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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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actually yes it has and it has been admitted that it is not an enviable task. It can be acomplished however. To start with we have to get great pressure on whomever is playing qb. this should be do-able. Second we have to play a zone and keep them infront of us because lets be honest, if any of them get a step and an accurate pass then it is 6. third we must be able to use our LB's to help on the shorter routes. this will not be easy and probably impossible for the durration of the game but hopefully we will score more points in the end. I feel that we have the stronger line play and that should enable us to control the clock and have greater success on long sustained drives. Limiting big plays should be priority #1 for texas

FREDDY T said:
I think you mean, smoking pot and studying yoga, trying to live up to Daddys name, and the summer job Mcnabb did not want
1)well yeah he is/was a pot head, but he still makes millions(even more millions than he owes)

2)wouldn't you try to be a superbowl mvp?

3)i wish my summer job was that cool
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i agree with you if they oklahoma state game against texas was at the end of the year, there arent many flukes at the end of the year, like i already said its a preview for things to come.

michigan also had better line play then ohio state at the end of last year, correct?
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High Lonesome said:
i can only hope your team takes this game as lightly
LOL... i'm not taking Texas lightly... i'm pretty sure that the Horn D will be excellent...you may think i'm underestimating the Horns, and i might very well be. but the fact remains that you lost an 1800 yard rusher, and don't have any proven WRs... yes, VY is a phenomenal athlete, but he ain't gonna get it done by himself... that's just a fact.
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First of all, if you have read any of my posts... you'll realize I have a lot of respect for most of the longhorn visitors (I'm getting used to xray:wink:, ray bring your practice updates on over, if only for discussion's sake)

Second, you'd also realize that I think OSU will win this game, for plenty of reasons. VY can pass, but his wideouts have to step up bigtime with little experience. Their D should be just fine, brutal against the run, and solid (but beatable) against the pass.

2002UNC, you are acting like a complete flamer. Calm down, stop repeating the exact same drivel over and over. Woods and Elliot would not start at Texas, OU, OSU, UM, or many other top schools.

77, you REALLY need to read at least a few of the pages in this thread. You're coming on here almost as violently as UNC and shouting these topics... most of which have been addressed. You're not looking much better than UNC.

You guys are claiming that longhorn fans are writing off our alamo bowl but using their own matchup against OkState as an example. I'm sure this is a difficult concept, but within the last 10 pages of this thread it has been well documented that the coaching staff was in shambles in the Alamo Bowl. Yes we still tore them a new one, but we played a team with at lot going on in the background.

Guess what? Most overly exciteable OSU fans like yourself write off the Rose Bowl as yet another time where a mobile QB tore into UM's sorry D... yet turn around and prop up Smith & OSU as the team to beat thanks to their matchup with UM.

The point is both teams had ugly games. Both fanbases write off the other's best performance for certain reasons, yet use their own matchup versus that team as their main evidence of supremacy for this matchup.
HL, I think Chizik will do quite well at UT. It remains to be seen how the squad will handle working under his system. Many talented DCs have switched schools and not had the same success. Many more have had lots of success. So it remains to be seen what will happen.

Obviously the guys who were saying Chizik was nothing are being foolish. That's like saying Dantonio was a freeloader riding on the coattails of our 2002 defense.
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lvbuckeye said:
LOL... i'm not taking Texas lightly... i'm pretty sure that the Horn D will be excellent...you may think i'm underestimating the Horns, and i might very well be. but the fact remains that you lost an 1800 yard rusher, and don't have any proven WRs... yes, VY is a phenomenal athlete, but he ain't gonna get it done by himself... that's just a fact.
Your right we did lose and 1800 yard rusher but he was one out of 11 on that offense. He had a great line to help pave the way and a rushing qb to help deflect attention. the lose of cedric hurts no doubt but the overall talent and experience of the offense increases.
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I hAve been joking around but lets get serious.

The biggest problem Texas has is its Head coach. He reminds me of A guy OSU fans will remember as Coach cooper "THE GUY WHO COULDNT WIN THE BIG GAME."
Every year Texas gets all kinds of hype and then they are forced to back it up on the field and they lose in the Cotton bowl

september 10th at 8:00 in columbus will be a a scary place for Texas fans. the stadium wont be 50/50 and the only longhorn on the field will be Ginns erection when he scores his 4th TD
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scarletngrey77 said:
are they this pathetic on oklahoma message boards also?

Dunno... Don't care... these guys have been pretty classy posters for the last 6 months or so... more than I can say for you.

FREDDY T said:
I hAve been joking around but lets get serious.

The biggest problem Texas has is its Head coach. He reminds me of A guy OSU fans will remember as Coach cooper "THE GUY WHO COULDNT WIN THE BIG GAME."
Every year Texas gets all kinds of hype and then they are forced to back it up on the field and they lose in the Cotton bowl

september 10th at 8:00 in columbus will be a a scary place for Texas fans. the stadium wont be 50/50 and the only longhorn on the field will be Ginns erection when he scores his 4th TD

Boy... they've never heard that before. :!
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your right, my bad, it isnt like uve called them pathetic or anything

im tired of everyone being an ass about talking about things that have already been discussed, this damn thread is 140 pages long, good luck finding anything that hasnt been discussed.
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