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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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osugrad21 said:
What difference would his background as a DL coach make? Snyder coached LBs before becoming DC...a LB coach would surely want to cut it loose.

Hard to bring the house when you have a sweatervested roadblock in your way...
Perhaps youre right... I'd love to know who decided to put training wheels on our defense in the first half against purdue... leading to 21 points. Our backups dominated in the second half, until the training wheels were put back on for the final drive and we had to return to that awful awful zone.

Grad, do you expect the same sort of defensive approach?

If indeed JT is the reason, that would be upsetting. I can deal with Tresselball on offense, given the right personnel (good RB, solid QB, clutch WRs) it works.

Here's somethign worth exploring IMO: Kansas.

Their defense is better than many of the other teams you punked, but I doubt their personnel compares to ours. It was on the road IIRC, so that changes things some.

The OU/Missouri games were written off as a different offensive strategy, one where they pigeon-holed VY as a pocket passer.

What is the explanation for the Kansas game?

I guess it is just what us OSU fans expect could happen in our game. We have the talent, skill and defensive scheming to control VY much like Kansas did. And we have far more offensive firepower.
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lvbuckeye said:
talent increase? that remains to be seen...

but please explain to me how losing a 4 year starter INCREASES experience...?
please explain to me how returning ZERO TD production from the WRs increases experience...?
Ok here goes, first we have to allow a couple of assumptions, they are however reasonable.

1) we must assume that returning players will get better not worse
2) we must assume that a group of receivers cannot score negative touchdowns
3) we must assume that age brings experience

with that stated and accepted, lets give this a try

1) the texas offense will return 9 of 11 starters. Our starting Center and starting Running back must be replaced. Since 9 > (.5) X 11 then that means that over half of our offense is returning. Going back to our previous assumptions we are within our bounds to assume a net gain in tallent and experience on the offense as a whole.

2) Since a group of receivers cannot score negative touchdowns then we are right to assume that our receiving corp will score more than 0 touchdowns. Once again we have an increase.

3) The loss of our starting center is only a mild sting as the man replacing him received much playing time last year. Using assumptions #1 and 3 we are resonable to assume that the new starter will be better than he was last year and an adiquate replacement for the outgoing starter.

4) The loss of Cedric Benson Hurts but we do have a smorgasboard of players to chose from. They range from 5 year senior to incomming freshman and everything inbetween. Non of them will be cedric but they all will be the benefactors of an offense that has improved.
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I see VY making things happen with his feet, doing ok in the passing game, and your WRs showing flashes of talent and of their inexperience. I see your RBs doing ok but not great.

I see TS making some plays (not as many as VY) with his feet, doing well enough in the passing game, and our WRs confirming their ability. I see our RBs struggle with consistency, but having just over half a dozen good runs.
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jwinslow said:
I see VY making things happen with his feet, doing ok in the passing game, and your WRs showing flashes of talent and of their inexperience. I see your RBs doing ok but not great.

I see TS making some plays (not as many as VY) with his feet, doing well enough in the passing game, and our WRs confirming their ability. I see our RBs struggle with consistency, but having just over half a dozen good runs.

I agree 100% (depending on your definition of a good run) and that is why i am predicting a score of 20-17 and i don't know who wins
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The Kansas game was a "landmine" game. Most good teams have one a year, always a road game against a seemingly outmatched opponent. They're always conference games as well.

OU had them at OSU lite and at A&M.
USC had them at Stanford, at UCLA, at Oregon St
Auburn had one at Alabama.
Virginia Tech had one at NCSt.
I will not mention tOSU's

The offense was there. 600 yards worth. We moved between the 20's well. Stalled in the red zone.

Robinson, for some reason, decided not to blitz. Just sat back in a loose zone all day. Sounds like y'all aren't a fan of that philosophy either.

The biggest factor, however, was special teams. If y'all thought we looked bad against Michigan, that ain't shit compared to how awful we were against Kansas. They had a bunch of good returns and we couldn't return a kickoff past the 14 yard line to save our lives. Punt returns were equally as bad.

Throw a -2 turnover differential in there with the above and you have yourself a probable upset.
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High Lonesome said:
2) Since a group of receivers cannot score negative touchdowns then we are right to assume that our receiving corp will score more than 0 touchdowns. Once again we have an increase.

Holy shit! You mean all of Young's TD passes last year were to the RBs or himself?! :roll1:

The only way your WR corps can improve on last year's corps is if they catch more TDs than last year's corps did. Young threw 11 TD passes last year...it doesn't matter that he threw none of them to the incoming WRs. I know you can't mean that if Young throws one single TD pass this year that it's an improvement over last year simply because the new corps has one more TD reception than they did last year.
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the way i see it, Ginn/Holmes score two TD's on big plays, don't know if it will be on st or O. VY scores 1 TD running and 1TD passing to david thomas. whoever can get into possision to score the extra FG wins. Just my oppinion

MililaniBuckeye said:
Holy shit! You mean all of Young's TD passes last year were to the RBs or himself?! :roll1:

The only way your WR corps can improve on last year's corps is if they catch more TDs than last year's corps did. Young threw 11 TD passes last year...it doesn't matter that he threw none of them to the incoming WRs. I know you can't mean that if Young throws one single TD pass this year that it's an improvement over last year simply because the new corps has one more TD reception than they did last year.
no they were all to TE's and RB's i should have said > or = last years recieving corp. Tight Ends were excluded for the sake of my example and included with the linemen. I was speak purely for the wide receiver possision. if 1 wide reciever catches a touchdown then as a group they have improved. The only thing vince has to do with this is that he will presumabley/hopefully be the one throwing it. If young throws only 1 TD pass next year then we are fucked but maybe not since assumptions 1 and 3 apply to him :wink2:
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EngineerHorn said:
The biggest factor, however, was special teams. If y'all thought we looked bad against Michigan, that ain't shit compared to how awful we were against Kansas. They had a bunch of good returns and we couldn't return a kickoff past the 14 yard line to save our lives. Punt returns were equally as bad.
Did you mean your punt coverage was bad also, or just your punt returns?

I've read enough from longhorns here and on HornFans to determine that kick coverage was not a one time problem occuring in the RB.

I did not know about the kansas game... that only boosts my confidence of what Ginn can do to them. The biggest reason OSU's special teams are great every single year is Jim Tressel. He dedicates tons of practice to it, and commits some of his best athletes to coverage & blocking, not just returns.

It was JT's idea in the staff room to move Ginn back with Holmes. He knew that way they couldn't kick it away from Santonio, and the other would spring the returner with a big block (look at most of our 5 PR tds, a gunner was deflected by the non-returning deepman).

The biggest thing I see is that if Holmes gets the ball, Ginn can delay behind him and then sweep around the opposite way for a reverse. With how dangerous Ginn is, your D will inevitably freeze a little bit (at least at first)... which will give Holmes more room.

With how much trouble you had covering normal kickoffs, I think worrying about a reverse to Ginn could be deadly.
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Did you mean your punt coverage was bad also, or just your punt returns?

actually our punt coverage was good all year, Kick coverage was horrendous and our kick return game took a huge hit when selvin went down. With selvin back and taylor we should be ok in the return games. Kickoff coverage is a scarry proposision and has been made a priority
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I realize you've "addressed the issue" during the offseason, but just for the sake of smack talk, here are the ugly KR coverage games just from 2004.

Forgive us for being high and mighty (especially cuz of the importance JT has placed on ST... and buckeye fans have embraced it)...

but does Mack just think he can score enough points that he never has to address the problem? No wonder he got torn a new one by Breaston.

Heaggans, Greg 4 returns 92 yards 45 yds (longest)
Elliott,Prentis 2 60 46
Jones,Robert 3 81 53
Amendola, Danny 2 51 30
Andrews, Willie 3 52 27
Andray Downs 1 52 52
Marcus Rucker 1 30 30
N Texas
Moore,Kevin 2 49 34

Here are the worst OSU coverage stats for comparison (the stat paste got screwed up):

Kickoff returns
NW - 3 returns, 79 yards, 49 long
Wisc - 2 returns, 50 yards, 45 long
UM - 4 returns, 59 yards, 20 long
[size=-1][/size]Punt returns
NC St - 2 returns, 48 yds, 32 long
MSU - 4 returns, 45 yds, 32 long
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