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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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scarletngrey77 said:
it amazes me that all the talk on this thread is about vince young, steve breaston made your special teams look like they were pee wee football players. and i think its safe to say that ginn is alot better than breaston. bringing up northwestern was a good arguement so ill agree and say that the ok st. game is a fluke, im not sure when it took place but the end of the season is a preview of the things to come, if this game was at the end of the season though then just forget everything i said. so lets compare the michigan game if we are going to compare any game.
you are so far behind on this thead its funny
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scarletngrey77 said:
it amazes me that all the talk on this thread is about vince young, steve breaston made your special teams look like they were pee wee football players. and i think its safe to say that ginn is alot better than breaston. bringing up northwestern was a good arguement so ill agree and say that the ok st. game is a fluke, im not sure when it took place but the end of the season is a preview of the things to come, if this game was at the end of the season though then just forget everything i said. so lets compare the michigan game if we are going to compare any game.

The problem with Common Opponent comparisons is nearly worthless.... especially when Texas and Ohio State is 4-0 against the common Opponents.... Granted, we had a little easier time with them, but that's still Ohio State vs Ok St. and Texas vs Michigan... not Ohio State vs Texas.

Michigan beat a number of teams we lost to last year, IIRC... didn't help them any.
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really how is that?

i know special teams have already been brought up, but all this vince young bullshit has been going on for the whole thread, some experts have ginn ranked ahead of young for the heisman, why is all the talk about young meanwhile there is no talk of ginn who is probably the most explosive player in all of college football? asking this question doesnt mean im far behind in this thread.

freddy t that was a really good 1st post, keep it up
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How about not comparing any of the games between common opponents? It is lazy and an intellectual copout. Compare individual matchups between UT and Ohio State. After all, these are the two teams that are going to play each other.

If we go down enough games and teams, I can show you how the Citadel is better than Ohio State. Or that Slippery Rock is better than Miami. There's a website that actually does this for you.
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There, THAT is an excellent thing to talk about on a game thread.

And yes, it has been talked about. Every (reasonable) UT fan knows Ohio State has many weapons at receiver and that is your strength on offense. That trio will provide some problems for us, no doubt.
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So let me get this striaght...its a fluke when Okie St. puts up 35 points on the B12's two best teams. Give me a break. All I know is we shut them down. Looks like Texas and Okie's defense coincidently took the Okie St. game off:roll2: I guess its a fluke Michigan put 37 up on you guys!!! LMFAO you guys are pathetic.

Morency is better than any RB texas has got. Dujuan Woods and Prentis Hill are better WR's than Texas has. VY better have one hell of a game if Texas wants to stay in this game.
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