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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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hookemhorns2004 said:
So is Huston yall's starter? How is he doing?
He's been doing well for years, but we've had some guy named Nugent. He actually was ahead of nuge a few years back until he got injured. In the kick scrimmage he made 9 of 11, and kicked at least one beyond 50. He won't be the same, but Nugent felt he'd be an award winning kicker anywhere else in the nation.
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jwinslow said:
He's been doing well for years, but we've had some guy named Nugent. He actually was ahead of nuge a few years back until he got injured. In the kick scrimmage he made 9 of 11, and kicked at least one beyond 50. He won't be the same, but Nugent felt he'd be an award winning kicker anywhere else in the nation.
Nugent seems like some pretty big shoes to fill. Didn't know that he was the go-to guy before nugent. Looks like yall have the edge in the kicking game at this point.
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hookemhorns2004 said:
Nugent seems like some pretty big shoes to fill. Didn't know that he was the go-to guy before nugent. Looks like yall have the edge in the kicking game at this point.
Yeah he's been here longer than Tressel. He probably has about 18 majors by now :)
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High Lonesome said:
I have not heard good things about our special teams. This part of the game REALLY SCARES ME.
HL, there's an easy solution to avoiding numerous long kickoff returns. Don't score, and you'll only have to kickoff once! We'll try to help the 'Horns limit the number of times they must kickoff. :biggrin:
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Usually the visiting team brings its conference officials with them. They were B12 officials at the arkie game last year.

Before any of you Bucks start any conspiracy theories, they almost handed arkie the game last year. The Hog receiver trapped a ball that hit the turf a full yard short. It was a 30 yard pass on third down. In addition, these officials rarely give UT calls that could go either way.

And there is one official that is notoriously bad, at least during UT games. I forget his name, but it seems like every time he calls one of our games (he called the arkie game last year), there is always some big issue.

Oh, and y'all need to slow the hell down with the posts. I'm gone for 3 days and there's like 150 new posts.
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Bad calls (at least most of them) should be held in check by instant replay, right? The big 12 picked up IR for their conference games, so I can't imagine a good reason not to use it for this game.
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