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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Yes, kick returns only. I Didn't specify.

There is indeed a big disparity there in kick coverage. And in special teams in general. Obviously, ST's were not emphasized last year. They need improvement.

UT does not have the tradition at ST's that Tressel has. To put this in perspective, Victor Ike's second half kick return for a touchdown against Oregon in the Holiday Bowl a few years ago was the first for UT in something like 16 years. At the time, it was the second longest drought in the country.

Up until this year, Mack Brown had never offered a kicker a scholarship. The punters had typically been walk-ons as well. In this year's 2006 recruiting class, he got a scholarship a kicker. Late in the 2005 class, he offered and landed a scholarship punter. This, to me, signifies a change in his philosophy. He will start emphasizing ST's more. Especially with the performance at the end of the season.

With that said, I still think the Buckeyes have an advantage at ST's THIS YEAR. I've heard about your 6th year kicker (almost as good as Nuge?) and of course Ginn and Holmes as return men. Next year is a different story though, maybe. We'll see how it turns out.
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High Lonesome said:
damn i really can't spell
No shit, you've been driving me crazy with all your intelligent posts marred by 2nd grade spelling. Seriously though, you and all the other Texas fans on here (even xrayrandy is getting better) have been a nice addition. The 6 pages a day thing has got to go, though. You guys are killing me. Stop talking so much. What can you possibly have to say that takes 6 pages in one day. Let me break it down for you.
Texas is overrated, just like the whole Big 12. Vince Young can't pass, you don't have any wide receivers who can catch or run a route. You don't have a running back who can tie his shoes. You don't have anyone who can block our LB's. You don't have anyone who can cover our WR's, and you don't even play special teams- you just hand the ball over at your own 35. We're going to blow you out.

tOSU is overrated, and the Big 10 is slower than a check from the insurance company. We don't have a QB who can throw deep, a RB who can read a block (or get away from the cops), a single OL who can block my grandma, or a coach who knows how to open up the playbook. Our Dline is slow and weak (except that Kudla guy), our LB's aren't as fast as Teddy Lehman (damn that guy), and we won't even be fielding a 2nd corner- just leaving 10 guys out there. Texas is gonna blow us out.

Let's all have a beer and take a day off from this thread, so I can catch up on the others.:cheers:
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High Lonesome said:
no they [TD passes] were all to TE's and RB's i should have said > or = last years recieving corp.

IIRC you actually did have a WR with some touchdowns to his credit. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Toney Jeffery have 4 TDs, 3 of them coming on receptions. Sorry to be all over your WRs... :nerd: but that would mean they have to produce 4 TD's this year before they equal last years corp.

How did Jeffery fit into the offence last year, flanker? Were they younger guys on the roster phasing him out by the end of the season or what? At a glance he looks like a solid player but nothing special. He did have a lot of games under his belt though.
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Was that quote not refering to last years WR corp in total? It seemed to me like he was comparing last years with this years, must've misread it. My bad. Still interested in what if anything Jeffery brought to the table. *EDIT Actually now that I re-read my post it's kind of unclear. I knew he was gone, I was more or less wondering how his loss would affect the corp (if at all). I must proofread in the future...
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oooh weee... I can't wait...
I'm nervous, but I always am... I have complete faith that the coaching staff will come up with a killer gameplan... Every hyped up game so far, Tressel has deliverd remarkably well... V. Young? Yeah he's good, but if he wants to run it all day, then he's going to get pounded... And after he takes a few whacks, he won't be in the right frame of mind to pass efficiently (especially at night in the Shoe! HA)... He'll end up being one dimensional/and then its over...
A warm summer night, and a huge matchup... can't get much better than that... Tressel knows it... He knows its going to be the most watched game in the nation that day... They won't let us down...
I mean Tressel even said that he thought the offense was going to be explosive this year... How often do you hear that? I have a feeling they've been perfecting it... And ever since Tressel has been here, we seem to execute in the big early matchups very well... I think everything is in favor of the bucks for this one... its Penn State at their place at night I'm worried about....
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Good Morning! It was a long night for me trying to stay up and watch Roger Clemens dominate like the 40+ year old man that he is. I was wonderfully suprised to see the post of the thread was actually last night on page 139. Findlay bucks on post #2072 I tip my cap to you! that was truely funny.:bow: It put me in such a good mood that I don't even feel the need to respond to jking, trust me that takes a lot. Since we last crossed paths I have learned a couple of things. Non of which have to do with this game. The first is that Palmiero is the spokesman for Viagra for a reason other than money, he must also be a client.:wink: The second is that the Dallas Cowboys are the only team in the NFL that would be happy to see Drew Bledsoe in camp and site his mobility as one of the reasons.:crazy: Third, I hate truck drivers. Apologies to any of you out there, but you never do what you say you will and to top it off you always manage to fuck up traffic. Finally I have also come to the conclusion that water skiing is better than snow skiing. I can do it year round. When its cold i just wear a wet suit and that makes me even cooler! Wet suits make you look like you are from Laguna beach and lets face it, we all wish that we were from california! :2004:
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Some key quotes from the dispatch today:
"Vincent Young is the finest athlete I’ve ever been on the field with as a quarterback," Carr said.

But the Wolverines did not dismiss the Buckeyes by any means. Breaston noted Ohio State’s "very, very talented defense," singling out linebacker A.J. Hawk, cornerback Ashton Youboty and safety Nate Salley.

Massey called the teams’ offensive lines similar.

"They’re both very physical," Massey said.

Carr noted that Texas has lost star running back Cedric Benson to the NFL, which may make a big difference.

"The reason they were so difficult to defend was because (of) Benson," Carr said. "We honestly felt like we had to stop him first. They’re not going to have Benson, so they’re a different team."
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