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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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scarletngrey77 said:
christ almighty im ready to vomit, you guys might be worse than michigan fans

we beat the hell out of ok st., so your gonna come over here and bitch about how they arent a good team? or "the cream of the crop of the big 12", you know what thats fine w/ me, then stop using it as an example of how well vince young can play

Come on now... lets not call them dirty names... I'm surprised my profanity filter didn't get that "M-Word". Be nice. :wink2:
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Well Texas fans there is one fact I do know about Okie St. They were good enough to hang 35 points on Texas and Oklahomas "great defenses" and only managed 7 on our second string.

You still haven't answered the question about Morence and the WR's at Okie St. I would also like to know names of DC's that you think wouldn't have been successful with the talent Auburn had last year on D.
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1) osu was the 5th best team in the big 12 south last year but they did have a great rushing offense
2) he said that he was going to watch the game, presumabley to form an opinion about ya'lls game
3) VY's performance in that game was great not because of his foe but because it was record breaking, including the highest single game completion percentage in texas history and the largest comeback in school history
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You still haven't answered the question about Morence and the WR's at Okie St. I would also like to know names of DC's that you think wouldn't have been successful with the talent Auburn had last year on D.

1) selvin young when healthy put up great numbers, the question with him is not talent its health
2) i think you know the situation with our receivers as it is well documented, David Thomas is as legit a threat at the TE posision as there is in the nation so i guess i'll say him
3) Carl Reese could have easily f'd up the AU situation last year. He did it with Sean rodgers, Casy Hampton, DJ, Corey Redding, Quinten Jammer, Rod Babers, DD Lewis, Nathan Vasher all of whom are now in the NFL and several are all pro's.

Now, you haven't answered my question, Would you have been mad if Chizik was brought up to ohio this year? Should we have hired someone with less qualifications?

This just seems silly
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3) VY's performance in that game was great not because of his foe but because it was record breaking, including the highest single game completion percentage in texas history and the largest comeback in school history

but it doesnt mean crap that ohio state destroyed them and physically dominated every single aspect of the game?
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2002UNC said:
They hung 35 points on you guys!!

You still have not answered the questions about Morency and the WR's.
Actually it is more impressive than just 35 points. It was points in one half!

They were also bad enough to allow us to erase that deficit and beat them by more than 2 TD's, While scorring 0 points in the second half

scarletngrey77 said:
3) VY's performance in that game was great not because of his foe but because it was record breaking, including the highest single game completion percentage in texas history and the largest comeback in school history

but it doesnt mean crap that ohio state destroyed them and physically dominated every single aspect of the game?
No, I thought that it said a lot, I was very impressed with your game. You really need to take a deep breath because if you look back...

he said that judging by the box score that you dismatled them and that he was going to watch the game so that he could see said dismantling for himself.
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77: go back and read some of the previous posts in this thread, and you will find out that even though we soundly spanked BOTH our mutual opponents last year, and by a much greater margin than the Horns, and even though the Horns lost the 6th greatest RB in the history of college football in terms of yards, and even though the Horns do not even have a WR who has caught ONE TD, and even though the Horns lost their best defender and AA Butkus Winner, they still have VY, and that's all that matters... :roll1:

bah... the more i think about it, the more i think that we are going to BLOW TEXAS OUT...
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I don't care where Chizik coaches...thats the truth. My point was that I'm not scared of Chizik. Anybody could have coached that Auburn defense. We have some good coaches at OSU you can have Chizk and we will keep Tressel.

Are you conceding that Morency is better than any RB Texas will field this year? Are you conceding that Dujuan Woods and Prentiss Hill are better than any Texas WR? My point is that Okie Sts has better skill players at those two positions that Texas does. Bejama may not be as good as the TE at Texas but hes was very good.

I still want to know if its a fluke that Okie St. hung 35 points on Okie and Texas. IMO Texas and Okie were overated last year.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Hard to catch the ball when to QBs don't get it to you.
thats the point. its not a question of "could he be" but rather, is he proven to be? ginn has all the tools, but that in and of itself guarantees nothing. imo what has held him back was a lack of familiarity and reps with the qb's. i personally believe that will change this season. but im not going to tell a texas fan that ginn "is" a deep threat because to date, he has not been.

scarletngrey77 said:
we beat the hell out of ok st., so your gonna come over here and bitch about how they arent a good team? or "the cream of the crop of the big 12", you know what thats fine w/ me, then stop using it as an example of how well vince young can play
i already tried that arguement. but i was informed that i needed to see rule #10 here:

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bah... the more i think about it, the more i think that we are going to BLOW TEXAS OUT...

i can only hope your team takes this game as lightly

I don't care where Chizik coaches...thats the truth. My point was that I'm not scared of Chizik. Anybody could have coached that Auburn defense. We have some good coaches at OSU you can have Chizk and we will keep Tressel.

When did anyone say that you should be scared of Chizik? We said that he was a great hire for us. You seem to be implying that somehow he is not. I would like to know if we should have gone and got someone less qualified or decorated or whatever you want to call it? Are we do demerit a guy because he helped to recruite a great defense? and how are you going to pull Tressel into this? Everyone knows that he is a great coach.

IV: I would say that what makes us confident is that both of our lines return intact, 9 of 11 defensive starters return, and yes we have Vince,
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You're really getting into this, 2002UNC. I admire your spirit. However, you might want to wipe the spittle forming at the corners of your mouth.

First, yes it was a fluke that Okie State hung 35 on a half against UT. Flukes, in my mind, are deviations from the norm. It is also a fluke that the EXACT same UT defense held Okie State without a first down for most of the second half.

Can I bring up tOSU's performance against Northwestern last year? I could, but it would be stupid. Why? Because one game last year against one opponent tells us exactly jack shit about how the team will do against another opponent this year. Does this sound familiar?

The guy had a loaded team in 2004...if hes so damned good why did they have 4-5 losses the year before. The answer is they were young in 2003 and matured in 2004...hmm kinda sounds like the Buckeyes this year.
Where to start. First, Auburn's defense WAS good in 2003. Their offense stunk up the joint, which is why Borges was brought in. Jason Campbell was brutal to watch in 2003, not so in 2004. That was the biggest difference.

Auburn lost two very good linebackers off that 2003 defense. Off the top of my head, one of them was Donterrius Thomas. I forgot the other guy. I'll look it up for you.

I have a question for Texas fans now that they have brought up Chizik. What defensive coordinator wouldn't have done well with Auburns defense last year? I could have coached those guys to a SEC title. Texas fans act like this guys magical wand gave the Auburn defense the ability to play
. ...............The coach might have played a small role in Auburns success but the more likely reason is talent.
So UT's defense should be pretty good either way, right? We have the talent. We have the coordinator. Yes, Auburn's defense had some very good indivdual players. However, there was no more talent on that defense than there will be on the 2005 UT defense.

Look, I'm not trying to argue here why Chizik's defense will shut down the Buckeyes. Just that he's a pretty good coordinator who will work with some pretty good talent.
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it amazes me that all the talk on this thread is about vince young, steve breaston made your special teams look like they were pee wee football players. and i think its safe to say that ginn is alot better than breaston. bringing up northwestern was a good arguement so ill agree and say that the ok st. game is a fluke, im not sure when it took place but the end of the season is a preview of the things to come, if this game was at the end of the season though then just forget everything i said. so lets compare the michigan game if we are going to compare any game.
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