind of stuff against opponents then I will be very happy. However, When you play against a certain defense every day it is much easier to pick up little cues and tips. I hope this is an example of him actually reading the defense rather than knowing the texas sceme.
Yea, I guess thats possible. But then again, Chizik has all new schemes, I don't know how familiar he is with them. But good point.
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Hey nothing like skewing the stats to leave out the facts you don't like... I'm gonna give you an actual list of the QBs the two teams faced.

How in the heck are you disregarding Tate b/c they had a crappy rushing attack? We got beat that day b/c of how talented he is at QB.[size=-1][/size]
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Passing QBs Texas faced….

Heisman Winner Jason White (3 WRs get drafted in the first 3 rounds)
Reggie McNeal
Brad Smith
Matt Jones
Sonny Cumbie (Tech’s system offense has led the nation in passing three years in a row, and two years in total offense)
Chad Henne

Hook'em, If you are going to make a point like this then please don't use matt jones and brad smith as examples of passing qbs. They are good college QB's but make VY look like the second comming of joe montana when it comes to passing.

also if you are looking to skew those stats then you should probablly mention that the passing defense was skewed because teams had to come from behind agianst us more often. Also teams found themselves unable to run the ball due to our dominant rush defense
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hookemhorns2004 said:
Passing QBs Texas faced….

Heisman Winner Jason White
Reggie McNeal
Brad Smith
Matt Jones
As you stated when you discounted Drew Tate, Jason White was the beneficiary of one of the best rushing attacks in the nation. Also, calling McNeal, Smith, or Matt Jones pure passing QBs is quite a stretch IMHO. McNeal is about the closest thing to a true passer....

But, whatever makes you feel better....
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In both games, they took it to you through the air AND had a better day on the ground.

QBs we both faced:
Henne vs. OSU: 27-54 328 yds 2 TD 2 INT
Henne vs. UT: 18-34 227 yds 4 TD 0 INT
Woods vs. OSU: 15-35 137 yds 0 TD 1 INT[size=-1]
Woods vs. UT: 12-18 224 yds 1 TD 1 NT[/size]
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jwinslow said:
In both games, they took it to you through the air AND had a better day on the ground.

QBs we both faced:
Henne vs. OSU: 27-54 328 yds 2 TD 2 INT
Henne vs. UT: 18-34 227 yds 4 TD 0 INT
Woods vs. OSU: 15-35 137 yds 0 TD 1 INT[size=-1]
Woods vs. UT: 12-18 224 yds 1 TD 1 NT[/size]
Winslow, I already talked about Okie Light's ground game about 30 pages back. They didn't have one against tOSU.
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You threw out the comment, and left out the parts that make you look bad. So I kindly returned this thread to reality. Its humorous that Okie Lite can be written off due to dissent in the ranks during the bowl game... and UM was just b/c they had good field position (why weren't they ever held to FG attempts then?)... but then when we mention a very valid reason for losing our games (replacing over half of our squads, and later facing purdue with second and third stringers at DB), its too hard of a pill to swallow for many texans.
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hookemhorns2004 said:
You're missing the point. He has the confidence in his passing ability and placement and more importantly on his receivers to make the grab. Its not like he's FORCING the ball, but rather making accurate money throws to a guy who isn't 5 strides wide open.
you have a qb that is known for his running not his throwing (not that he can't throw mind you, just that isn't his strongest suit), your wr's and tb's are all inexperienced and your telling me you have the utmost confidence in your guys vrs. our veteran (with the exception of everett) lineup threading the needle?

are you confident texas will be able to consistantly throw the ball against tOSU? not saying they can't, i don't think i know enough about the current state of your team to answer that question. im simply stating that i would be more willing to entertain the premise that your o line is going to dominate our d line than your qb and wr's are going to consistantly put it up against our back 4. or that your tb's are going to beat our lb's on pass plays.
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martinss01 said:
you have a qb that is known for his running not his throwing (not that he can't throw mind you, just that isn't his strongest suit), your wr's and tb's are all inexperienced and your telling me you have the utmost confidence in your guys vrs. our veteran (with the exception of everett) lineup threading the needle?

are you confident texas will be able to consistantly throw the ball against tOSU? not saying they can't, i don't think i know enough about the current state of your team to answer that question. im simply stating that i would be more willing to entertain the premise that your o line is going to dominate our d line than your qb and wr's are going to consistantly put it up against our back 4. or that your tb's are going to beat our lb's on pass plays.
I am VERY confident. The only thing I am worried about is our kicking game. Granted, that is a BIG question mark.

In all honesty, these times match up so well -- it is going to be a classic to remember. I think this game will be low scoring. I think both sides will commit at least 1 turnover, but I think the winner of the game will be the team that wins the TO margin. We'll have our big plays, you'll have yours. Both teams will probably have a "bend but don't break offense."

So is Huston yall's starter? How is he doing?
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