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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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texfight, I've enjoyed your stuff. Wish Hawk would stop eating QBs alive so your invited ladies could make the trek up north.

are they this pathetic on oklahoma message boards also?
hey einstein, he was rolling his eyes, implying that you were the one who was looking pathetic.

Xray went a little nuts with his stats, but he didn't flame. Actually, I can't remember any texas fan that flamed on this thread (if they did, they didn't return again). We've had double digits of good texas posters... and a few overzealous ones.
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jwinslow said:
HL, I think Chizik will do quite well at UT. It remains to be seen how the squad will handle working under his system. Many talented DCs have switched schools and not had the same success. Many more have had lots of success. So it remains to be seen what will happen.

Obviously the guys who were saying Chizik was nothing are being foolish. That's like saying Dantonio was a freeloader riding on the coattails of our 2002 defense.
I just hope that he stays around longer than Robinson and Tomey. Its great how quickly another team snatched up our DCs whenever we finally replaced Reese. If only Mack would do the same with the Greg Davis. We can bring in one of the top defensive assitants in the nation, you would think that we could/would snag a good OC.
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High Lonesome said:
Your right we did lose and 1800 yard rusher but he was one out of 11 on that offense. He had a great line to help pave the way and a rushing qb to help deflect attention. the lose of cedric hurts no doubt but the overall talent and experience of the offense increases.
talent increase? that remains to be seen...

but please explain to me how losing a 4 year starter INCREASES experience...?
please explain to me how returning ZERO TD production from the WRs increases experience...?

What, you change your preferences to 17 replies per page or something weird?
15 posts per page for me... 10 PPP for you... i assume you're on page 204 now, correct?
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High Lonesome said:
I guess as long as we are doing this i should say something about northwestern or 11-1 rose bowl vs. 8-4 alamo bowl, or maybe i should bring up the ncaa violations. :roll1:

come with a real arguement

While I think you're being facetious with the Northwestern comment, other Texas fans haven't been. Our fiasco at Northwestern was in our fourth game of the year and on the road. Your first-half fiasco with Oklahoma State was in your ninth game of the year and at home.
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It's ok to repeat things, its just when you yourself repeat them many times, you set yourself up for trouble (since it was probably already discussed).

77, glad to hear it. We all love our buckeyes fiercely, I just am sticking up for the longhorns that have been pretty classy visitors.

We feel your pain about the DCs. We lost Dantonio in 02 (arguably the best in the nation), and another great one after 04 (Snyder). Unlike the Dantonio loss, I think we have a chance to be as good or better under Heacock. One big thing that bears repeating is that he'll be working from teh press box, which is a much more effective location IMO (Snyder insisted on being on the field). Also Snyder would stay back in a zone too often (Purdue 1st half, last drive), despite it being clear that our defense is more effective when set loose. I would expect that Heacock will bring a similar defense but not sit back and play it safe as often, given his background as a DL coach.
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the northwestern game for us is different than the ok st. game for texas

"It's ok to repeat things, its just when you yourself repeat them many times, you set yourself up for trouble (since it was probably already discussed).

77, glad to hear it. We all love our buckeyes fiercely, I just am sticking up for the longhorns that have been pretty classy visitors."

i agree most texas fans have been classy visitors, but it is hard to not occasionally not get carried away when talking about a game of this magnitude
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jwinslow said:
I would expect that Heacock will bring a similar defense but not sit back and play it safe as often, given his background as a DL coach.
What difference would his background as a DL coach make? Snyder coached LBs before becoming DC...a LB coach would surely want to cut it loose.

Hard to bring the house when you have a sweatervested roadblock in your way...
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what's the spread going to be on this game?

I am out for the night, hoping to see you all on page 217 tomorrow.

Hey lvbuckeye, why do you want Ohio State to travel back in time to the Rose Bowl and watch us kick the shi'ite out of scUM? Rose Bowl 2006 for me, would love to see you guys there. Can you say rematch?
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