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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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MililaniBuckeye said:
xrayrandy: I'll tell you right now that Texas will be very lucky to get 200 yards rushing in The Shoe, including Young's rushes. Ohio State will force Young to throw, period. I seriously, seriously doubt that Texas cracks 20 points.
I honestly think Texas wins 17-14. Low scoring game. You guys need to worry about offense more than we do.

And that is with Ohio State missing the game tying field goal late in the 4th.
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hookemhorns2004 said:
I honestly think Texas wins 17-14. Low scoring game. You guys need to worry about offense more than we do.

And that is with Ohio State missing the game tying field goal late in the 4th.

And I have another $100 in real money that says Texas doesn't hold us to 14 points.

xrayrandy said:
I'll agree. If we could sign a contract saying you get 227 yards passing I would take it.

Uh, the bet was that Texas doesn't crack 30 points. I could give a shit if we get 227 yards passing or not. What, are you a stat addict? Why do you insist on including totally irrelevent stats in every single post?
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MililaniBuckeye said:
And I have another $100 in real money that says Texas doesn't hold us to 14 points.

Uh, the bet was that Texas doesn't crack 30 points. I could give a shit if we get 227 yards passing or not. What, are you a stat addict? Why do you insist on including totally irrelevent stats in every single post?
I am already going to put $ on Texas + the points. I live for CFB gambling. As for your prop bet, I will strongly consider taking it, but I'd be an idiot to take it now. Lets talk in late august, early september. too much can happen off the field between now and then. Especially with your team. Whats the latest news, like 5 guys are getting suspended for breaking team rules?

This is what I've heard. I hate to be the messenger of bad news, but there will be 5 players who won't play in the Miami or Texas games. The biggest name is Marcel Frost. Also, Andree Tyree is in the group. I am not for sure on the other 3 guys, but have heard that it could be Sian Cotton. I was told that none of the 5 are starters. The suspension is because of violation of team rules. Maybe the BSB staff could find out the names of the 5. I'm not trying to spread rumors and this news will come out eventually. If Sian is not involved with this group then I sincerely apologize. Just this past offseason on the heels of the Clarett and Troy Smith situation you've had about 5 players get suspended or leave the program due to some kind of trouble.

What kind of program is Tressel running anyway?
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Those players mentioned above are essentially non-factors. As far as the Clarett and Smith situations, Tressel doesn't sweep shit under the carpet like other head coaches do (not implying that Mack Brown himself does). If you read our Police/Legal Blotter thread, you'll see that many other teams have had worse problems that we have. Our problems just get publicized more often because we're a recent national champion and, as I mentioned a few seconds ago, Tressel doesn't hide shit. Besides, the Clarett ordeal is over two years old...

High Lonesome said:
i gotta honest, I am still a little confused where the contract for 227? passing yards came from. Also how was that number settled on

Statophile xrayrandy brought it up...don't ask me how it's relevent to my bet.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Those players mentioned above are essentially non-factors. As far as the Clarett and Smith situations, Tressel doesn't sweep shit under the carpet like other head coaches do (not implying that Mack Brown himself does). If you read our Police/Legal Blotter thread, you'll see that many other teams have had worse problems that we have. Our problems just get publicized more often because we're a recent national champion and, as I mentioned a few seconds ago, Tressel doesn't hide shit. Besides, the Clarett ordeal is over two years old...

Statophile xrayrandy brought it up...don't ask me how it's relevent to my bet.
Its still an off-the field distraction. This definately doesn't HELP at all, regardless of who it is.
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I think he ment the 5 people thing and the smith thing, the clarett thing should be out of everyones minds, i would hope.

by the way, I feel at this time the need to express the enjoyment out of the fact that this board feels the need to have an entire thread dedicated to police/legal blottor. It is sad that it is needed but has provided me with more than a few laughs
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