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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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"This is where we disagree a little bit, rushing is a key factor, but not the most important one. Turnovers will be the key to this game. Yes though, if UT doesn't turnover the ball and gets 4-5 yds a rush = game over. Time will tell."

Well rushing may not be your typical key to an ohio state win but agianst it has proven to be a perfect barometer against mack. He has a 60+ - 0 record when out rushing the opponent. So far it has been as simple as that.

"Ever hear of bend-but-don't-break? Yardage means squat if the defense keeps you out of the end zone. Actually, MSU scored 19 points, not 12. They had one good TD drive (15 plays, 86 yards) in the second quarter after we were up 17-0 and our DC backed off a bit...their first four drives of the game netted them a whole 14 yards on 13 plays. Their other two decent drives (56 and 67 yards) were held to FGs, and their other two FGs were the result of getting the ball near midfield on one possession and in our territory the other. This also was a road game."

While I completely agree with this statement, didn't I have to say the same thing to you a couple of pages back?
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gregorylee said:
You asked for it dude,

I would've been just as happy to say "Fuck you guys, tOSU is gonna kick your ass!". But you had to go and ask for stats and substance... :shake:

I was just jokin around dude. I read through it all. Good work getting all of that together.

MililaniBuckeye said:
No one is saying we'll stuff your running game, but aside from Vince Young we don't see much of a rushing threat now that Cedric Benson is gone.
Best Offensive line in the country, and you don't think we will a rushing threat. Ok.
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"Also one thing I disapprove with majorly is the statement about your DB who you said should've covered Braylond Edwards. Just because he has faced Roy Williams..."

I was talking about two diffrent players. Huff is our lock down corner, but played safety versus Michigan and most other teams. In the 100 meters at least he is faster than anyone on your team. I hope he goes against Ginn as that would tell us how fast Ginn really is. Huff is a 1st round prospect. Our other corner is Cediric Griffin, and he is the one who has made major improvement over the summer working against Roy Williams. (he was considered a 2nd rounder before that) He is also very fast. If you ever watch the Matt Jones highlight video bouncing around you can watch Cedric run him down. We have other NFL level talent at safety and corner, so if you think our DBs are a weakness then you are sadly mistaken.
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I don't think this offense is more dangerous than any team we've faced since 02' I honestly believe NC State/Iowa/and Purdue (when they were playing well) are all OVER ALL better than Texas. Now VY will be the most talented but we've ran into far better balanced teams than the one you're brining to Columbus.

Vince Young is a talent and so is Ginn and by no means is neither one a lock to Destroy the other team. I don't think what many of us have taken into perspective is that these two teams have been studying each other for the past 6 months. Since both Young/Ginn are extreamly fast its hard to gameplan for a certain formation in tape because you just can't simulate how fast these two are. However, I must say since Vince Young is always in close quarters with 7-9 buckeyes at all times he'll be easier to stop than Ginn who at most will be spotted by 2 or maybe 3. The reason I say VY has 9 to deal with is he has to get by the defensive line, after that he has to get by the linebackers, and if he manages to do that he has the safties. All in all this might give Ginn a better night at the ball park, and if he does that I think OSU has very very good odds of winning this game.

I don't think they're weak but also I thought once athletes got to college most DBs are fast anyways? Trust me no one in college football can touch ginn.... if you want to see how fast he is watch the Michigan State clip where he catches a slant pass and toasts the guy "chasing him" by 10 yards....

By the way that corner RUNS Track and ran a 4.3
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I wanted to take this a little further to include the defense a little, now that it isn't buttfreaking morning time with a glass of beer on the computer desk. :biggrin:
We all know how TOP can affect a D.

tOSU Opp Diff result

1. Cinci 33:21/ 26.39 6:42 W 27-6
2. Marshall 24:17/ 35:43 -11:26 W 24-21
3. NCSt 34:14/ 25:26 9:08 W 22-14
4. NWestrn 31:14/ 28:19 3:22 L 27-33
5. Wisc 23:31/ 36:29 -12:58 L 13-24
6. Iowa 26:02/ 33:58 -7:56 L 7-33
7. Indiana 30:38/ 29:22 1:16 W 30-7
8. Penn St 27:16/ 32:44 -5:28 W 21-10
9. Mich St 30:07/ 29:53 0:14 W 32-19

10. PU 24:14/ 35:46 -11:32 L 17-24
11. scUM 34:16/ 25:44 8:32 W 37-21
12. OKSt 34:51/ 25:09 9:42 W 33-7

As you can see we started to get a little offensive consistency after the PU game. Some of this is due to a serviceable rushing attack emerging in the form of a 2 FB system utilizing Brandon Joe at the TB spot and Dionte Johnson taking over at FB (Son of Pepper Johnson -- I used to love to watch his dad play). Now, B. Joe was a Sr last year so he won't be here this year, but I (as do most) Feel that Pittman was our best true TB last yr (Haw was redshirting) but the combo of Pittman/Haw is better than butterfinger...err, I mean Lydell Ross (he played hard, but it is a shame that "stickem" isn't still legal). If Troy Smith will be available that will add another dimension to the rushing game (we'll have to wait and see on that one).
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bukIpower said:
Just because he has faced Roy Williams in the offseason doesn't mean it'll prepare him to go against "the fastest in Division 1A football" Ted Ginn/Holmes/Gonzo/Dukes/Hall/Lyons.
Ask some NFL DB's and see if they disagree that Working with Roy, will help your cover skills.

I'm also sure we have a couple players on our roster with comparable speed, to prepare for "the fastest in Division 1A".
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IF the bucks lose this game, how do you think that it would happen. I tend to believe that Texas only loses if it comes down to special teams. Unfortunatly I am about 75% certain that it will. I guess what I am asking is, How does the game need to be played in order for Texas to win?
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High Lonesome said:
IF the bucks lose this game, how do you think that it would happen. I tend to believe that Texas only loses if it comes down to special teams. Unfortunatly I am about 75% certain that it will. I guess what I am asking is, How does the game need to be played in order for Texas to win?

Honestly I feel that UT will need to get a couple of turnovers adn convert them to TD's as well as not turning it over themselves. The other thing is that they need to contain TG on punts, he can change a game in a hurry that way.
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here is another interesting question. Given a choice, would you rather have a healthy Roy Williams(not evil roy) or a healthy Ted Ginn Jr. on your team? I'm sure this will split down partasin lines but there is no disputing that they are both great players that change the game from the same possition.

gregorylee said:
Honestly I feel that UT will need to get a couple of turnovers adn convert them to TD's as well as not turning it over themselves. The other thing is that they need to contain TG on punts, he can change a game in a hurry that way.
I completely agree about the punt coverage(see special teams comment) but I think that holding you to 3 and outs will be just as good as turnovers.
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High Lonesome said:
here is another interesting question. Given a choice, would you rather have a healthy Roy Williams(not evil roy) or a healthy Ted Ginn Jr. on your team? I'm sure this will split down partasin lines but there is no disputing that they are both great players that change the game from the same possition.

TGII, I don't remember RW on ST with the impact that TGII had. I won't dispute that RW was the more polished WR though.
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yeah my question was really would you rather have the most dominating WR in the game or a Big play threat on offense and the most dominating ST player in the game. Keeping in mind that the first guy is plent capable of taking it to the house at any time as well. The NFL version would be TO vs. Dante Hall but that is not very fair since TG is a much better ncaa WR than Hall is a NFL WR.
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I don't see this game coming down to special teams at all. With both teams only allowing about 2 punt returns a game last year, and having pretty good punt coverage (UT 6.3 yds/ret, tOSU 7.3 yds/ret), there won't be many opportunities. Kick offs offer more opportunities, but the odds of breaking a big one are lower.

I do think that with two fairly conservative coaches that this game will be won on the lines of scrimmage and with the rushing game. Frankly I have to go with the team that averaged 299 yards last year rather than the one who average 145. That team also has the better lines.

No matter how I analyze this game it looks like UT outrushes tOSU by 100+ yards, and unless tOSU is +2 in turnovers or similarly big plays, I can't see UT losing.
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Again you are hung up on stats. Apparently there was another game besides teh Rose Bowl where you had trouble on special teams coverage.

How can you claim you are going to be just fine on PR coverage, when you got obliterated in your last game by a returner who is talented but still not Ginn-like?

Plus Tressel always puts his future stars at gunners on ST... whereas Mack reportedly assigns a lot of ST coverage (especially KR coverage) duties to walkons or backups.

There is a definite edge in special teams. Your kicking game struggled this spring apparently, whereas we look like we have a pretty solid replacement for Nuge (tho no one can fill his shoes). And we dedicate multiple days (in the limited spring session) just to special teams all day long, we even have a ST scrimmage. There is no comparison between the way JT and MB prepare for ST.

It's very possible you guys could do fine. But looking at the strengths of the Tressel ST units vs. Mack's occasional woes on ST, and you'll understand why we talk the way we do. Do you guys spend multiple schollies on kickers/punters?

Keep in mind that JT's special teams have always been very good, and now last year we've added two dynamic PR's... and Ginn will be on KR unlike last year (where we were using our solid but not flashy KR Hall).

Since you're hung up on stats, look at it this way.

Let's assume that VY is going to be similar to his RB performance, but that we aren't quite as stupid in our scheming and incapable of stopping VY. He gets 3 TDs on the ground and one more thru the air.

OSU should have similar firepower thru the air to Michigan, and should be able to beat Michigan's prowess on ST.

What makes you so cocky to suggest that the running game is all that will matter, when Michigan abandoned the running game for the most part, and nearly beat you despite a performance by VY which will not be equalled this time around?

VY may go nuts, but there's no way our safeties are gonna be 12 yards off of the line and our guys are going to miss 18,000 open field tackles.
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